Monday, June 17, 2019

Case study about UPS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Case study about UPS - Essay ExampleCompanies are focusing on the distribution system for providing a sustainable growth for the unwaveringly by understanding the adverse effect of the different environmental factors involved with the system which contributes significantly to global warming (McKinnon, 2010, p. 3).Understanding sustainability is the study issue in the modern trend of the business which is very well implemented by UPS in their business process. UPS believes its sustainability as the core driver of their business. It not just about their care towards the different processes but it is the major requirement for their sustainable growth. It is the commitment of the firm not only towards the customers but also towards the employees of the firm. It is believed to be their responsibility towards the planet earth along with the community on which the confederacy operates their business (UPS-f, n.d.).Over the forms UPS is constantly craving new ideas and programs for better sustainability efforts. The company consistently improved its business operations and invested in greener shipping projects and also into effective logistics system to serve more efficiently to the customers of the company. UPS donated Brobdingnagian time on training and development of its employees and tried to focus on providing opportunities to the people to match with the need of the organization and the community at the same time. The company incurred a huge investment of $325 million into the training program of which 54 % is concentrated towards the development of safety training for the logistic system. UPS promoted about 1,168 employees to the company management in the year 2010 for a strong building of the base for the company. The carbon neutral small package service from the company gives a great competitive advantage for the firm to differentiate its service from the other player of the market. UPS is also involved into donating $1 million towards the support pr ogram for the Haitian relief effort.

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