Sunday, September 1, 2019

“Student Involvement in Quality Enhancement in Higher Education”

Paper on the Topic Of â€Å"Student Involvement in Quality Enhancement in Higher Education† Prof. S. B. Vanjari ABSTRACT This Paper has been conducted the study of student’s participation in improving and maintaining the quality of education in higher education. The paper shows that student's participation in Quality enhancement plays very important role in enhancement in the standardization of the institution education at higher level. That role also important for planning, organization, communication, co-ordination and evaluation seemed to be an average level. Introduction and BackgroundHigher education and training institutions and quality assurance agencies operating in India are required to establish quality assurance procedures for the purposes of further improving and maintaining the quality of education and training which is provided by higher education and training institutions. The involvement of students in the established quality assurance procedures is an e ssential element of such procedures. The requirement to involve students in quality assurance activities relating to programs and awards is further stated in the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the indian Higher Education Area.Institutional and agency quality reviews which have taken place in higher education and training institutions over recent years have considered the issue of student involvement in quality assurance procedures. While such reviews have found that students are involved in most quality reviews undertaken in the Indian higher education system, the limited extent of student involvement at all stages of quality assurance procedures has been noted. A number of reports have recommended that Indian institutions need to ensure that students have the pportunity to provide regular feedback on all modules, programs and services, that student bodies and students in general become progressively more aware of quality review processes and that they are involve d systematically in quality assurance and enhancement initiatives. Common Principles for Student Involvement in Quality Enhancement Internal quality assurance: Quality Assurance Policy ? The institution enshrines the value of student participation in quality assurance activities at module, program, unit, department, college, faculty and institution level. The policy, associated procedures and calendar for reviews have formal status and are publicly available, actively communicated and known within the institution. ? The institution designs its student representation system to provide opportunities for student engagement in decision-making and quality management arrangements. These opportunities are enshrined and clearly set out in a Enhancement Handbook, Student Handbook or equivalent document and are actively communicated. As part of the institution’s development and implementation of a strategy for the continuous enhancement of quality, a policy and associated procedures fo r the assurance of the quality and standards of their program and awards have been established, setting out a role for students as partners in quality assurance. ? Common Principles for Student Involvement in Quality Assurance/Quality Enhancement Quality Assurance Procedures ? Students are represented at all fora that contribute to quality processes at the institution. ? In addition to formal feedback, informal feedback should also be sought and captured (e. g. eedback from individuals, focus groups etc. ) ? Students participate in internal quality reviews at module, program, unit, department, college, faculty and institution level as appropriate. Student Feedback on Modules, Program and Services ? Coherent and systematic student feedback mechanisms are in place for all modules, program and services. ? Student feedback on modules, program and services is analysed and such feedback is an explicit input to the quality assurance process at the institution. ? Outcomes of student feedbac k are reported back to students along with an action plan to address any issues raised.External quality assurance: External Quality Reviews ? Students are invited to participate in external quality reviews to ensure that the review covers issues of primary concern to learners. ? The external panel of experts includes an individual who represents a learner perspective. Principles for the involvement of students in reviews of quality assurance agencies ? Students and/or student representative bodies are invited to participate in the key stages of reviews of quality assurance agencies. ? The external panel of experts includes persons with a learner perspective. Common Principles for Student Involvement in Quality EnhancementSelection, training and recognition of students involved in Internal, External and Agency Quality Reviews ? The institution and quality assurance agencies work in partnership with student representative bodies to: ? Set out criteria for selecting students to partici pate in quality reviews. The criteria are clearly articulated and made publicly available. ? Put in place a transparent and fair process for selecting students. ? Provide appropriate training and support for students selected to participate in reviews. ? Recognize participation of students in quality assurance activities. Conclusion:Student participation plays a very vital role in quality enhancement of higher education level. Proper planning should be design for the student participation in an all student concern activities in the institution. Then it will become strength of institution as well as higher education REFERENCES:- http://www. iheqn. ie/standards/default. asp Arunkumar, R. Sharma. (2001). Financial management . Atlantic publications. Best, J. W & Khan, JV (1983)7th edition. Education Research an Introduction Newark, Longman N. C. T. E (1978) ‘Teacher education curriculum' a frame work, New Delhi:NCERT.

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