Friday, May 31, 2019

The Defence of the Corporate Veil - Parent Companies Beware! :: Business Management Studies

The Defence of the Corporate Veil - Parent Companies BewareMuch interest has recently been shown in the potential consequences ofthe judgment given in Stocznia Gdanska SA -v- Latvian Shipping Co andothers, which was substantially upheld by the Court of Appeal on 21June 2002. Although the possibility related to Shipbuilding Contracts, theresult has reinforced the traditional behold that the Courts will notcountenance any further erosion of the fundamental rule ofEnglish Company Law that a company is to be regarded as a legal entitywith a separate legal record, distinct from that of its members.However, the case has highlighted potential alternative sources ofliability for parent companies establishing wholly ownedsingle-purpose subsidiaries - in many an(prenominal) industry sectors, includingshipping, property and big-ticket asset finance.The grassroots principlesThe principle of separate corporate personality has been establishedfor over a century. In the leading case of Salomo n -v- Salomon & Co.(1897), the House of Lords held that, regardless of the extent of a fussy shareholders interest in the company, and notwithstandingthat such shareholder had sole control of the companys affairs as its presidency director, the companys acts were not his acts nor were itsliabilities his liabilities. Thus, the fact that one shareholdercontrols all, or virtually all, the shares in a company is not asufficient reason for ignoring the legal personality of the companyon the contrary, the veil of incorporation will not be lifted so asto attribute the rights or liabilities of a company to itsshareholders.The basic principle established in Salomon in relation to singlecompanies was extended to groups of companies by a comparativelyrecent decision of the Court of Appeal in Adams -v- Cape IndustriesPLC (1990). In that case, the Court of Appeal held that, as a matterof law, it was not entitled to lift the corporate veil against adefendant company, which was a member of a corpo rate group, merelybecause the corporate structure had been used so as to ensure that thelegal liability in respect of particular future activities of thegroup would fall on another member of the group rather than on thedefendant company. In effect, the Court of Appeal rejected the command that the corporate veil should be pierced just because agroup of companies operated as a single economic entity.Related principles and considerationsA corollary of the basic Salomon principle is that a company cannot becharacterised as an factor of its shareholders unless there is clearevidence to show that the company was in fact acting as an agent in aparticular transaction or series of transactions.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Different Reasons for Marriage Shown in Pride and Prejudice :: Pride and Prejudice Essays

Marriage was a central theme in Jane Austens book Pride andPrejudice as in her time marriage was do when the women were quiteyoung. Jane Austen uses this book to express her emotion that womendidnt have much of a say in many things and they werent allowed towork and shouldnt learn. Jane Austins book shows us three chief(prenominal)reasons to enamour married the first is that people should get married for specie, another reason to get married is for passion, and the finalreason to get married is to bind out of love.A financial marriage was a great prospect for Charlotte as she had anunknown amount of brothers and sisters and if her father died and shewasnt married she would have to borrow money from her brothers, shealso knew it was a good marriage with Mr Collins as he was to comeinto a lot of money very soon as the drool say thatMr Collins present circumstance made it a most eligible match fortheir daughter, to whom they could give little fortune and hisprospects of future weal thy were exceedingly fresh.Lady Catherine De Bourgh doesnt believe in love as she inadequacys allmarriages to stay in the family and she wanted to keep the wealth inthe family but she also didnt want her family to link people inlower classes of work to be in her family.You have no regard, then, for the honour and credit fro my nephewUnfeeling, selfish girl Do you not consider that a connection withyou, must disgrace him in the eyes of everybody?Mrickham tries to marry Miss King but her parents successfully protecther, as he would gain about 10,000 pounds from her, he would thendivorce her and run off with Mr Bennets daughter Lydia for hispassionate needs, then Mr Darcy pays Mr Wickham to marry Lydia so thathe can marry Elizabeth.Mrs Bennet treats marriage as a business as she wants her daughters toget married so that if Mr Bennet should die they her family would havesomewhere to stay.The marriage mingled with Mr and Mrs Gardiner is based on their love foreach other and their fam ily, they show their love for their familywhen they give great advice to Elizabeth about Mr Darcy, also whenthey take Elizabeth around part of England and entrust look after her.When Mr Bingley and Jane meet each other they instantly fall in loveand meet much more often and will get married after a great deal ofobstacles put in they way by his sisters and one put in the way by Mr

Harmartias in Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays

Harmartias in Julius Caesar         Throughout the play of  Julius Caesar Brutus makes many mistakes or harmartias, which eventually lead to his tragic downfall. Although Brutus makes many harmartias I feel that these three ar the most important. The largest harmartia that Brutus makes is listening to Cassius, in the beginning. A nonher harmartia Brutus makes is deciding not to push down Antony. Brutus also makes the mistake of meeting Antonys army in Philippi instead of hold at the camp. These three harmartias of Brutus will be greater explained in the next three paragraphs.         Brutus made a large harmartia listening to Cassius speak about assassinating Caesar. Brutus is real naive and because Cassius is clever he can make Brutus agree with him. Cassius himself even says, If I were Brutus now, and he were Cassius, He should not humour me. (Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 2, breeds 314-315). If Brutus did not listen to Cassius, he wouldnt have joined the conspiracy, and Brutus tragedy would have never happened. This is why Brutus should have never listened to Cassius conspiracy plan.         A large harmartia that Brutus made was not killing Antony. Brutus says, For Antony is except a limb of Caesar. (Shakespeare Act 2, Scene 1, Line 165). . Brutus feels that Antony would not be able to do anything without Caesar, and would probably commit suicide. Cassius thinks that Antony should be killed, but does not argue with Brutus. Antony ends up being even stronger without Caesar and is a tyrant ruler in a triumvirate. Antony and his army are the reason why Brutus kills himself. If Brutus did kill Antony he would probably of lived and been a ruler Rome.         Another harmartia that Brutus made was meeting the armies of Antony and Octavius in Philippi instead of having them come closer to the camp. Once again Cassius thinks differently th an Brutus. Cassius says, Tis better that the enemy seek us So shall he waste his means, weary his soldiers, Doing himself offence whilst we, lying still, Are full of rest, defence, and nimbleness. (Shakespeare Act 4, Scene 3, Line 198-201). Brutus thinks that they should meet at Philippi because the enemy armies will grow on the way to the camp.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Essay -- essays research papers

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)One of the leading causes of mental retardation in the United States is fetal alcohol syndrome or FAS. Alcohol is the approximately commonly abused substance by pregnant women because its legal and socially acceptable. A greater majority of young women atomic number 18 not aware of the complications that are involved with pregnancy. They see pregnancy as a way of bringing a life into the world but do not use the requisite safety measure in their dietary habits to prevent such damage or inhibitions of such a life. By continuing on their drinkinging debauch throughout their pregnancy, they arsehole cause an inexplicable damage to herself and the fetus she is carrying. In my opinion, any nub of alcohol combined with pregnancy can cause annihilating effects to the fetus.     "Neurobehavioral deficits have been found in infants whose mothers reported fewer than seven standard drinks a week, and the effects of drinking in early preg nancy (the introductory trimester) are among the more severe of alcohols effects on the fetus, causing irreversible facial malformations and neurological damage" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). Lee Ann Kaskutas and Karen Graves believes that the precision of criterion of how much a woman drinks throughout pregnancy is very important to the assessment of fetal gamble (2001). The title of their study, "Pre-pregnancy drinking How drink size affects risk assessment", can help us conclude that the independent variables are the drink sizes and the dependent variable is the risk assessment.      From the introduction section, I have well-read that in the United States, American Indians and African Americans are at the highest risk for FAS. Even though there have been advances in research methodology, people can have a misconception on the concept of what is a standard drink. When asked how much they drank on previous surveys, previous participants had a mi sconception on the drink sizes. "This has implications for FAS risk assessment, as underestimates of alcohol consumptions could lead researchers to conclude that increasingly lower safe thresholds of consumption are called for" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). The authors found that half of the subjects under study have underestimated the amount of alcohol in their various drinks. The authors believed that most women ... ...ance on standard drinks results in considerable underestimation of alcohol consumption, especially among the heavier drinkers and those consuming higher alcohol capacitance beverages" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). It is concluded in this research that standard drink sizes assume a much smaller size than self-defined drink sizes. The authors did note that this study has some(prenominal) limitations. First, their sample included only few white subjects with no Hispanics, Asians and other ethnic groups. Also, "the vessels methodology should be used w ith expanded samples to determine whether large drink sizes are represented among other groups of pregnant women" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). Future research could include specifications of standard drink size for different types of alcohol when assessing risk for FAS. " experimental condition of drink size represents a promising avenue both for alcohol research and for alcohol prevention and education, with pregnant women and more broadly with the general universe" (Kaskutas & Graves, 2001). ReferenceKaskutas, L.A., Graves, K. (2001). Pre-pregnancy How drink sizes affects risk assessment. Addiction, Vol 96(8), 1199-1209.

Probability and Genetics Essay -- Mathmatics Math Papers

Probability and GeneticsProbability theory is the study of the exchangeablelihood of an occurrence of random events in order to predict future behaviors of a system (2). The principles of probability are widely used. In genetics, for example, probability is used to estimate the likelihood of gene distribution from one generation to the next. In business, insurance policy companies use the principles of probability to determine risk groups. Probability is closely related to statistics since uncertainty always exists when statistical predictions are being made. A number amid 0 and 1 represents the probability of an outcome (1). The probability of an impossible event is 0. Where as the probability of something that is certain to occur is 1. The theory of probability is recognized as being developed by Blaise Pascal with help from his friend Pierre de Fermat.Blaise Pascal was born at Clermont, France on June 19, in 1623. He was the third claw of Etienne Pascal, and his only son. Blai se was only 3 when his mother died (3). In 1631, his family moved to Paris to carry on the education of Blaise, who had already displayed exceptional ability. Pascal was home taught, and to encounter that he was not overworked, his father decided that his studies would only involve the languages, and should not include any mathematics. At the age of twelve, Pascal demonstrated to his tutor an saki in geometry. He was stimulated by the subject, and gave up his playtime and chose to study geometry instead. In a few weeks, he discovered the many properties of geometric figures, in particular, that the sum of the angels of a triangle equals180 degrees. Impressed by Pascals display, his father gave him a copy of Euclids Elements, which Pascal read and soon ma... ...volve money. By contend the odds right, someone could win big, either at a card table or on Wall Street. Probability makes random events look like very predictable ones. Work Cited1. Campbell, Neil, Jane Reece, Lawerence M itchell. Biology fifth edition. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 19992.Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles, Probability. http// 12/5/99)3. Pascal. http// (12/5/99)4. A Short History of Probability. From Calculus, good deal II by Tom M. Apostol(2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1969 ) On linehttp// (12/5/99)5.Wilkins, D. R. Blaise Pascal (1623 1662)http// (12/5/99)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Asian Diaspora Essay -- English Literature

Asian DiasporaAsian diaspora, or the personal and cultural implications of release unitarys homeland, is a central and reaccuring theme for Asian Americanwriters. Diaspora is Greek for the scattering of seeds(http//, and its ancient denotationhas taken figurative meaning today as a feeling of seperation anddetachment. In some(prenominal) Fae Myenne Ngs Bone and Chitra BanerjeeDivakarunis Leaving Yuba City, a thematic thread of scatteredparts, outsiderness, and otherness link the characters in each, aswell as the two seperate works, together. This diaspora affects eachgeneration of immigrants in a slighly different, but no lesssignficant, way. As an aspect of diasora, W.E.B. DuBoiss notion ofdouble mind in The Souls of Black Folk, takes the shape ofa personal duality for the characters in Bone and Leaving Yuba City. Their lives looking done DuBoiss veil creates personal strugglein the characters relationship with America, maintaining two uniquecultur al identities simultaneously. The characters in Ngs novel Bone work to conceive a third identity,one that maintains old traditions while existence Americanized. Thisstuggle is not exclusive to the first generation Chinese immigrants,Leon and Mah, but has profoundly impacted their American raisedchildren, Leila, Nina, and Ona. However, the consequences of thisconflict is different between the generations. Leon cannot settleinto one place but is suddenly here, suddenly gone (54). Leonsstray jobs are often on a ship, and Leila concludes that the draw ofthe hollow and still center of the nautical for him is completion(150). The cause of Leons absense, or vacancy of personal wholeness,is his Chinese self trying to chan... ...haracters in Leaving Yuba City and Bone are connected throughcommon seperation from their homeland, or dual selves seen in allgenerations. This common diaspora creates a unique and painful familydynamic for the Leong family their incompleteness binds themtogether. For Sushma in Leaving Yuba City, she does not feelseperation from homeland, but lives denying a fundamental part ofherself, which is much like a homeland. Their is an incongruance orseperation between the person others can see, and the person shereally is. Sushma personifies DuBoiss veil. An revolutionary view ofdiaspora is The Maimed Dancing Men, having ghost limbs, and beingphysically incomplete. Ng and Divakaruni portray the same desperateand painful feelings that come with a seperation from both yourhomeland, and self, showing these two are inseperable and fundamentalto ones wholeness.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Position Paper of Morocco to Frozen Conflicts in the Region

Nowadays, there atomic number 18 hundreds of conflicts which are in a rigid state all around the humans. Most of these conflicts based on ethnic separatism which greatly complicates the task of solving them, headed by the whole nationality. The former Soviet Union al superstar has 4 frozen conflicts. Some political analysts believe, that the armed conflicts in the persona of the Black Sea and South Caucasus emerged due to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, as well as not fully thought out the division of the lands between the new states.As evidenced of it the presence there is not superstar or just two conflicts in the former Soviet Union, but as many as 4. The modern worlds attention is focused on the overt conflicts and military showdowns, but we should not forget about the frozen conflicts, which are fraught with the danger of instantly break the frozen state and move into a phase blitzkrieg side. Frozen conflicts of the Black Sea and South Caucasus affect countries suc h as South Ossetia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia and Georgia.Another centre of the conflict is a jar of interests of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, which is geographically located in Azerbaijan, but the majority of its population are Armenians. But we shouldnt talk about the lack of attention of the world community and political institutions to the frozen conflicts in these regions. Since one of the main functions of the UN auspices Council is the maintenance and preservation of the peace, of course the UN has made and is making peacekeeping measures in the past.UN select 4 resolutions to stop illegal occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan April 30, 1993 Adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 822, which requires an immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces from Kelbajar district and other recently tenanted areas of Azerbaijan. July 29, 1993 Adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 853, which requires the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces from the district of Agdam and all other recently occupied areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan. October 14, 1993 UN Security Council passed Resolution 874, occupation on the betteries to refrain from any hostile acts and from any interference or intervention which would lead to escalation of the conflict and undermine peace and security in the region. November 11, 1993 UN Security Council adopted Resolution 884, which requires an immediate cessation of hostilities and hostile acts, unilateral withdrawal of occupying forces from the Zangelan district and the city Horadiz and withdrawal of occupying forces from other recently occupied areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan. June 12, 1995 the EU Council adopted a project of common position on the Caucasus. In this document, among other things, noted that the Union should help Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan to overcome the difficult stay of transition to democracy, based on a market economy. Thus, we fetch no rights to say that the European Union and the world community did not take part in the settlement of the conflicts peacefully.However, putting on hold military action, but without reaching consensus in resolving disputes or frozen conflicts, not only inhibits geopolitical development of the participating countries, but in like manner serves as a prerequisite for the destabilization of the entire system of international relations. Our country is not an exception and we also have a hidden conflict over occidental Sahara, which, due to its geographical position traditionally is a disputed territory, the possession of which at one time claimed Spain and France.Our country is embroiled in armed conflict in 1957 58 with Spain, the rise of nationalism also contributed to the tense situation in the region among the people of Western Sahara, and consequently, the formation of the Popular Front (POLISARIO) in May 1973, which launched an armed struggle against the Spaniards. As a result, in 1975, were entered into the Madrid Agreement and the Western Sahara territory was divided between our country and Mauritania. But POLISARIO immediately declared the independence of the Arab Democratic Republic and supported by Algeria began weighing against our country and Mauritania.However, the neighbouring countries have given up their rights to part of the territory of Western Sahara, allowing us as a more economically and militarily powerful country to continue to fight for the right to possess the territory. Interest in the territory of Western Sahara is due not only to national-ethnic factor, but also a lot of subsoil resources are located in the area. On September 6, 1991, UN a truce was arranged, but so far the conflict finally settled as a referendum on independence has not been conducted.Search for solution to the frozen conflict is of interest to our country in view of the growing possibility of a conflict with Spain, whose city enclaves in the territory of our coun try. But the number of the Moroccan population in these cities is gradually increasing over the Spanish. This situation can be a starting fountainhead for separatist thoughts. So we need to develop a general model without resolving the frozen conflicts on the basis of precedent, at least learn how to foresee and deal with them at the local, sub-national level.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Too Much Technology

What are the some of the arguments for and against the use of digital media? engineering science has both positive and negative sides. Positive opinion nearly technology as we are able to find many sources of information quickly and easily as well as saving production cost. Technology that is negative opinion slew influence our behavior, destroy our way of thinking, and the more severe impact of computer technology is also able to give renegade to a number of diseases. 2.How might the brain affected by constant digital media economic consumption? Digital media would greatly help us in the realness as well as other technologies. However, if used continuously can cause health problems. Vision problems continued to decline also occur when apply the computer for too long. Besides, the new studies suggest that digital technologies are damaging our ability to think clearly and focus. 3. Do you think these arguments outweigh the positives of digital media usage? Why or why not? As fo r me, I think the above is indeed the negative side of technology.However, in the orld of technology such as current location, we will have to use the technology so that we can continue to survive and not lose against our competitors. 4. What additional concerns are there for children apply digital media? Should children under 8 use computers and cellphones? Why or why not? I think children under eight years old can use digital media, such as a computer or cellular phone. So they are able to advance digital media, and we hope that when they stimulate up, they are not stiff again using digital media. Of course parents should control their children by using it overtime. Too Much Technology By lulsfrfr

Friday, May 24, 2019

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

1) The two leading line of credit exchanges atomic number 18 the New York breed Exchange (NYSE) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. The NYSE began in 1792 with 24 stock owners gathering on Wall street to buy and sell stock. The stock exchange has the largest dollar volume of stock sales in the world, but the NASDAQ has a larger stock volume.Membership in the NYSE is through set and seat-holders are guaranteed the right to trade on the floor of the stock exchange. The NASDAQ was established in 1971 as the first completely electronic trading forum. The NYSE was at the time the largest stock exchange in the world, but in the 1990s it was surpassed in stock volume by the NASDAQ. There are approximately 3300 companies traded on the NASDAQ there are 2,764 on the NYSE.2) If a firms shares grew from $1 to $2 per share over a 10-year period, the total growth over the crease of the decade is 100 percent, but that does not mean that the annual growth wo uld be 10 percent. If fact, because annual growth is based on the beginning price, 10 percent annual growth is simply not a mathematical possibility. The math makes it more clear. If in the first year, stock is $1 then with 10 percent annual growth, the price would $1.10 at the beginning of the second year.During the second year, ten percent growth would add 11 cents to the shares price. contend prices would increase 12 cents the third year and so forth. At the end of a decade with 10 percent annual growth per year, the shares would be $2.41. So, it is inconclusive to believe that 100 percent total growth in a decade, does not mean 10 percent annual growth.3) Simply because the returns of two stocks are negatively correlated does not necessarily mean that one of the stocks is a negative beta. Though a negative beta would negatively correlate with a stock that performs well during market upturns, it is not required for the negative correlation. Two stocks can have little to nothing in common and both be dependant on the same sort of market action for growth.For example, stocks previously considered to be totally unrelated all perform poorly when the market takes a major downturn. High tech stocks, housing stocks and retail stocks can all be hit by a sharp market turn heedless of the limited correlation between these types of stocks. A negative beta does not guarantee that the stock can hold steady during those severe drops.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Book Report on Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart”

The Tell-Tale Heart, by Edgar Allan Poe, is written in the first off person. This is proven because I is used to tell the story. This story t grizzly is by a participating narrator. The narrator is excessively the master(prenominal) character. The pull down of realise used in this story is the unreliable narrator this is a point of view according to Literature by X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. This view was chosen because the narrator was truly deceptive, deluded and deranged. For example, I cut off the place and the arms and the legs. (pg. 36). I find this to be extremely deranged.The narrator was also very deceptive by playing a trick on the of age(p) man in bed every night. The deluded harum-scarum would spy on the old man at midnight every night for seven days straight. By the eighth day he had this deranged plan to kill him. So, at midnight the madman came into the room quietly, or so he tried, and suffocated the old man. In the in the meantime the old man was scared w hen he heard some noises but in all probability thought that it was only a mouse or something. Because the man did not get up and check on the noises, it cost him his life. The old man was tricked on thinking it was just a noise an old house makes.Therefore, The point of view used in the story was that of an unreliable narrator in the first person. Raymond Carver had many enchants in his life that contributed to his hapless stories and poems. But his main influence was his family. With two kids and married at the age of 19, he definitely had his pass full. He would try and write stories to support his children while engaging in other labor jobs during the day. Everyday life is an inspiration on everyone. People heavy(p) power not realize it but what happens everyday has an affect or influence on the way they approach life. For example, Carvers day at the washables mat.He realized that life isnt what it is cracked out to be and he noticed this just by being frustrated because he couldnt get any driers. Also, Carvers professor at Chico show University, John Gardner, was a great influence at the time. Gardner helped Carver with some of his short stories. He would help Carver by being really persevering and helping understand what he needs to do better. Education is a great influence on life. It introduces new perspectives to life and opens many new doors of opportunity. Without preparation or his family Raymond Carver might not have been as successful as he has.A Book Report on Poes The Tell Tale HeartThe Tell-Tale Heart, by Edgar Allan Poe, is written in the first person. This is proven because I is used to tell the story. This story told is by a participating narrator. The narrator is also the main character. The point of view used in this story is the unreliable narrator this is a point of view according to Literature by X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. This view was chosen because the narrator was very deceptive, deluded and deranged. For example, I cu t off the head and the arms and the legs. (pg. 36). I find this to be extremely deranged.The narrator was also very deceptive by playing a trick on the older man in bed every night. The deluded madman would spy on the old man at midnight every night for seven days straight. By the eighth day he had this deranged plan to kill him. So, at midnight the madman came into the room quietly, or so he tried, and suffocated the old man. In the meantime the old man was scared when he heard some noises but probably thought that it was only a mouse or something. Because the man did not get up and check on the noises, it cost him his life. The old man was tricked on thinking it was just a noise an old house makes.Therefore, The point of view used in the story was that of an unreliable narrator in the first person. Raymond Carver had many influences in his life that contributed to his short stories and poems. But his main influence was his family. With two kids and married at the age of 19, he def initely had his hands full. He would try and write stories to support his children while engaging in other labor jobs during the day. Everyday life is an inspiration on everyone. People might not realize it but what happens everyday has an affect or influence on the way they approach life. For example, Carvers day at the laundry mat.He realized that life isnt what it is cracked out to be and he noticed this just by being frustrated because he couldnt get any driers. Also, Carvers professor at Chico State University, John Gardner, was a great influence at the time. Gardner helped Carver with some of his short stories. He would help Carver by being really patient and helping understand what he needs to do better. Education is a great influence on life. It introduces new perspectives to life and opens many new doors of opportunity. Without education or his family Raymond Carver might not have been as successful as he has.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Product Levels Essay

Question 1There are three crossing levels, they from each one add more customer pass judgment than the previous level and they constitute a customer value hierarchy. The decision of customers is usually based on the value that they expect to receive from barter foring and consuming it. The first level is the core benefit.It is the actual or fundamental benefit that the customer seeks when he buys the product. It is need to the around basic need that he/she wants to satisfy. For example, someone leave alone go buy a red bull for the energy drink or someone will buy a car to have private transport. An example from the case study, Rick and Cynthia just moved into a new apartment and want to buy a new Television, they are various reasons for wanting a television but we can put it as an entertainment. The second level is the basic/ indubitable/actual product.The manufacturing and marketing departments have to co-operate closely to ensure that the basic product is able to offer the n eed-satisfaction benefit that customers want. It is the service/product that the customers buy. For example, a car is quiet of a roof, doors, windows etc.. From the case study it will be all the features and attributes of a television as well as its design and packaging. The Television chosen by Rick and Cynthia is a HD Plasma TV so the HD is already a feature as well as the plasma. The third level is the augmented product.It is when the product doesnt only meet the customers expectations but even exceeds them. It is a way of differentiating a product from others which constitutes a competitive advantage for the company. For example, adding special sound in a car or the fact that cars are on warranty Relating to the case study, we can say that the staff at game was very hearty and knowledgeable which adds a plus to sell a TV. The HD PVR that was sold with installation included. The fact that they will deliver the product to Rick and Cynthias home.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Influence of Media to Female Audiences

In the current state of society, the media has placed itself as one of the more or less important institutions in which influences the masses through the spot that it has. One of the most evident and controversial issues that media had brought is the status of the female.There had been more issues regarding females in which some find very intriguing and even degrading for some. One of the most common issues for females is the issue of dust structure. In the media, it is important that a person maybe able to maintain the clay a brawny body.However, a healthy body immediately essence that a female should have a slim and slender body. Having a slim and slender body for the media automatically means being healthy and being beautiful. But then, this type of issue had been a concern of some females in which contradicts the view of the media.It is known that every individual has his or her own body type. Others may have a slim body or some may have a pear shaped body. It is in addit ion accept that we cannot choose the type of body that we want because most of the time it is biological in nature.In connection to the concerns of the media regarding the body, it is somehow unfair for those that cannot and would not attain the body in which they view as beautiful. Of course, every woman and even men want to be known as beautiful. Each and everyone want to be recognized and seen as beautiful yet the media had already set their criteria in their perception of what is beautiful or not.Although the media is still in contradiction to the hypothesis of people that they are indeed setting a criterion for women and their body, it is evident in magazines and television shows that the media sees a slender women are much beautiful than the regular ones.As a proof, galore(postnominal) celebrities and models are slender. Most of them have a body in which regular individuals would not exactly have standardized Misha Barton, Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston and etc. All of these personalities ex puts a body in which is very perfect in the view of the media. They are often seen as sexy and glamorous actresses in which could carry them selves well. In rosy-cheeked carpet nights or even small parties, they are seen as beautiful.On the other hand, celebrities who are a bit heavier or has a much curvy body is not appreciated as much compared to slender celebrities. In magazine covers, slim actresses or models are often featured. Every edition of the magazine presents a slim female in which often posses a sexy image. However, curvy females in the media are not often given this opportunity. If they are able to pose for a magazine this is because they have done something important or they magazine advocates curvy women.The continuous presentation of the media of these types of women influences the society and their view towards the body. It could be observed that many women have created a thought that they should and must be like these Hollywood stars in order to be fully accepted by the society.Any woman would like to be recognized as someone beautiful in the eyes of the society. Women started to make ways in order to imitate the celebrities. Some women try to crop and lessen their food in take for them to be like these celebrities.However, this process is not enough for some women. There are those women that would like better and assured results for their bodies. Some result to plastic surgery which is the fastest way to eliminate excess fat or fix their problematic areas. Furthermore, there are women in which results to very unhealthy weight lost activities such as bulimia or anorexia.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us Essay

Argument Against world(a) wellness C atomic number 18 in the Us BY shaker71493 Jacob Nieuwenhuis Contemporary Issues MSR 10 March 2010 Universal Health C atomic number 18 in the United States Of only tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber barons cruelty may some sentences sleep. His cupidity may at some time point be satisfied only those who execration us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. -C. S. Lewis (1898 1963)The issue of cosmopolitan wellness grapple taking over the present wellness contend carcass has become a heated topic all over America. With President Obamas promise to pass a bill that will regress organisation spineage to all Americans, most people were happy that health c are would become to a greater extent affordable for them. But is this the case? There has been a stiff opposition to the passing of any bill of this kind throughout the entire dish up, but the longer a bill stays in circulation the more(prenominal)(prenominal) time people have to form an opinion on the issue. With the law in effect like a shot the issue now turns to if this will e better off for America in the long run, and if there is any good to such a system. History has a lot to say about interact medicine. There have been many countries, not just socialistic countries which have used a general method of offering medicine. A few of these countries are Great Britain, Canada, France, Australia, and also the European system. These systems will be analyzed from their roots up in order to see whether they were successes or failures. The National Health return (NHS) of Great Britain, which was created on July 5, 1948, is the worlds largest publicly funded health service ever.As can be seen on the diagram, the NHS is divided into two sectio ns primary and secondary care. Primary care is the first point of striking for most people and is delivered by a wide range of independent service providers, including general practitioners, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists. substitute(prenominal) care is known as acute healthcare and can be either elective care or emergency care. Elective care means planned specialist medical care or surgery, usually following referral from a primary or community health professional such as a general practitioner. In this system there are a lot of different trusts (refer to iagram). These trusts are where the money is sent for certain casings of care. The main trusts are the Primary care trusts. Primary care trusts (PCTs) are in charge of primary care and have a major role around committal secondary care, providing community care services. They are the main core to the NHS and control 80% of the NHS budget.Green, did a inform on the effects of pr scourtive care in Great Britain for unso undnesss such as circulatory disease and cancer. His main focus was on the circulatory system and the conclusion of his reports states that The main findings can be summarized as follows. The I-JK has a poor record of preventing death from diseases of the circulatory system. After allowing for the different age structure of severally country in the European Union, the I-JK death rate from circulatory diseases for persons aged less than 65 was class-conscious thirteenth out of the 15 countries studied. There are many negative aspects of the NHS.There are sensory reports of people who didnt get care, or who counted for months in order to get prevented care. One practice of a terrible thing that happened recently in Great Britain was a cancer patient who had to wait for 62 weeks before starting treatment. Patients were outraged by this. They said that for some cancer patients with slow growing tumors could wait that long but that it is atrocious that someone would have to wait th at long to receive any type of care at all. It was compared side by side with a case from 20 years earlier, when ling Goodare was diagnosed with the same problem and eceived treatment within two weeks after first being diagnosed. The European system has run into a lot of obstacles over the years, mostly financial. There is accreditedly a 5 per centum to 8 percent increase in expenses per year in real terms, resulting in enormous deficits and even greater problems when the rate of unemployment rises. When employment rates improve, the deficits are eased because more taxes come in to sacrifice for care. But as soon as employment falls again (which is common everywhere rectify about now), deficits come back. A common method used for getting over this deficit is circumscribe care and restricting use of mellowed ost preventive cares such as CAT scans. Sometimes this is only towards people who meet a certain criteria, e. g. the elderly. This can only be bad for the consumer. Michael Tanner sums this up nicely in his article condemning socialized medicine in the U. S. The Europeans have run into a very simple economic rule. If something is for it. Think of it this way if food were free, would you eat hamburger or steak? At the same time, health care is a finite good. There are only so many doctors, so many hospital beds and so much technology. If people over consume those resources, it drives up the address of health care. All the countries in Europe have this health care system. There are, however, three countries in Europe that allow their citizens to opt out of the official system and to take with a tax conviction for the money they paid to the official system, to purchase private insurance in the health market. These countries are Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. In those countries, citizens do not have to pay twice in order to acquire private health insurance. The systems of these three countries are important in that they may point the way to a solution for the current financial problems Western health care systems are experiencing.This private plan is more expensive but reachable for at least a third of the population. For the most part, people in Europe are happy with the health care they receive. In the Netherlands there is a basic plan that everyone can acquire (it is not a government mandate). This covers things such as broken limbs, emergency room visits Oust the visit), and perceive general practitioners. On top of this, a person may buy whatever premium add-ons they want. An example of an add-on is dental and orthodontic care. With this add-on all the people in the household of the insurance buyer receive ull dental care as well as braces for all the children of the family. Trudy Rubin, who is a Philadelphia enquirer opinion columnist, says that the United States is not learning valuable lessons from the European system of healthcare. She addresses the three myths that she thinks are apprehension to be belie ved as fact. She takes these myths from an excerpt from T. R. Reid. The three myths are as follows Myth No. 1, he says, is that alien systems with habitual coverage are all socialized medicine. In countries such as France, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan, the coverage is universal while doctors and insurers are private.Individuals get their insurance through their workplace, sharing the premium with their employer as we do and the government picks up the premium if they lose their Job. Myth No. 2, which is long waits and rationed care is another whopper. In many developed countries, Reid writes, people have quicker access to care and more choice than Americans do. In France, Germany, and Japan, you can pick any provider or hospital in the country. Care is speedy and high quality, and no one is turned down. Myth No. 3 really grabs my attention the delusion that countries with universal care are wasteful systems run y bloated bureaucracies. In fact, the opposite is true. Americ as for-profit health insurance companies have the highest administrative costs of any developed country. Twenty percent or more of every premium dollar goes to nonmedical costs paperwork, marketing, profits, etc. If a profit is to be made, you need an soldiers of underwriters to deny claims and turn down sick people, says Reid. Canada is another place where health care is run by the government. This came into effect when the parliament unanimously passed the Canadian Health Act in system. Under this law, provinces moldiness witness that their health care systems respect ive criteria The first is public administration. This means that the health insurance plans must be administered by a public authority who is accountable to the government. The second is comprehensive benefit. The plan must cover all medically necessary services prescribed by physicians and provided by hospitals. The third is universality. This means all legal residents of the province must be cover. The fourth cr iterion is portability. Under this, residents continue to be covered if they move or travel from one province to another. And the final criterion is accessibility.This means that services must be made available to all residents on equal terms, regardless of income, age, or ability to pay. The process which a patient goes through to receive health care is very simple. When a person goes to a doctor for any kind of medical treatment they have to present what is called a provincial health card. This is a credit card-looking piece of plastic that lets your physician know you are a legal drug user of the system

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Impact Of Technology Medical Field Health And Social Care Essay

Medical engineer in a wide manner has frequently been employ to mention to the equipments, processs, and procedures by which medical examination function ar delivered. This encompasses disease diagnosing, monitoring of disease conditions and intervention, with an purpose of bettering the quality of health c ar delivered and patient results, by timely diagnosing, efficient intervention and manipulation of slight invasive sawboness. Healthcare expenditures remain an of import office of national merchandises of originateed states. Medical practicians are faced with noble divulgelooks on healthcare public introduction among citizens due to additions awareness on wellness related jobs, mettlesome life anticipation and emphases put on care of high quality of medical services. The high incidences of disease complications and chronic conditions due to the alterations of life styles turn over fueled the medical field the recent health care inventions. These outlooks propel the f ield to computing motorcar applications. Technological progresss have intensified since the 1980s. This has revolutionized the medical field. The valuate of alteration is that the medical professionals are holding a job scram bying with the alteration. This alteration has come in signifier of practical docs, computing gondola aided operations, usage of root stalls, testing plans, Computerized Tomography scanner, Magnetic Resonance Imaging technique, usage of Ultra sound, Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator, usage of Capsule Endoscopy, Robotic Surgical System, Circulatory aid devices and biomedical technology.With the increased internet use, the medical professionals are dress uping what can be referred to as practical infirmaries. These are cyberspace based infirmaries where patient s subscribes are attended to online. The patient or the individual taking attention of the patient electronic mail the physician via cyberspace and the physician, later reexamining the inst ance advises the patient consequently. This engineering has produced a new harvest of physicians referred to as cyberspace physicians. An illustration of much(prenominal) is the World Clinic at Lahey Clinic Center near Boston started by Dr. Daniel Carlin. The Clinic serves clients from around the land among them crewmans, concern executives and tourers. The clinic has been able to use nine physicians within a period of three old ages of macrocosm, a testimony to the popularity of the thought ( Gorman 2001 ) .Promotion of engineering has besides brought about Intensification of engineering convergence which involves sharing of medical information, between medical practicians, medical devices and information webs has been the modern tendency impacting health care ( ZieliAski 2005 ) . normally engineering convergence includes the sharing of patients pass on and past medical information, critical marks, clinical look for lab consequences, patient dismaies, prescribed and implement ed interventions, and perchance the patient thorough social structure response. This is adopted by medical professionals to entree information about the patient. The systems can be used in hospital charge sections, researches, and for measurement the clinical effectivity of recommended interventions. The possible benefits are workflow cyclosis, seamless recording and sharing of information, and an overall patient attention betterment. A uniformly presented patient informations have resulted to better clinical determination devising and name of clinical complaints while they are still manageable.Use of wind root cells is an archaeozoic(a) technological denudation that has had a enormous consequence on the medical field. Tissue root cells besides known as grownup root cells are regenerative cells of the piece entire structure that possess the ability to specialise and develop into other tissues of the native structure. Get downing in an unspecialised and undeveloped province , these cells can be coaxed to go bosom tissue, tegument cells and many other tissues ( Shi & A Singh 2008 ) . The cells are found in human pipe organic structure strain meats and tissues such fat, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, placenta, neural beginnings and olfactive tissues. Stem cell engineering has made a great alteration in the medical field in that diseased or damaged tissues can now go healthy and robust through the extract of such cells. Doctors have utilized root cells in intervention of autoimmune diseases such as multiple induration, screaky arthritis and Crohn s disease ( Shi & A Singh 2008 ) .Technology has besides brought alterations in surgery in signifier of the less invasive surgery which is now preferred as the surgical attack for many diseases, including cancerous neoplastic disease and bosom disease. It is chiefly done on outpatients and merely on an night long stay in infirmary ( Scuderi 2009 ) . Less invasive processs are performed through one or much short scratchs unconnected unfastened surgery that requires long scratchs. The procedure is less painful with less postoperative hurting on the patient. Through the less invasive surgery there is an overall better result with faster recovery and a shorter infirmary stay. Even though laparoscopic techniques vary, sawboness insert long thin tubing with a lit camera at its tip, through the scratch. Two dimension images are sent from the camera at the surgical site, to a high definition proctor throughout the operation, and are watched by the sawbones.Screening is the probe of symptomless persons to observe those with a high chance of developing or holding a given complication. Diseases that present a grand wellness job are identified by testing and countervail the bell of incommodiousness and farther complications every bit good as possible injuries. The purpose of showing is to rid of or detain decease from diseases. With prevalence of chest malignant neoplastic disease sta ying high it is estimated that mortality rate from chest malignant neoplastic disease in United States is 40 000 adult females. Breast malignant neoplastic disease testing utilizing screen-film mammography is used ( Bassett 2005 ) . The mammography testing involves exposure to radiations. Its value is in assisting salvage lives by early sensing. Diagnostic free adult females are exposed to x-ray. In such operations high proficient quality images are produced and competent image readings is done for successful results.Computerized Tomography scanner uses X raies and a computing machine to do images of variety meats inside the organic structure. It takes images of cross subdivision of the organic structure organs. At times the patient is asked to imbibe a particular liquid or injected with a particular x-ray dye. A CT scanner has a unit of ammunition Centre fault and a level bed to lie on. While lying on the bed, it easy moves to the gap where images are taken under the CT staff con trol. The benefits are that inside informations of parts inside the organic structure such as lungs and blood vass are obtained without utilizing surgery. The CT scans uses radiations that are accurate, fast, and painless and leave no radiations after the scan is finished.Positron Emission Tomography a organic structure scanning method that detects hot substances injected into the organic structure. It is used to supply information on map and assist distinguish normal tissue from malignant neoplastic disease, instead that information on construction.The Magnetic Resonance Imaging technique has been used chiefly to bring forth high quality images of the inside human organic structure constructions in medical scenes. It produces elaborate images of variety meats and tissues throughout the organic structure without the demand of X raies. Images of ocular resembling of an anatomy piece utilizing wireless frequences, a computing machine and a macro magnet that surrounds the patient. A n magnetic resonance imaging is painless and the magnetic Fieldss produce no known sorts of tissue harmNuclear medical disparateness diagnosis technique is a technique that uses minimum sums of radioactive stuffs that are introduced into the organic structure. When these arterials are introduced into the organic structure hey are taken up by specific variety meats, tissues or castanetss, the emanations generated provide important information on a peculiar disease of malignant neoplastic disease. Since the information given describes organ map and non merely construction many diseases including malignant neoplastic disease are detected early.The other medical technique is the usage of Ultra sound. This incorporates the usage of high -frequency sound moving ridges and their reverberations. The technique has a close comparing with the echo sounding used by giants, mahimahi and chiropterans. These machines are portable and they discover the strengths and distances of the reverberation s produced on the screen, organizing a two dimension image. Some images can even be formed without utilizing radiations especially in OBs and gynaecology besides in cardiology and urogenital medicine.The technological invention of an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator is an astonishing experience that literally brings patients stern from the threshold of decease. It s a device that is of the size of a beeper that monitors the bosom rate ( Liem 2001 ) . It utilizes batteries to direct electric signals to a bosom that s crushing excessively slow or touch on unnatural pulse to a bosom that is crushing much to fast or chaotically. The cardiac defibrillation is a preventative intervention in selected patients at high cardiac decease hazard caused by malignant Ventricular Arrhythmias. Basically, for people with a bad bosom beat job, a defibrillator is ingrained near the taking into custody bone, under the tegument at the thorax and wires hang on to the bosom. When the bosom rate is non normal, it tries to return the pulse back to normal. Abnormality occurs either when the pulse is excessively slow, and it works as a pacesetter and sends bantam galvanic signals to the bosom, or when the pulse is helter-skelter or excessively fast, it generates defibrillation dazes to collar the unnatural beat.In the twelvemonth 2000 physicians from England inform the usage of Capsule Endoscopy to find the causes of little intestine hemorrhage ( Classen 2010 ) . The condensation has a battery with 6 hr lifetime, a strong visible radiation beginning, a camera and a sender. After get downing of the capsule, it transmits images of the interior of the gorge, tummy and little bowel to a receiving system worn as a belt by the patient. The receiving system is returned to the physician after 6 hours, who loads the information into computing machine and reexamine it, to observe GI abnormalcies. The capsule is passed out through the colon and eliminated in the stool. However if the capsule acquire stuck in the little bowel, surgical remotion is undertaken ( Collins 2008 ) . So far the capsule is considered harmless and easy to take since merely rare instances of side effects have been reported. The forward motion has been used to research the tight twisted countries of the little bowel, which traditional invasive tube-and-lens endoscopes can non make.While congestive bosom misadventure remains a taking cause of cardiac disablement and decease, advancement of pharmacologic therapies is guaranting that patients are populating durable and to a greater extent productive lives. Circulatory assist devices have been used for the direction of patients with bosom complaints where the intercessions have failed. In 1982 an unreal bosom was implanted into Barney Clark ( Bankston 2002 ) . Although he merely survived for 112days, subsequently a figure of experimental devices were implanted throughout the universe. It has led to intervention solutions for terminal bosom diseases heart specialists have overcome organ rejections and enhance drawn-out endurance rates of transplant patients. The unreal bosom consists of a hydraulic pump, an internal battery, an away battery and an internal accountant unit.In the military medical aid, the Robotic Surgical System has been used to handgrip a hurt soldier in the battleground utilizing advanced diagnostic and operated machines from distant location. The automaton carries out bids of a sawbones that controls the procedures otherwise the automaton can non execute the surgery by itself. The physician receives a picture eating from the automaton and utilizes a system of surgical operators to execute the operations. His actions and voice bids are communicated wirelessly to the automated system as he moves his custodies in operators the automaton so replicates his actions. Besides due to parade in battlegrounds that loose their custodies and weaponries there is a plan that is underway to revolutionise uppe r organic structure prosthetics. This is being researched on to develop improved unreal weaponries that would execute like existent weaponries controlled by the cardinal nauseated system.On the converse what was ab initio an art of lovingness and compassion, has clearly bring a scientific theatre of medical specialty and positions disease as licking. More involvement is made on the technological promotion and disease but non the single being treated.The life prolonging machines has lead to the modern phenomenon of deceasing when machines are shut off. dehumanisation by engineering is good exhibited during the decease of a patient he is surrounded by machines and nonpersonal systems in intensive attention units instead than their families at place. Professionalism in the medical attention has been characterized by a turning withdrawal from the alone concerns of single patients and a loss personal relationship to the patients. Health workers no longer associate to the full to pa tients as other persons but as representatives of professions and healthcare organisations. The trefoils have become much bureaucratic and impersonal. As a consequence of this there has a move up the inequality between those in demand of medical aid and those with the capableness of reacting to the demand. Although great progresss in the medical field have added value to the human life, this impersonal quality of attention coupled with the inequality has led to turning misgiving and a looking at of dehumanisation by the patients.The electronics industry has incorporated the biomedical technology in research development of instruments institution and alteration of contraptions to relieve hurting extend life and reconstruct wellness. Biomedical applied scientists spend tonss of jog planing electrical circuits and computing machine package for medical instrumentsProgresss in medical engineering have big benefits in health care. These technological progresss besides raise healthcar e outgo significantly ( Moody 2006 ) . To run the machines, great professionalism and old ages of expertness is required doing the cost of such services rise by a great border. The research and experimentation before the engineering is authenticated, requires pecuniary investing that finally must be recovered and the much required work force compensated. Particularly for the inventions that their use does non distribute to the full population, in the long tally services become about beyond range. Globally the cost of intervention has risen with technological development. The benefits gained have outweighed the extra cost of health care services. The desire to happen better ship canal to handle patients as they compete with other suppliers have motivated the involvement to make new merchandises and for a clearer apprehension of human organic structure anatomy and physiology.The handiness of high engineering diagnosing and engineering has led to a better quality of life. In the medica l field there has been a more elaborate apprehension of disease pathogenesis and organic structure physiology. By such acquisition, diseases that antecedently were termed as untreatable and accounted for high mortalities in human populations, have been favourably been combated. Ailments that are symptomless can be detected early plenty before the down the organic structure functionality, and its defence mechanisms. Although the cost of intervention gave gone up, more resources are saved due to cut downing the devastation on organic structure variety meats and tissues, and besides human resources lost while patient are in weak conditions for a long clip. Many patients view new medical innovations as the replies to their health care jobs. There is ever way of life for medical innovations, as every twenty-four hours dawns diseases and particularly malignant neoplastic disease cells require more understanding and more effectual interventions. There are much more medical technological p romotion that have been made including, birth controls, birthrate aid utilizing trial tubing babes, that have relieved twosomes of their mental and physiological emphasiss. The measure that remains is to give more attempt to doing the current engineering accessible.

Humanism in Renaissance Art

The renascence, occurring mingled with the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries, was a period of great rebirth. Humanism, an important part of the rebirth, brought about more color, perspective, and pragmatism within the artistic community. A few aspects of humanism include psycheism and Greece- roman print influences. Humanist ideals manifested themselves in kit and boodle of Renaissance art such as Michelangelo Sistine Chapel and his David sculpture, as well as Repeals School of Athens. individualization emerged in the works of Michelangelo along with numerous other Italian artists of the time.In Michelangelo Sistine Chapel painting, each of the over ace hundred people depicted has its own distinct facial features. Prior to the Renaissance, artists would replicate the same humdrum face onto all of the people in a large group. However, Michelangelo preferred to distinguish every individual figure present. He also ventured so far as to include a depiction of graven image in the form of he paintings benefactor, Pope Julius II. The characteristics of individualism repeatedly appear in the works of Italian Renaissance artists. The prevalence of humanist ideals is also present through the inclusion of Greek and Roman themes.The statue of David by Michelangelo was a sculpture created between 1501 and 1504 featuring a nude male representing the biblical hero David. Davits contrasts pose is the Renaissance interpretation of the common Greek theme of a casually standing heroic figure. Another past Greece-Roman theme represented in the statue is the idea of a biblical hero depicted as a supreme athletic embodiment. Additionally, Repeals School of Athens, painted between 1 509 and 1 510, conveys classical Greek and Roman ideals. Aristotle and Plato, well known Greek philosophers, serve as the central focus of the scene.Furthermore, the building portrayed in the painting has the rounded appearance and incorporation of columns used commonly in Romanesque archite cture. Also, there are two statues visible in the background of the painting one is of the Greek god Apollo, the god of light and cheery, and the reciprocal ohm is of the Roman goddess Minerva, the goddess of wisdom. A myriad of Italian artists were influenced by the humanist ideals of the great thinkers. The likes of Michelangelo and Raphael used these principles of the great Renaissance humanists to advance their artwork. Humanism in Renaissance Art By illegible

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Vikram Seth

Vikram Seth Vikram Seth is a famous Indian poet, novelist, travel writer, librettist, childrens writer, biographer and memoirist. He was born on June 20, 1952 in Calcutta, now know as Kolkata. His father, Prem Seth, was an employee of the Bata India Limited shoe company. His experience was the branch wo homo judge of the Delhi High Court, as salubrious as the first woman to occasion Chief Justice of a state High Court, cognize as Shimla High Court. His childhood was exhausted in the town of Batanagar near Calcutta, Patna, and London.He has a jr. brother, Shantum, and a younger sister, Aradhana. Seth admits that most of the fictional characters in his novels are drawn from real biography, in comparison to his parents and siblings. Although discreet at times, he is not secretive approximately his personal life. He admits that the I in many of his poems is in persona to himself. His poems are addressed to both male and female objects. some men like Jack and some like JillWh at is my status? Stray? Or Great? are quotes taken from the poem Dubious, which shows him being absolved about his sexuality. He attended The Doon School in Dehadrun, where he admits to his terrible feeling of loneliness and isolation, during his studies. He overly attended Oxford University, where he took his undergraduate degree in philosophy, politics, and economics. He was enrolled at Stanford University, as puff up as Nanjing University for his intended doctoral dissertation on Chinese population planning. The Golden Gate (1986), was his first novel.He has write a travelogue From Heaven Lake Travels finished Sinkiang and Tibet (1983). His works in poetry involve All You Who Sleep Tonight (1990). He has also written a business relationship book for children base Tales from Here and There (1992). His acclaimed epic of Indian life, A desirable Boy (1993), won the WH Smith literary Award and the Commonwealth Writers Prize (Overall Winner, Best Book). A suited Boy is the s tory of several Indian families-the Kapoors, Mehras, Chatterjis and Khans, whose paths intersect continually over a period of about a year.It never strays far from the survey of love and marriageindeed, the book both begins and ends with weddings. Set in India in the early 1950s , which has save recently gained its independence from the British. A young girl by the name of Lata Mehra is the second daughter in her family. Her widowed mother, Rupa Mehra, is determined to find a suitable boy for her daughter. The book opens at Savita, Latas old sister, and Pran Kapoors wedding, where Lata decides that she does not want an arranged marriage like her sister.As the year passes three suitors come into Latas life. Of the three, a handsome Moslem classmate and the self-made business man her mother wants for her. Lata is a rebellious good-natured of girl who is already in love with a Muslim boy. The novel shows a conflict mingled with Hindus and Muslims in the fictional city of Brahmpu r, where the story is primarily set. angiotensin converting enzyme of the main aims of the novel is to infuse the marrow of religious tolerance among the Hindus and Muslims. Family drama and Indian history unfold around her Savita and Pran begin domestic life together and start their family.Life changes for Maan, Prans brother, when he falls for a girl from an unsuitable family. The story also surrounds a fight that Latas brother has in Calcutta. The story delves into the normal and day to day map life activities of India in 1951-52. Seth creates a compelling account revolving around these four families and their love, hatred, sadness, daily chores, and lives in the times of a crisis. It shows a society that is a commix of different cultures, communities, and castes undergoing a change.Vikram SethVikram Seth Vikram Seth is a famous Indian poet, novelist, travel writer, librettist, childrens writer, biographer and memoirist. He was born on June 20, 1952 in Calcutta, now known a s Kolkata. His father, Prem Seth, was an employee of the Bata India Limited shoe company. His mother was the first woman judge of the Delhi High Court, as well as the first woman to become Chief Justice of a state High Court, known as Shimla High Court. His childhood was spent in the town of Batanagar near Calcutta, Patna, and London.He has a younger brother, Shantum, and a younger sister, Aradhana. Seth admits that some of the fictional characters in his novels are drawn from real life, in comparison to his parents and siblings. Although discreet at times, he is not secretive about his personal life. He admits that the I in many of his poems is in reference to himself. His poems are addressed to both male and female objects. Some men like Jack and some like JillWhat is my status? Stray? Or Great? are quotes taken from the poem Dubious, which shows him being open about his sexuality. He attended The Doon School in Dehadrun, where he admits to his terrible feeling of loneliness and i solation, during his studies. He also attended Oxford University, where he took his undergraduate degree in philosophy, politics, and economics. He was enrolled at Stanford University, as well as Nanjing University for his intended doctoral dissertation on Chinese population planning. The Golden Gate (1986), was his first novel.He has written a travelogue From Heaven Lake Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet (1983). His works in poetry include All You Who Sleep Tonight (1990). He has also written a story book for children Beastly Tales from Here and There (1992). His acclaimed epic of Indian life, A Suitable Boy (1993), won the WH Smith Literary Award and the Commonwealth Writers Prize (Overall Winner, Best Book). A Suitable Boy is the story of several Indian families-the Kapoors, Mehras, Chatterjis and Khans, whose paths intersect continually over a period of about a year.It never strays far from the subject of love and marriageindeed, the book both begins and ends with weddings. Set in India in the early 1950s , which has only recently gained its independence from the British. A young girl by the name of Lata Mehra is the second daughter in her family. Her widowed mother, Rupa Mehra, is determined to find a suitable boy for her daughter. The book opens at Savita, Latas elder sister, and Pran Kapoors wedding, where Lata decides that she does not want an arranged marriage like her sister.As the year passes three suitors come into Latas life. Of the three, a handsome Muslim classmate and the self-made business man her mother wants for her. Lata is a rebellious kind of girl who is already in love with a Muslim boy. The novel shows a conflict between Hindus and Muslims in the fictional city of Brahmpur, where the story is primarily set. One of the main aims of the novel is to infuse the spirit of religious tolerance among the Hindus and Muslims. Family drama and Indian history unfold around her Savita and Pran begin domestic life together and start their family.Lif e changes for Maan, Prans brother, when he falls for a girl from an unsuitable family. The story also surrounds a fight that Latas brother has in Calcutta. The story delves into the normal and day to day routine life activities of India in 1951-52. Seth creates a compelling tale revolving around these four families and their love, hatred, sadness, daily chores, and lives in the times of a crisis. It shows a society that is a mix of different cultures, communities, and castes undergoing a change.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Borderlands Gloria Anzaldua

Imagine present day Mexico, there ar legion(predicate) popular Mexi usher out staples that can come to mind i. e tacos, warm weather, and pesos. However, when you take a close-hauled look at their culture it is clear that the Mexican people be truly religious. More specifically they argon very connected to the Virgen de Guadelupe. The Virgen is depicted all over Mexico and is one of their most celebrated and love saints. The Virgen de Guadelupe originates from Coatlicue The Aztecs, a 12th century CE civilization, were very religious and worshiped many gods and goddesses.The ritual sacrifices that took place in the Aztec society influenced their everyday lives. The Aztecs were highly spiritual, always inspired and taught by the gods and goddesses, for which they were the creators of the earth and life. The earliest is Coatlicue, or Serpent Skirt. She had a human skull or snake for a head, a necklace of human hearts, a butt against of twisted serpents and taloned feet, (Anzaldu a 49). She was a woman, an Earth Goddess, the beholder of all. Coatlicue, Lady of the Serpent Skirt, contained and balanced the dualities of male and female, get run through and dark, life and death, (Anzaldua 54).Since Coatlicue possesses these dualities she consisted of everything and in turn accepts all. She is the central deity connecting us to our Indian ancestory (Anzaldua 49). Of the many rituals performed by the Aztecs, nevertheless sacrifices would please her. The Spaniards embarked into the Aztec civilization during the 15th century CE. They were disgusted by the Aztec 2sacrifices, considering them barbaric. The Spaniards decided to disregard this ancient religion. Coatlicue, the serpent goddess, and her more sinister aspects, Tlazolteotl and Cihuacoatl, were darkened and disempowered much in the same manner as he Indian Kali (Anzaldua 49). Coatilicue became the honourable mother, split from her dark guises. The Spaniards along with the Church continued to split her. W hat they were doing was desexing Coatlicue her dualities were never discussed again. The reflexion of this change is now called la Virgen de Guadalupe. Coatlicue is embodied in all of us. I feel that she is in everything almost us as well.This is because she is intimately and evil light and dark. What the Spaniards did was hide half of her. Letting only the good shine through and thus being unfaithful to the straightforward Earth Goddess. Then there is the Antigua, soulfulness who is a greater figure, more of a divine presence. I think this is my connection with Coatlicue, the serpent woman, with la Virgen de Guadalupe, with what people call goddesses (Anzaldua 241). The divine presence is what Gloria Anzaldua feels deep down her soul. She has unleashed a deep yearning that she has get laidn her self-colored life. The loss of a sense of dignity and respect in the macho breeds a false machismo which leads him to amaze overthrow women and heretofore to brutalize them. Coexi sting with his sexist behavior is a love for the mother which takes precedency over that of all others.Devoted son, macho pig. To wash down the shame of his acts, of his very being, and to handle the beastly in the mirror, he takes to the bottle, the snort, the needle, and the fist, (Anzaldua 105). The western culture has morphed men into the almighty power. When Coatlicue ruled, women were highly regarded and men didnt bugger off superior attitudes. Since Coatlicue has been desexed and buried amongst the voodoo worshipers that we all laugh at today, there has been a major transmutation of power that was not for the greater good.I feel that if the 21st century can accept their privileged Coatlicue this wouldnt be jet among men. This is because Coatlicue doesnt allow this and men would be ashamed to put down a woman. Present day, many men think that its their duty to wear the pants in the family. Our controlling male society has caused women to become suppressed. Women still d ont receive equal pay and be pressured into a caretaker role in the household. The most upsetting aspect is that 50 years ago it was even worse and the progress women have strived for has only recently been accredited. Breaking the glass pileus is a common term amongst working women philosophy. However, I feel that there wouldnt be a glass ceiling to break if Coatlicue was present in our lives. Anzaldua struggles with her many identities her homosexuality is one which caused major conflict within herself and family. We are ashamed that we need your good opinion, that we need your acceptance. We can no longer camouflage our needs, can no longer let defenses and fences sprout around us. We can no longer withdraw (Anzaldua 110).Feeling this crust towards your culture and your family is a huge struggle. Like many other homosexuals, Anzaldua wants to be accepted. It would be comforting to know that no matter what you were accepted. Sadly, this is not how our culture is and many of us, like Anzaldua, feel rejected. Coatlicue was the one who gave her strength when she was down and when Anzaldua needed her Coatlicue was there. Coatlicue accepts all this is because she embodies everything and is not the good mother virgin that we are all accustomed too. Coatlicue is true to life and accepts the good and the bad. I am cultureless because, as a feminist, I challenge the collective heathen/ religious male-derived beliefs of Indo-Hispanics and Anglos yet I am cultured because I am participating in the construct of yet another culture, a new story to explain the world and our participation in it, a new value system with images and symbols that connect us to each other and to the planet, ( Anzaldua 102,103). Coatlicue is all cultures and this is why Anzaldua gravitates toward her in so many ways. Coatlicue doesnt shun homosexuals or mixed races.This is because she accepts all life, Coatlicue looks beyond these superficial traits and looks inside(a) of you to see who yo u really are. This freedom to be whoever allows everyone to express themselves freely. Anzaldua is drawn to this especially because she has a lot of clear qualities that the western culture looks down on. Coatlicue allows Anzaldua to be herself free of guilt or shame. Anzaldua has a place with Coatlicue and everyone who believes in her spirit. The mestizo and the queer exist at this time and point on the evolutionary continuum for a purpose. We are a blending that proves that all blood is ntricately woven together, and that we are spawned out of similar souls, (Anzaldua 107). This is inspired from the core of Coatlicue. Anzaldua has a chance to spank the obstacles she feels within herself. Globally we need to accept this because as time passes we leave all blend into a melting pot to not accept one of us, is the same as all of us, because we are all one of the same. Coatlicue is the heart of expressing yourself and the Aztecs understood the power of this message. No matter who y ou are there is a point in your life that you feel alone, left out, or different.During this time of stuggle is when you can reach for Coatlicue. She lead accept you and not be disgusted with you like western culture. At times like these I wish I had Coatlicue. I feel as if knowing about Coatlicue I am a stonger person. As a Roman Catholic I have always felt up that having the Virgin Marys grace and love was unobtainable. Its not realistic to say you will never sin, never hate, never have any evil. Coatlicue is the true model of who and what we are. This is because we all have good and evil within us and Coatlicue is that. Gloria Anzaldua didnt intend on inspiring or captivating the public.This primitive way of writing, at some points almost talking to herself, is what I liked the most. This style of writing is very true to her and all that she discussed. With this, the outcome of Borderlands had a greater effect than Gloria ever thought. Especially when published within a weste rn culture that doesnt accept much. This acceptance shows the need people want to change, grow, and overcome these man-made obstacles built hundreds of years ago. Glorias book will continue to inspire countless generations and I truly feel that time will allow Coatlicue to rise again.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The impacts of recent recession on consumer behaviour within Airline Literature review

The impacts of recent recession on consumer behaviour within Airline effort - Literature review ExampleFrom a marketing perspective, the ability to influence consumer behaviour is to understand the immanent and extrinsic factors affecting the consumer behaviour (Vanhuele, Wright and East, 2013).Consumer behaviour is the activities which people undertake when obtaining, consuming and disposing of products and work (Blythe, 2008, p. 56). The fundamental bottom of marketing should be that the customers are at the centre of everything the firm does. In marketing management customers are the key concern. This means that understanding the behaviour pattern of the customers is essential for the managers. Traditional marketing management stress on product features and competitive positioning of the product (Abramovich, 2005). The conventional marketing management theory focuses on the customer relationship with the marketers of the company and the product value (Statt, 2011). The purch asing behaviour of the consumers relates strongly to the segmentation of the markets. on that point are three types of segmentation geographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation and demographic segmentation. Geographic segmentation means to set apart the market area according to the location of the potential customers. Psychographic segmentation means to segregate a consumers characteristics and behaviour. Demographic segmentation means the division of consumer groups according to variables such as wealth, gender, age and education aim etc (Blythe, 2008). The managers of the company can strengthen their relationship with the consumers. The relational bonding between customers and employees will enable the managers to pose a product which will fulfil the consumer wants and needs. An established connection with the consumer provides the marketer information regarding the consumer behaviour. For example, the marketers would like to repurpose their products and services withou t hampering

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Iraq War and Internation Relation Paradigms Essay

Iraq War and Internation Relation Paradigms - prove ExampleBefore delving into the paradigms, it is necessary to refresh the facts leading up to this study. In the aftermath of World exchange Center collapse in September 2001, Bush found a path to reach galore(postnominal) parts of the creative activity for various reasons that were presented to the Congress and the public, but not favored by the majority overall. The nearly significant impact was on Iraq because the war is still in progress. The question is still inevitable as to why the Bush administration chose Iraq to invade. In his State of the Union Message, Bush commented, Iraqs illegal weapons programs, its attempts to hide those weapons from inspectors, and its link to terrorist groups, (Bushs Deep Reasons for War on Iraq) referring to Saddams underground activities. There catch been no terrorists arrests in Iraq and in October, Duelfer released a preliminary report finding that in March 2003 - the month of invasion-S addam did not have any weapons of chaw end (WMD) stockpiles and had not started any program to produce them (Official U.S. Calls off Search for Iraqi WMDs). This arouses suspicions thusly behind the real reason for the Bush Administration to invade Iraq. ... The same concept should then be applied when dealing with other countries. Without having actual evidence, declaring a war on a country is not the mark of a respected authority. As America was intensifying its attacks on Iraq, newton Korea came forward and admitted to having thermonuclear weapons. North Korea does have missile and biological and chemical weapons programs, along with its bid for a nuclear option - and all have been significantly improven in the past decade (Encarnacion 2005) Then why not invade North Korea To believe that America invaded Iraq partly based on a nuclear threat to the rest of the world seems absurd then and even now, since North Korea was openly admitting to having nuclear weapons and no direct military fill was taken in their regard. Then what is it that makes Iraq, and it is crucial to once again reiterate that no weapons of mass destruction were really found, the main target of the Bush AdministrationImperialism-Is America Building a New pudding stoneThroughout history, many superpowers have built vast conglomerates through imperialism such as the Turks Ottoman pudding stone and the British Empire. Yet, America has never shown fondness in the concept of imperialism and neither has invaded and conquered a country to pass water an empire. However, with the recent political activities, suspicions do arise to question the intentionality of the Bush Administration. If Iraq was attacked to search for weapons of mass destruction and those accusations proved to be false, then why has the war not ended Is America now building an empireFirst, a definition of imperialism is essential to establish the foundation on which to judge the governments actions. Imperialism is basical ly when one

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Examine how commitment to lifelong learning and reflective practice Essay

Examine how commitment to lifelong learning and brooding perpetrate contributes to the role of being a wellness profession - Essay ExampleThis academic paper provided guidelines for health professionals to explain, document, research and promote their professions. To complete the process of proving effectiveness, it is essential that health professionals undergo lifelong learning and reflective practice (Gross 2001).This academic paper lead describe the concepts of lifelong learning and reflective practice, then it will discusses why both of them are necessary in this changing society. Followed by explaining commitment is important in lifelong learning and reflective practice to health professional area.Lifelong learning has been advocated by government agencies both local and world(prenominal) as well as private professional institutions because of its increasing wideness with ensuring that health professionals are keeping up with the changing times. There are existing feder al and international laws being applied to regulate professions and to serve as their early defence towards the increasing needs of the pile in the society (Knowles et. al 2003).The efficacy of different health professions has not been fully explored. Some of these professions are relatively young professions and, therefore, needs all members of the field to contribute to its development (Riechmann 2000).Healthcare professionals should engage in continuing professional development (CPD) throughout their careers. This can be achieved through both formal activity, such as course attendance, and informal activity, such as reflective practice. However, about the latter, numerous healthcare practitioners learn anxieties about when they might operate this activity and how they might undertake it (Kinsella 2001).While there are many methods of CPD, the government focuses on outcome and defines it as ...a process of lifelong learning for all individuals and teams which meets the needs o f patients and delivers the health outcomes. (Jourgin 2002).Lifelong learning is

Monday, May 13, 2019

Rene Descartes Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rene Descartes Philosophy - Essay workoutIn fuller conclusion the issues of doubt are brought up, he says, underthought, I embrace all that which is in us so that we are immediately aware of it, a thing which exists thinks is a thing which doubts, understands. (21). These arguments by Descartes illustrate the need for self-assessment before making conclusions. A person (thinking being) is subject to doubt, hence must initiative be skeptic about everything in order to end up making the informed judgment.Thus, anything that exists has properties merely must be subject to some skeptic before making an informed judgment and acknowledging its, institution. For example, a person sees a bottle of water, and his eyes tell him that it is there. Since this person has the premise that what his eyes sees is in event real (or existing) it means that he knows that the bottle exists. In a similar way, Descartes explains that man (I) exists because of some attributes want body, soul, and thoug hts. He goes ahead to explain that I denies, understands, doubts, affirms, is willing, is unwilling, has sensory perception and imagines (19). This shows that an existence comes come about in hand with knowledge of properties that something possesses. Existence without the knowledge of its properties is even more illogical than deriving a conclusion that the existence of self also encompasses the temper of self. When Ren Descartes says that he thinks, therefore, he exists, it means that he is aware of what he is and what his nature is. Otherwise, there is no existence. Every existence has its properties be it divine authority like God or as trivial as a plastic water bottle.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Ethical behavior and unethical behavior articles Assignment

Ethical behavior and wrong behavior articles - Assignment ExampleThe Queen insists that she wasnt placing publicly descented payment within the charity. She said that fund would only include her private money. She further claimed that the lone costs that were covered by the payment were housekeep costs, together with salaries. Belgium wants to cut the annual stipend of Queen Fabiola after political leaders learned she had cat up a private charity to provide for her nephews and nieces and for her preferred Catholic foundations after her demise. Premier Elio Di Rupo had told mononu dupe phagocyte system he sought to cut the sum to 923,000 (776,000) back from 1.4 million (1.18m). As the only widow of the late(a) King Baudouin a dedicated Catholic who in 1990 did step aside provisionally to steer clear of signing the nations abortion bill insists the cash came from assets inherited from her Hispanic family. The 84-year-old at the moment maintains that she has had to dissolve the humane vehicle set up in September that let her to forward monies. The surfacing of the plan non many weeks ago aggravated rare fury in both political and media circles in Belgium and has clear up the realm to its foundations. The Property Principle and The Citizenship Principle were not respected by the monarch in her relations with the state.The Dignity Principle had been violated and Labour apologises for it. The Labour Party has had to apologise after one of its take most superior politicians was heard describing Belgium and Denmark as the second-tier nations. Delineating the partys defence strategy re-evaluation, ex-Security Minister Lord West claimed the UK close a certain clout. And he further argued that too much relegation of military potency could make it further like bloody Denmark or Belgium...that is Irrespective of any period of war decorations awarded to their cosmos (the Nepalese did get a fair few, also), fatalities or their inexplicably considerable donations to UN and NATO

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Social Work - Welfare Agenda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social Work - Welfare Agenda - Essay ExampleWales as well introduced Childrens Commissioner into the tender welfare ne twainrk. This was later to be implemented by Scotland as well. However, Wales did not limit itself to Childrens Commissioner but rather went a step ahead and introduced the Older Peoples Commissioner. The chairperson of this new post would be bestowed with the primary job to consider and promote interests of the senior citizen in Wales by removing discrimination and modifying legislations among other things. The rip off Assembly actively participated in these programs.Only in England and Wales has the Mental Capacity Act 2005 been implemented. An adult mental health plan is also in the pipeline as the Welsh Assembly is working on it. The Councils in Wales also take part in the development of the social sector and also helps in the development of the social services workers and volunteers.A Social Services Improvement Agency has also been introduced in Wales in or der to develop the services rendered by the local authority. This is done by informing the workforce about the prevalent policies, research and various legislations in practice. Since 2007 the Welsh Assembly government facilitated the amalgamation of two bodies into a new Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW). The purpose of the CSSIW was to develop the existing facilities for social services. In the future, one may foresee two possible scenarios1.Qualified social workers are most significant to attend to the welfare of the society. Over the years, the demand for social workers has increased leading to an imbalance and which is likely to rest for the next few years to come till there are more qualified social workers pitching for the job. This leads to the consequence wherein there is lack of local authorities to deliver social work services. The challenges and then presently existing the local authorities are

Friday, May 10, 2019

Urban Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Urban Tourism - Essay ExampleThe discussion shows that urban touristry does not always directly benefit the neighbourhood. The consequences of tourism growth, much to the opposite is dependent on the signifier of tourism development that exists, the communitys intrinsic characteristics and resources, the extra-local circumstance in which they find themselves entrenched, as salubrious as in the way tourism development is organised and operated (Hunning and Novy, 2006).Tourism activity as a matter of fact has stigmatized the neighbourhood in recent years, due to the increased interest of tourists (Sharma, 2004). Within a shortest range of time, Glasgow has evolved into an internationally recognized tourists destination. It has attracted people from different social and cultural backgrounds with its historic sites and its neighbourhood slums. Initially, Glasgow had limited and underwhelming number of visitors (Heeley, 2011). This is especially due to the fact that it has all the elem ents necessary to support roaring tourism. It has risen from being a part city to a must visit city (Gretzel, Christou and Sigala, 2012).The prototype of Glasgow can be compared to that of Harlem. Harlems improved image is associated with a greater appreciation and valorisation of the neighbourhoods culture and history. Hunning and Novy suggest thatHarlems history as the Black Mecca of the United states as well as its cultural richness ranging from the legacy of the Harlem Renaissance to the communitys role as an epicenter of modern black culture, are not only sources of local pride and confidence, but are also progressively recognized as marketable assets to build upon- by actors within and beyond the boundaries (2006, p. 6).A part from the revenue and publicity to the community, tourism has shaped Glasgows reputation and shaped awareness of the public and other prestigious actors within the town. Tourism is

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Code of ethics Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Code of ethics - Movie Review ExampleThe picture outlines some important evidence as to how Modern Corporation is becoming a dominating enchant in the society. It is increasingly becoming more influential not only in the decision do process of the government but also controlling other resources. As a result of this trend, the humans may not be able to enjoy or entitle to goods and services which are the underlying duties of a State to provide for. The encroachment of corporations into the domains of government therefore considered as one of the key honorable areas of concerns from public policy perspectives.Though the point of view of modern corporations has also been depicted in the impression however, this movie has been successful in highlighting important ethical and non-ethical issues. These issues include control over unfreeze resources, the role of government in providing free services as well as the replacement of the stodgy power of Church, Government as well as Mona rchs by the modern