Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Essay -- essays research papers

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)One of the leading causes of mental retardation in the United States is fetal alcohol syndrome or FAS. Alcohol is the approximately commonly abused substance by pregnant women because its legal and socially acceptable. A greater majority of young women atomic number 18 not aware of the complications that are involved with pregnancy. They see pregnancy as a way of bringing a life into the world but do not use the requisite safety measure in their dietary habits to prevent such damage or inhibitions of such a life. By continuing on their drinkinging debauch throughout their pregnancy, they arsehole cause an inexplicable damage to herself and the fetus she is carrying. In my opinion, any nub of alcohol combined with pregnancy can cause annihilating effects to the fetus.     "Neurobehavioral deficits have been found in infants whose mothers reported fewer than seven standard drinks a week, and the effects of drinking in early preg nancy (the introductory trimester) are among the more severe of alcohols effects on the fetus, causing irreversible facial malformations and neurological damage" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). Lee Ann Kaskutas and Karen Graves believes that the precision of criterion of how much a woman drinks throughout pregnancy is very important to the assessment of fetal gamble (2001). The title of their study, "Pre-pregnancy drinking How drink size affects risk assessment", can help us conclude that the independent variables are the drink sizes and the dependent variable is the risk assessment.      From the introduction section, I have well-read that in the United States, American Indians and African Americans are at the highest risk for FAS. Even though there have been advances in research methodology, people can have a misconception on the concept of what is a standard drink. When asked how much they drank on previous surveys, previous participants had a mi sconception on the drink sizes. "This has implications for FAS risk assessment, as underestimates of alcohol consumptions could lead researchers to conclude that increasingly lower safe thresholds of consumption are called for" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). The authors found that half of the subjects under study have underestimated the amount of alcohol in their various drinks. The authors believed that most women ... ...ance on standard drinks results in considerable underestimation of alcohol consumption, especially among the heavier drinkers and those consuming higher alcohol capacitance beverages" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). It is concluded in this research that standard drink sizes assume a much smaller size than self-defined drink sizes. The authors did note that this study has some(prenominal) limitations. First, their sample included only few white subjects with no Hispanics, Asians and other ethnic groups. Also, "the vessels methodology should be used w ith expanded samples to determine whether large drink sizes are represented among other groups of pregnant women" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). Future research could include specifications of standard drink size for different types of alcohol when assessing risk for FAS. " experimental condition of drink size represents a promising avenue both for alcohol research and for alcohol prevention and education, with pregnant women and more broadly with the general universe" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). ReferenceKaskutas, L.A., Graves, K. (2001). Pre-pregnancy How drink sizes affects risk assessment. Addiction, Vol 96(8), 1199-1209.

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