Monday, September 2, 2019

Water Conservation Essay -- Environment, Environmental

One of the items people, animals, and our environment cannot live without is water. Water is extremely vital in the everyday life of everyone in the world from everyday life of drinking, washing clothes, animals, grains, cleaning, and so many other uses that eliminating water would eliminate our species as we all depend on the necessity of water. â€Å"The water footprint refers to the volumes of water consumption and pollution that are ‘behind’ your daily consumption†. (Network, 2010) If an average American uses approximately 80-100 gallons of water per day then an average American needs to change their ways and contribute to a better water footprint. Water is critical for ecological systems and the health of humans. Animals or plants cannot survive long without water. Water not only is most widely used resource by our industry, it both indirectly and directly produces energy, provides basis for outdoor recreation, and important for transportation along wit h so many other uses that it is globally in need. It is amazing as I thought about how I use water in my day. Flushing the toilet, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, drinking a glass of water, using water to make oatmeal, washing my dishes and my clothes, swimming in the lake or the pool, making different recipes that call for water, and watering my plants and garden. It was amazing to me when reading the website, because I never conceptually put together our food we consume to items we make in realize how much water is used globally. Some items that I did not think about would be beef, chicken meat, eggs, hamburgers, milk, pork, beer, tea, wine, barley, maize, millet, rice, soybeans, coconuts, apples, orange, potato, cheese, bread, cotton, paper,... ...o conserve water, as I enjoy eating meat and do not favor vegetables on a regular basis, so it is extremely important I do what I can in conserving as much water as possible on a daily basis. Works Cited Council, W. W. (2009, May 27). World Water Council/Water Crisis. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from Frederick, K. D. (2004, November 11). Consequences Vol. 1. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from Network, W. (2010). Your Water Footprint. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from Park&Co. (2009). 100 Ways to Conserve. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from

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