Thursday, May 16, 2019

The impacts of recent recession on consumer behaviour within Airline Literature review

The impacts of recent recession on consumer behaviour within Airline effort - Literature review ExampleFrom a marketing perspective, the ability to influence consumer behaviour is to understand the immanent and extrinsic factors affecting the consumer behaviour (Vanhuele, Wright and East, 2013).Consumer behaviour is the activities which people undertake when obtaining, consuming and disposing of products and work (Blythe, 2008, p. 56). The fundamental bottom of marketing should be that the customers are at the centre of everything the firm does. In marketing management customers are the key concern. This means that understanding the behaviour pattern of the customers is essential for the managers. Traditional marketing management stress on product features and competitive positioning of the product (Abramovich, 2005). The conventional marketing management theory focuses on the customer relationship with the marketers of the company and the product value (Statt, 2011). The purch asing behaviour of the consumers relates strongly to the segmentation of the markets. on that point are three types of segmentation geographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation and demographic segmentation. Geographic segmentation means to set apart the market area according to the location of the potential customers. Psychographic segmentation means to segregate a consumers characteristics and behaviour. Demographic segmentation means the division of consumer groups according to variables such as wealth, gender, age and education aim etc (Blythe, 2008). The managers of the company can strengthen their relationship with the consumers. The relational bonding between customers and employees will enable the managers to pose a product which will fulfil the consumer wants and needs. An established connection with the consumer provides the marketer information regarding the consumer behaviour. For example, the marketers would like to repurpose their products and services withou t hampering

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