Monday, September 30, 2019

Ghost Story Essay

Ghost Stories are really popular, and always have been for a very long time. Several reasons why ghost based novels and movies have been successful, is because many people like the thrill. People will pick up a novel or enter a cinema without knowing how you will fell after, kind of in a way†¦ similar to rollercoaster’s and why people go on them. People are just waiting for a break of normal day-to-day life and are craving some excitement. Nearly all ghost stories keep you suspended until the last moment, can’t wait to turn that hand and read the next page. This keeps the reader at there nerves, but still wanting to read the rest of the book, and finish it, then buy another, then do the exact same. People who sat that they have seen a ghost, just puts other people in a fixed mind set thinking how you would feel during a encounter with a ghost, how you would feel afterwards, would you tell anyone. People often say you get Goosebumps and go cold, and every noise you hear – you think someone is there, the fear factor is there. There is a number of factors to contribute to a good ghost story, a few of them are; Vocabulary – When the writer gives a good detailed account of what people are wearing, how the setting is, how the weather (is there pathetic fallacy? ). It will give the reader a better understanding of what’s actually going on and so they can then picture it in your head. Unpredictability – Twist’s in the story line, things to keep the reader asking questions after each page, and being answered at the end of the novel, twist’s that aren’t answered, sort of cliff hangers. Suspense and Development of Tension – this is a key factor because it’s mainly suspense and tension that the reader finds intriguing and what makes them turn the page. Being, again descriptive, going into every sentence as the reader was in the story not knowing anything. Build up of tension; writer would want the reader to feel agitated in specific parts, taking slow steps to describe things, keeping audience at the â€Å"edge of there seat†, and similarly the writer needs to develop the tension through his writing. There are Hundreds of Ghost Stories, old, modern, Traditional. The two Stories I am going to compare is â€Å"The Call†, and â€Å"The Old Nurse’s Story†, there are a few similarities, some of them are; The Ghost’s – In both stories, the ghosts are both lonely and seeking companionship, and they both got companionship in the end by taking over there victims. From The Call – â€Å"What the hell am I doing here? â€Å", Asked Meg, as if waking from a dream†. Meg was taken into a trance by the ghost, in this case by a telephone call. The ghost was pretending someone was down the River. â€Å"The Shepherds†¦ found Miss Maude sitting, all crazy and smiling, nursing a dead child†, – The child of Miss Maude taunts her mother. They take over venerable people, this is a way they trance there victims, after taking over victims, they take them away from there loved ones and family and follow orders from the ghost. This is effective because it adds a twist to the story, taking control over a special or loved person†¦ usually in some ghost stories they tend to take over total strangers and work from there, putting them into a trance and giving specific orders, Out of the ordinary. In â€Å"The Call†, the ghost died by her husband throwing her into the river. He threw her into the river because she had a bad leg and was no use to him. He wanted to see other women. In â€Å"The Old Nurses Story†, Lord Furnival wanted his wanted his daughter to marry a person of importance and wealth and to bring happiness into the house. She and her sister had started to take music lessons from a non-profitable tuition from Italy. They both fancied the tutor, but Mrs Maude decides that she wants more than that†¦ she loved him and wanted to marry him. The only thing that was stopping her was her father, Lord Furnival. The tutor is exactly the person he doesn’t want her daughter to marry. This is effective to the audience because the audience thinks there will be a standard ghostly plot, but this is different. This adds to the depth of the plot, it all based around the family and makes the reader want to know more, it is intriguing to the reader. †¦ Both of the victims are powerless against the ghosts. In â€Å"The Call†, the women with the dog, takes control of the wife working in the Samaritans Office. The husband and wife don’t do anything to stop the ghost; Harry just died and made the ghost go away. When the victims were put into a trance, they don’t want to fight it, rescue themselves†¦ in fact they want to be with the ghost more than their loved ones. This maybe the fact that the ghost just totally overwhelms them and takes 100% control over them. Meg went into a trance and didn’t come to tell her husband, that she was going to the river late at night. The women in both stories fall under the spell of the ghost. It was late at night and the phone rang. Meg answered it and it was a bit spooky because of the time and nature of the call; there was a mad woman on the phone and was saying that her husband’s going to kill her. The next couple of phone calls were getting Meg weirder and weirder. She snapped. She didn’t know what she was doing under the ghostly trance and she went to the river, towards the woman and dog. Both of the stories are set in very cold, bleak places, these give a kind of goolish, brutal and sick feeling. Most ghost stories are not set in cold, bleak places†¦ most likely an urban area. This is different. Both situated far from nothing with huge houses and massive land, Wealthy people. The coldness gives a sense of evil and dangerous. Pathetic fallacy is used to reflect the power of the weather, like when they are tranced, and taken over, the weather changes, gets colder, darker and mood and atmosphere changes. Something that was mentioned in the Introduction, about making a ‘good’ ghost story, was language. The language that both stories use a very descriptive language; so the reader knows/can imagine everything in there mind, â€Å"The bank is crumbling and the fence is rotting. â€Å", â€Å"The water stacked up, black smooth slightly steaming†¦ â€Å", â€Å"the stillness of the dead-cold weather†. Both writers use similes, metaphors and personification. â€Å"The Old Nurses Story† use’s old vocabulary, long sentences; this is more found of traditional old ghost stories. As for â€Å"The Call†, it uses simple vocabulary, not complicated to follow story line and modern with straight forward sentences.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alcoholism Feature Article Essay

Introduction (Opening facts): Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in Australia, beating crack and heroin into second and third place in the ranking, according to recent studies. The current research used data from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that almost 60% of 18-24 year old current drinkers, who failed to complete high school, began drinking before the age of 16. The survey also revealed that teens are more likely to try alcohol for the first time during the summer months, along with other harmful drugs or cigarettes. Teens are susceptible to alcohol mostly during this time due to more idle time, fewer responsibilities and less adult supervision. Effects and results: With more than 1 in five teens between the ages of 14 and 19 of age, consuming alcohol on a weekly basis, the risk of cancer, digestive diseases and addicted related medical issues are predicted to rise. Those who drink regularly have been proven to have a lower productivity rate than those of unaffected areas. Underage drinking plays a significant role in risky, sexual and often violent behaviour, which can lead to other health issues or injuries. As a result of this, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in people ages 15 to 20. Deadly crashes involving alcohol are twice as common in teens compared with people 21 and older. Further more, mixing drinking with swimming or boating can be fatal. Four out of 10 teens that drown have consumed alcohol. Underage drinking has also been linked with deaths and injuries from burns, falls, alcohol poisoning and suicide. Consequently, the total cost attribute to underage drinking includes costs of traffic cras hes, violent crime and injuries and treatment, equates to over $15.2 billion per year. Signs and prevention: From the results of underage drinking proving deadly and most harmful, people in today’s modern society need to wake up to the signs towards alcoholism, especially towards younger victims. Mood changes, irritability and defensiveness are physical signs, which can be easily recognised. Another example is further school problems such as poor attendance, low grades and rebellion against family rules. Although many of the symptoms may seem typical towards an ordinary teenager, parents and carers should still be aware of these as they may reflect on how their child may be suffering from alcoholism. ‘It is critically important to take every opportunity we can, throughout the year to talk to our young people about the real risk of substance abuse and effective measures for avoiding it, so they will be informed and capable of making the right responsible decision.’ Common Experiences: A recent victim who has suffered from alcohol as a result to his death, is Liam Davies (16). As reported after New Years, Davies drank the tainted alcohol while celebrating New Year’s in Sydney with friends. He was rushed to a local hospital where he was in an unstable critical condition from alcohol poisoning. The Davies family released a statement asking for Australians to be careful when holidaying abroad or drinking in general. â€Å"We would like to make people aware of the risks associated with consuming alcohol, especially without appropriate supervision†.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Corporate socail responsiblity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate socail responsiblity - Essay Example This paper will discuss the nature of capitalism, the nature of the corporation and the function of the CEO in order to determine if the compensation for the position is legitimate. Within the capitalist framework, individuals are compensated proportionally to their contribution to society at large. This means that the level at which individuals are able to contribute to the expansion of the GDP for the nation at large determines how much they will be compensated (Feltus, 2009). This is empirically proven true through the fact that business owners, inventors, and shareholders typically make the most amount of money within the economy. This is because their service expands the total amount of currency that is exchanged within the boarders. The relation that this has to CEO compensation is the type of work that individuals complete. Employers are typically part of a machine that produces and/or disseminates products and services, while individuals who are a part of upper management typ ically perform task that involve the structuring of the organization (Feltus, 2009). Capitalism forces individuals to become either suppliers or consumers. This is evident within the theory that drives the economy; the law of supply and demand. This laws makes is abundantly clear that individuals will not be able to break away from the cycle of consumerism and supply. This same law can be applied to the position of the CEO. There is an extremely short supply of individuals who are capable of performing the task that are delegated to the CEO because of the massive knowledge requirements and experience needed for it to function (Shleifer, 1997). Therefore when the supply his low, individuals who take those positions are able to demand more pay and salary. In terms of the employee, there is a much larger supply of individuals who are capable of completing entry and middle level task (Shleifer, 1997). Therefore they are less capable of demanding as much for their work. In terms of the c orporate structure itself, publicly traded companies have a disconnect between the owners and the operatives. Shareholders specifically vote on the board of directors who are responsible for determining who will be CEO. The corporate structure then plays a role in why the CEO is gets such a large salary, because he is the chief officer who reports directly to the shareholders. Since shareholders attempt to maximize profit at all cost, the reason why they are willing to pay the CEO so much is because they want to create incentives for loyalty and responsibility (Clarke, 2004). CEOs exist to help maximize profit for the shareholders and determine what strategies are most and least effective in terms of the companies operations. While large compensation for the CEO is one means of achieving such ends, John Mackie claims that â€Å"Whole Foods has not lost employees it wanted to keep because of higher salaries elsewhere. He believes that once basic financial needs are met, ‘deepe r purpose, personal growth, self-actualization, and caring relationships provide very powerful motivations and are more important than financial compensation for creating both loyalty and a high performing organization (O’Brien, 2010).’† This means that the company can also benefit from paying employees even more which increases the return on investment for human capital. The function of the CEO is another overly important reason for the increased compensation that must be

Friday, September 27, 2019

The World Bank and Global Poverty Research Paper

The World Bank and Global Poverty - Research Paper Example Poverty cannot be measured just by a study of the people’s income levels. The purpose of this letter is to point out some of the weaknesses of the poverty measures that your organization relies upon to gauge the extent of poverty around the world. The World Bank uses absolute terms in its description of poverty. The bank classifies people living in ‘extreme poverty’ as those whose earnings are less than US$1.25 per day (PPP), and relative poverty for people earnings less than $2 per day. In light of these figures, an estimated 1.4 billion and 2.7 billion of people currently live in extreme poverty and relative poverty situations respectively. The World Bank, therefore, erroneously believes that the global economy can still sustain the reduction of poverty as envisaged in the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, since the number of people whose daily earnings are below $1.25 has been decreasing. The reality, though, is that, with the current poverty measures in pl ace, with the exclusion of China, the rest of the countries in the developing world as still far from achieving much in terms of poverty reduction. The main shortcoming of the poverty measurement tool (PPP) used by the World Bank is that it is premised upon intrinsic representation of lack of resources. It is evident that poverty lines do not provide accurate estimates of the level of poverty because poverty is all-encompassing. Evidence confirms that a number of the current statistics on poverty lines might have been justifiably grouped in the dollar-a-day category. In the latest round of poverty measurement, you organization’s line of $1.25 per person per day are premised upon the standard poverty line for 15 countries with the weakest economies in the world. These inconsistencies call for a new approach to measuring poverty by your organization. An alternative approach revolving around the estimation of the poverty based on the median country normally brings about signific antly higher figures of the poor, especially in highly populated countries such as India and China. Moreover, the new World Bank approach ignores the rate of inflation in developed countries like the United States; a factor that would have pushed the original $1.08 mark to $1.45 for 2005, with clear repercussions on the equivalent estimates of people in poverty, and thus for the realization of the MDGs on the issue by 2015. The study of earnings by people within a given country and across the world in general, gives a skewed understanding of poverty in favour of income as opposed to other factors that stem from poverty and enhance its pangs on the affected persons. In light of this disparity, a multi-dimensional measurement of poverty would provide a more all-encompassing understanding of poverty. Multi-dimensional poverty index Your organization’s reliance upon measurements of just relative earnings to ascertain the level of poverty covers only a small section of the whole i ssue and falls short of comprehensively describing the complex nature of poverty. I believe that your approach to measuring poverty should involve an evaluation and measurement of other factors, which are associated with the multi-dimensional disposition of the situation as well. These encompass factors such as the rate of joblessness, the level of poor health care or educational

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business Failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Failure - Essay Example Moreover, the individuals within both the corporations also projected the fact that this amalgamation would facilitate their individual pathways to success. The observable fact is that the stockholders of both the corporations had given their management a green signal in regards to this amalgamation. Furthermore they had also highly recommended and supported the act. Nobody could even remotely predict what was to follow the amalgamation. Soon after the amalgamation was signed, it seemed that both the corporations individually were not even treading close to their routine work path; instead somehow, they were treading way from their usual successful modes of operations. Routine after the amalgamation, though, was totally diverse, mainly at the Chrysler division. And in the following months, their stock prices plunged down by an approximate one half. The Chrysler division, which had seemed to be lucrative earlier to the amalgamation, began trailing upon their wealth shortly afterwards. The management then presumed at that point in time that they would somehow carry this on. In accumulation to this, there had been noteworthy number of layo ffs at Chrysler following the amalgamation. This had not been projected prior to the act of the amalgamation (CNNMoney,2001). The reason of failure: The dissimilarities within the culture linking the two associations were mainly accountable for this collapse. The processes along with the administration were not effectively incorporated as contemporaries as of the completely diverse ways within which the Germans also Americans functions: whilst Chrysler and Daimlers customs strained upon a more official and controlled administration style, Chrysler privileged a more comfortable, non-interventionist style, to which it billed a big part of its pre amalgamation economic triumph. Additionaly, the two divisions conventionally held utterly diverse outlooks on vital effects like salaries also travel expenditures (Vlasic and Stertz, 2000). As a consequence of these disparities along with the German unit's mounting supremacy, routine and worker happiness at Chrysler gave way to a sharp recession. There had been big numbers of variations amongst the key Chrysler executives also engineers, even as the German unit became ever more discontente d with the routine of the Chrysler division. Chrysler workers, in the meantime, became enormously displeased with what they professed as the foundation of their division's tribulations. The idea that Daimler wanted to execute included taking over the entire corporation and enforcing their culture in it. The Cultural standards materialize to make individual corporations more competent by producing a communal perceptive that supports statement also action. Nevertheless, when two united corporations vary in their principles; this can generate a basis of divergence and misinterpretation that precludes the merged corporation from comprehending the economic competence. The corporations conjecture that the degree of these differences are unforeseen as spectators spotlight on concrete aspects of the company's exercises like that of expertise, resources, as well as

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Descartes and the Existence of Evil Demon Essay

Descartes and the Existence of Evil Demon - Essay Example Central to his argument is the fact that his knowledge of God is anchored on a distinct idea on the existence of a supreme being (Marion, 2008). As such, there must be the existence of an idea first before a given claim of body of knowledge is verified. For Descartes, this distinct idea resided in his mind. It is this idea that gave him the essence of God as a supreme being. It is an idea that could not be verified through empirical methods. The existence of an Evil Demon, in line with the thinking of Descartes, can only obtain if it is backed by a distinct idea.   There must first exist the essence of the Evil Demon that is developed into Descartes mind in order for him to make a claim about the existence of such a being. One of the central arguments upheld by Descartes is that essence relates to existence. It would follow logically that the absence of essence effectively eliminates all possibilities of existence. Without the essence of the Evil Demon in distinct form it would be vacuous to assert any claim of such an existence. Therefore, this would mean that Descartes could claim the existence of God but not make any assertions on whether or not some Evil Demon actually exists (Marion, 2008). Proof of such existence could be derived from other serious arguments, or by employing some logical claims outside the boundaries established by Descartes methods.   Descartes knowledge of God was based on the theory of ideas which people can relate with. He believed that it is possible for things to exist without their very nature of existence being confirmed by any evidence. He did not consider it necessary to seek out for measure of quantifiable evidence that would offer evidence for the existence of God. According to him, the mind can generate knowledge of its own through the power of intuition. The practice of intuition basically demands changing the mind to the essence of ideas without establishing the evidence of experience or

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Intro to Rel Dbase Mgts Syst Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intro to Rel Dbase Mgts Syst - Assignment Example De-normalization process is applied for the creation of data warehouse or sometimes used for revival of the dying online transaction processing (OLTP) applications, which shows the dreadful performance. De-normalization process applied to those tables, which results during the normalization. De-normalization does not alter the basic form or structure of the schema, but adjusts the basic structure or database design. Response 2: Business rules are enforced by applying the triggers or stored procedures. Business rules are used for handling the referential integrity. Using stored procedures for achieving the referential integrity does not involve the application development outside of data. Response 1: Queries like select, create, update, delete, and alter are used to perform the various business functions from a relational database management system. These queries can be used to access the column or rows of relations. Response 2: Under specification of data translation is another issue. Data from multiple tables becomes an issue because no simple way is there to validate the cross references from different files. It becomes the integrity issue of cross-referencing. Response 1: Initial deficiencies of information flow assessed during the Database Initial Study phase causes the modification of the existing system. This modification is also derived from the increased size of the organization. Increased number of wants and needs of the system also modify the initial study phase of database life cycle. Response 2: If the current system fails to meet the required functionality then system designer examines the ways the existing system failed. Lot of time is spent in talking with end-users of the database (Rob, Coronel and Crocket

Monday, September 23, 2019

Women in general management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Women in general management - Essay Example   The Goodpaster article tries to outline some of the ethical issues that general managers confront in their location and the organizations. The issue of affirmative action is very common with many Managers, and this leaves them in an awkward position due to pressure emanating from within and outside the organization. Because of this, the article notes that managers need a more orderly way of thinking through the moral implications of policy decision. The above mission statement shows that women are capable of delivering given the favourable atmosphere. However, many societies and corporate environment don’t allow women to scale higher because of the negative perception of, â€Å"they can’t do." This has for over the decades subordinated the position of women in the corporate environment and gave men the chance to enjoy the opportunities. A good manager is one who weighs the available options and bases the actions on the policies that the organization has set. Simila rly, the actions that a manager resorts to must comply with the set laws such as ensuring affirmative action and implementing where it is due. Doing this will ensure that the decision passed by the general manager respects the rights of others, keeps promises and contracts, obeys laws, are fair and prevents harming others.Additionally, general managers can ensure they overcome the dilemma that makes them discriminate against women in leadership by following the three avenues of critical thinking as discussed in Goodpaster article.   

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Albatross Anchors part 3 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Albatross Anchors part 3 - Case Study Example Being founded in 1976, Albatross Anchor operates as a family business in the USA. It was instigated by four people family members and currently performs with the manpower of 130 employees. The company has been engaged with the manufacturing and shipping of anchors in the wholesale market of the nation and other neighboring countries as well. Thus, the entire organizational process involves various phases which can be sorted as producing, storing or warehousing and shipping among others. With the intention of proposing the company to adopt changes, after taking certain beneficial strategic measures, the discussion henceforth will intend to address four challenges faced by Albatross in its current practices rendering recommendations to the identified issues. Furthermore, adhering to the changes recommended, the strategic selections will be justified along with a detailed plan of implementing those strategies and a timeline through Gantt chart. ... It is in this context that the company needs to witness challenges in terms of legal barriers limiting the maximum weight to be shipped at a time. Owing to this particular reason, where on one hand the company needs to incur extra cost burden of transportation costs in case of railroads; on the other hand, it had to witness hurdles in transporting through ocean routes as well where the products were entitled to be initially shipped through rail to the dock and then loaded on the ship, which incurred extra labor costs for shipping goods in the international market. Furthermore, due to the increasing complexities in the shipping procedure, the organization also had to face hurdles in managing the manpower effectively. Hence, it can be recommended that the company needs to reframe its administrative staff arrangement along with absorbing more manpower in its transportation process. Although engaging greater manpower shall prove to be a costly venture in the short-run, it shall prove as highly beneficial in the long-run to gain enhanced sustainability and profitability minimizing the confusions arising in the shipment process. Again, as the company produces both domestic and international products incurring different production costs, it should intend to re-consider its pricing strategies which would neither hamper the interests of the wholesale customers, nor would inhibit the profit margin of the company (Rivers, 2012). Challenge # 3: Quality Management In relation to quality management, the products which are produced by Albatross, i.e. bell anchors and snag hook anchors, follow distinct procedures or mechanisms and techniques. For instance, the bell anchors are

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Oedipus the King Essay Example for Free

Oedipus the King Essay In Sophocles Oedipus the King, the themes of fate and free will are very strong throughout the play. Only one, however, brought about Oedipus downfall and death. Both points could be argued to great effect. In ancient Greece, fate was considered to be a rudimentary part of daily life. Every aspect of life depended and was based upon fate (Nagle 100). It is common belief to assume that mankind does indeed have free will and each individual can decide the outcome of his or her life. Fate and free will both decide the fate of Oedipus the King. Both sides of the argument can be greatly supported. The Greeks believed in the idea that personality of the individual greatly affected his or her life (Nagle 120). Their personality was what decides their own free will. A wise man will make good decisions in his life; an ignorant and stubborn man wont be so fortunate. The character traits of a person have a certain positive or negative affect on the choices that he or she makes. For Oedipus, one of these attributes was the desire for knowledge and truth about his own existence. This driving force in the play led to the truth of his origin. This ties in with his own aspect of free will. His free will is based on his drive for knowledge. Throughout the entire play, Oedipus pushes Tiresias, Creon, Jocasta, the oracle, the messenger, and the shepherd for information regarding his beginnings. Each one of these characters in some way or form refused to give him a thorough answer. As he draws closer to the answer, another character tries to stop his journey. Oedipus continues moving onward even though others request he didnt. Oh no, listen to me, I beg you, dont do this. Listen to you? No more. I must know it all, see the truth at last (Sophocles 195). His desire for truth kept pushing him to continue his search, ultimately leading to his downfall. The entire time Oedipus had the capability to discontinue the plight. However he made the independent decision to continue. Another instance where choices directly linked Oedipus to the prophecy was at the crossroads. Oedipus demonstrates an important trait in his character, stubbornness. This trait is visible when Oedipus reacted to the man pushing him aside at the crossroads. the one shouldering me aside, the driver, I strike him in anger! . I killed them allevery mothers son! (Sophocles 189). In ancient times when a caravan was coming down the road they usually pushed you to the side. Oedipus didnt like this and flipped out, killing all of them. It was his stubbornness that caused this to happen. His personality led to the decision to kill the caravan and unknowingly, his father too. If he were a wise and content man, then his decision would have differed. When Oedipus defeated the Sphinx by solving the riddle, he could have refused to take the missing kings throne. He could have also declined to marry the former kings wife, unaware that the queen was his own mother. He accepted both of these without any regrets. If his decision was different it might have altered the course of events in the future. His personality made sure that the decisions went the way they did. These choices were made by Oedipus with his own free will, his own decisions. He didnt have to accept these gifts, but did none the less. These conclusions would lead to his own demise, but they were his own mistakes, not fate. Free will can also be found in the actions of Jocasta and Laius. The choices they made were not made by their own judgement, but rather reactions to a situation that neither of them was prepared to deal with. Upon hearing the prophecy that foretold the future sins in their household; they made a harsh decision out of fear. They had little Oedipus sent to die at the foothills of a mountain. This reaction seems very cruel, but back in ancient times it was very natural. Being that an oracle foretold the prophecy, Jocasta and Laius responded as any Greek parents would. They solved the problem by removing Oedipus from the equation, but in the end their decision wasnt the right one. This leaves the readers of the play to wonder what might have happened if Jocasta and Lauis never sent Oedipus to die as an infant. Would the prophecy still have taken place? It seems that it wouldnt have, because Oedipus wouldnt have engaged in the misled wandering after he left his adopted home. Oedipus would have had no reason to fulfill the prophecy, but that is another question that we dont know. On the other hand, if Oedipus didnt listen to the prophecy suggested to him in Corinth, he never would have returned to Thebes to carry out his destiny. All these instances can be looked at that free will was the deciding factor. Was it really? Fate can also be looked upon in every instance, equally a strong argument against free will. Oedipus desire for knowledge can also be looked at by the standpoint of fate. He was born with his own stubbornness. The Gods themselves made him that way and it can not be changed. No matter what his decisions were, their gift to him will lead to the path they gave him. He cant escape the fate the Gods have given him. He kept pushing farther and father, but it just led to his downfall. Nothing he could have done would have stopped that. The prophets make this clear in their prophecies throughout the text. All the premonitions they say come true. They cant be avoided because the Gods made you with your personality and it controls your life. Ultimately they control you. When Oedipus reaches the crossroads, it was fate that led to the events that took place. Short work, by god-with one blow of the staff (Sophocles 189). This quote reveals that the gods did play apart in the events that took place. Oedipus prophecy was to kill his own father. Unwillingly because of his stubbornness Oedipus struck down and did indeed kill his father. Because the gods gave him this trait, his fate was unavoidable. The traits of Oedipus would generate the right sequence of events that would eventually lead to his prophecy coming true. Oedipus personality was the cause of the events. His free will blended in with the fate given to him by the gods. All together it was fate that decided these actions. The prophecy given to Lauis and Jocasta is also another example of unavoidable fate. Even though it wasnt there own choices to get rid of their son, their reaction to the prophecy set up the events for the future. If they never sent Oedipus to die at the mountainside, he most likely never would have killed Lauis at the crossroads. Their reaction was to a message given to them by the Gods. The Gods dictated what was going to happen. They told the prophet to give out the prophecy. Leading to the vanquishing of little Oedipus. All along every action leads to ones fate in life. The greatest show of fate in the text is when Oedipus gauges his eyes out with the golden clips. He does this in reaction to the events that take place. Oedipus was aware that he alone was responsible for his actions and gauged his own eyes out. That is the free will standpoint on the issue. Oedipus was at the same time not responsible for his actions. The gods controlled his personality and therefore controlled the outcome of his life. If Oedipus realized this he might not have taken his own sight. The gods use their power to provoke humans free will. They were responsible for the demise of Oedipus, but in the same time convince the human that it was there fault. Free will and fate can be related to every aspect of Oedipus the King. The gods who control fate manipulate the thinking and concepts in humans free will. Ultimately fate is what overcomes all. It may not seem like it, but free will was given to mankind by the gods or God. So in turn the gods decide the fate of everybody when they created man. It was already decided and can not be changed. One can still argue the position that free will is more dominant, but if you relate to creation and how the gods made man, fate overcomes. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles made it clear to his fellow Greeks that mankind has the ability, even with prophecies and oracles, to make choices free from influence of divine forces. He also shows that fate does play a part in humans lives too. They tie into each other for a direct balance. Overall, fate is the divine power that controls free will and determines ones life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Studies of NDPAH

Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Studies of NDPAH Synthesis, characterization and Thermal Studies of a Bis {N- (2, 4- dinitro- phenyl) N- (3- phenyl- allylidene)- hydrazine} Uranyl (VI) nitrate  [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ Shahriar Ghammamy, Sajjad Sedaghat Abstract Bis {N- (2, 4- dinitro- phenyl) N- (3- phenyl- allylidene)- hydrazine} abbreviated as NDPAH was synthesized and characterized. Bis {N- (2, 4- dinitro- phenyl) N- (3- phenyl- allylidene)- hydrazine} Uranyl (VI) nitrate prepared r Keywords: Bis {N- (2, 4- dinitro- phenyl) N- (3- phenyl- allylidene)- hydrazine} Uranyl (VI) nitrate, synthesis, thermal analysis, FT-IR and UV–Visible spectroscopy, Schiff bases. Introduction A Schiff base, named after Hugo Schiff, is a compound with a functional group that contains a carbonnitrogen double bond with the nitrogen atom connected to an aryl or alkyl group, not hydrogen. Complexes of uranyl with nitrogen ligand are of considerable interest due to broad spectrum of biological activities. Formation of transition metal complexes with ligands of uranyl family are important because this ligands connected with various modes to the electron-rich and electron-poor metals. uranyl containing ligands are known to form stable complexes with class b metal ions, such as gold (I). Nitrogen-containing ligands is an important factor in the development of coordination chemistry such as Schiff bases and their metal complexes. and biochemically relevant studies of metal complexes [1]. A group of nitrogen-containing ligands represent a wide range of biological activities and this class of ligands known as pyrimidine system. These groups are valuable ligands in chemistry and on th e other hand have a huge impact on biological properties. For example, a furopyrimidine ring according to the isoelectric contact with purine, is highly regarded. Other uses are as a pesticide and medicine such as antifolates, antimalarials, and antivirus and other hand, protects against radiation. Recently, it has been found that the fluoropyrimidines to prevent some of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) and high epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is used However, many synthetic protocols that have been reported as long-term reactions or quick reactions suffer from defects and flaws. Requires a multi-step reaction, requires without water conditions, low efficiency, the use of metal constructions containing materials and special tools or starting substances are examples of these flaws. Therefore achieve new techniques and efficient for the preparation of furo (2, 3, d) derivatives of pyrimidine is still highly desirable [7] Pyrimidine represents a very i nteresting group of compounds, because these compounds are used extensively in phytosanitary, pharmaceutical, and analytical . On the other hand, industrial aspects of this class of compounds is considered. For example, these compounds are used as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. [8]. This class of compounds also have biological activities [9–13]. The role of metal ions in biological processes of life has long been known and is highly regarded. Studying the properties of transition metal complexes with this class of biologically active ligands is very interesting. In this paper, the synthesis and characterization of a number of the ligands and uranyl complexes have been studied. In this work, we report the synthesis and structural studies of the ligand and complex isolated from the reactions of: Bis {N- (2, 4- dinitro- phenyl) N- (3- phenyl- allylidene)- hydrazine} Uranyl (VI) nitrate. Experimental Solvents were purified by standard methods. All reagents were supplied by Merck and were used without further purification. Melting point was measured in an Electro thermal 9200. The FT-IR spectra were recorded in the range 400–4000 cm-1 by KBr disk using a Bruker Tensor 27 M 420 FT-IR spectrophotometer. The UV–Vis spectra in CH3CN were recorded with a WPA bio Wave S2 100 spectrophotometer. Thermo gravimetric analyses were done on a Perkin Elmer TGA/DTA lab system l (Technology by SII) in nitrogen atmosphere with a heating rate of 20 ºC/min from 35- 700  ºC.  ¹ H and  ¹Ã‚ ³ C-NMR spectra were measured on a BRUKER DRX-500 AVANCE spectrometer at 500 MHz. Synthesis of the [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+: For synthesis of the [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ to a magnetically stirred of ligand (0.88g, 2.8mmol) in acetonitrile(10ml) was added to uranyl (VI) nitrate (0.71g, 1.4 mmol) And the reaction is performed at room temperature. To ensure complex formation and precipitation of the complex. The solid complex obtained was filtered. And to remove material that did not participate in the reaction complex was washed with diethyl ether. Yield, 75%. Anal. Calcd of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+; C; 20.14, H; 1.34, N; 6.26; found: C; 20.24, H. 1.41, N; 6.32. Mp: 290  °C.  ¹HNMR (DMSO): 7.4-7.9 (CH phenol), 8.5-8.8 (CH dinitrobenzen), 8.4 (CH azomethyne), 7.1 (CH), FT-IR (KBr, cm-1): 1133 s (ÃŽ ½ N-N), 1614 s (ÃŽ ½ C=N), 420 w (ÃŽ ½ U-N), 935 s (ÃŽ ½ O=U=O), UV-vis (DMSO): à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¬max 260nm(ÃŽ µ 26000), 320nm(ÃŽ µ 15000), 413nm(ÃŽ µ 32000) (Figure 1-8). [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ is soluble in chloroform, acetone, dichloro methane, DMSO and DMF and insoluble in water, hexane and diethyl ether and little soluble in methanol, Acetonitrile and ethanol. Figure 9, 10 shows Chemical structures of NDPAH and [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+. Analysis of NDPAH Ligand Anal: %68. Calcd of C15H12N4O4; C; 57.72, H; 3.84, N; 17.94; found: C; 57.81, H. 3.89, N; 17.99. Mp 254-256  °C,  ¹HNMR (DMSO): 7.3-7.7 (CH phenol), 7.8-8.5 (CH dinitrobenzen), 8.1 (CH azomethyne), 7.1 (CH), 9.1 (NH), FT-IR (KBr, cm-1): 1133 s (ÃŽ ½ N-N), 1613 s (ÃŽ ½ C=N), 3111 w (ÃŽ ½ NH). NDPAH is soluble in acetonitrile, acetone, chloroform, DMF, DMSO and diethyl ether insoluble in water, hexane, methanol and ethanol little soluble in dichloro methane. Results and discussion Preparation of Ligand and complex Compounds are quite stable and could be stored without any appreciable changes for long time. Compounds with multiple methods using FT-IR, UV-Visible and  ¹ H and  ¹Ã‚ ³ C-NMR spectra were identified. These compounds were evaluated for thermal analysis. In this paper, a new method for the synthesis of the Bis {N- (2, 4- dinitro- phenyl) N- (3- phenyl- allylidene)- hydrazine} Uranyl (VI) nitrate is presented . Following the single-step reaction between the UO2(NO3)2.6H2O and the NDPAH desired compound is obtained.This method has some advantages for the manufacture of complex. These include: there is no side products and does not require special conditions such as high pressure or high temperature, and that this reaction is a very fast reaction. The [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ has 290 °C melting points respectively. It is soluble in chloroform, acetone, dichloro methane, DMSO and DMF and insoluble in water, hexane and diethyl ether and slightly soluble in methanol, acetonitrile, and ethanol . The spectral data of the complexes have good relationship with the literature data. The IR spectra of the Schiff base show characteristic bands due to ÃŽ ½(NH), ÃŽ ½(C=N) and ÃŽ ½(N-N), in the region 3111cm-1, (1613, 1133) cm-1 respectively. The strong band in the region 1613, 1133cm-1 in the IR spectra of the Schiff base are assigned to ÃŽ ½( C=N), ÃŽ ½( N-N) respectively. In the case of U(VI) complex we observed the following changes. The bands appeared around 1133, 1614, 420 and 935cm-1 due to ÃŽ ½ N-N, ÃŽ ½ C=N, ÃŽ ½ U-N and ÃŽ ½ O=U=O. Thermo gravimetric analyses The thermal properties of these compounds were investigated by thermo grams (TG, DTG and DTA). Figure 11 shows TGA and DTA curves for [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+. In the temperature range 200-305ËÅ ¡C, 57.9% weight losing was observed which was related to the loss of most parts of compound. In the temperature range from 360-500ËÅ ¡C, 20.6% weight reduction was found, which was related to the loss of a part of compound. Conclusion It is clear from the above discussion that [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+complex and NDPAH ligand offer a new outlook for chemotherapy. The results of antitumor activity show that the metal complexes exhibit antitumor properties and it is important to note that they show enhanced inhibitory activity compared to the parent ligand. The mechanism by which these complexes act as antitumor agents is apoptosis. It has also been proposed that concentration plays a vital role in increasing the degree of inhabitation. References [1] R.J. Vidmar, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 21 (1992) 876-880. [2] A.S.N. Murthy, A.R. Reddy, Journal of Chemical Sciences. 90 (1981) 519-526. [3] V.N.K. Razakantoanina, P. Phung, Parasitology Research 86 (2000) 665-668. 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Figure 1: FTIR spectrum of NDPAH (KBr Disk) Figure 2: FTIR spectrum of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ (KBr Disk) Figure 3: 1H- NMR spectrum of NDPAH Figure 4: 1H- NMR spectrum of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ Figure. 5. 13C- NMR spectrum of NDPAH Figure. 6. 13C- NMR spectrum of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ Figure 7: UV/ Vis spectrum of NDPAH (DMSO, 5Ãâ€"10-4 M) Figure 8: UV/ Vis spectrum of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ (DMSO, 5Ãâ€"10-4 M) Figure 9: Chemical structure of NDPAH Figure 10: Chemical structure of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ Figure 11: Thermal analysis data of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ Figure 1: FTIR spectrum of NDPAH (KBr Disk) Figure 2: FTIR spectrum of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ (KBr Disk) Figure 3: 1H- NMR spectrum of NDPAH Figure 4: 1H- NMR spectrum of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ Figure. 5. 13C- NMR spectrum of NDPAH Figure. 6. 13C- NMR spectrum of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ Figure 7: UV/ Vis spectrum of NDPAH (DMSO, 5Ãâ€"10-4 M) Figure 8: UV/ Vis spectrum of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ (DMSO, 5Ãâ€"10-4 M) Figure 9: Chemical structure of NDPAH Figure 10: Chemical structure of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+ Figure 11: Thermal analysis data of [UO2(NDPAH)2]2+

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Best Time to Visit India Essay --

India is one of the few countries in the world that experiences varied weather conditions at different times of the year. The major seasons in the Indian subcontinent are summer, monsoon and winter. An important aspect of India’s climatic conditions is that the weather does not remain the same throughout the length of the nation. As such one can expect high precipitation in the southern fringes of the country when the northern regions are experiencing snowfall. Thus, the best time to visit India is determined by the places that one selects to travel and the weather of those particular places. Best Time to Visit the Famous Cities in India The following list contains information about the climatic conditions and the top tourist attractions of the famous cities in India: †¢ Delhi: Topping the list of the famous cities is Delhi, owing to a large number of tourist spots that include the Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Rashtrapati Bhawan and the Lotus Temple. However, it must be noted that this city experiences an extreme climate with very hot summers and harsh winter. Therefore the most apt time to visit Delhi would be between October and March, when the weather is moderate. †¢ Mumbai: Touted as the â€Å"City of Dreams† that boasts of an array of tourist attractions like the Nariman Point, the Gateway of India, Church Gate and the Film City, Mumbai is among the top favorites of travelers. The climatic conditions prevalent in this city are typically Indian, with hot and humid summers and cool winters. The best time to visit this city would be between October and March. †¢ Hyderabad: If you want to explore the wonders of Southern India, Hyderabad must be at the top of your list. This city that is rife of tourist destinations like the Char Minar and t... ...e and Eden Gardens, Kolkata is one of the most visited cities in India. However, Kolkata experiences tropical weather conditions due to which the best time to visit t would be between October and March. †¢ Bangalore: Bestowed with different names like Garden City and Silicon City, the city of Bangalore is regarded as the technological hub of India. Although typically, Bangalore has a very pleasant weather at all times, September to February is very appropriate for sightseeing. Lal Bagh, Tipu Sultan’s Palace and Bannerghata National Park are among the most visited sites by the tourists. Important Points to Remember Since India has varied climatic conditions, one must regard the weather of the place to be visited. Since major cities in India have hot summers and cool or chilly winters, it is suggested that travel plans are made between the months of October and March.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Global Ethical Perspective of Peer-to-peer File-sharing Essay

The Global Ethical Perspective of Peer-to-peer File-sharing Introduction This paper is an analytical essay on global ethical issues on peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing. A history and background of peer-to-peer file-sharing will be given, as well as how it became an issue. This paper will explore what aspects of file-sharing are ethical and at what point it becomes unethical. An explanation of the laws will be described and whether the laws different from region-to-region around the world. The paper will include personal experiences with file sharing, as well as an in-depth analysis on the topic with high-quality industry and academic references to defend a particular moral/ethical position. Background The Internet is a shared resource, a cooperative network built out of millions of hosts all over the world. In the year 2000, the network model that survived the enormous growth of the previous five years had been turned on its head. Through the music-sharing application called Napster, and the larger movement dubbed â€Å"peer-to-peer,† the millions of users connecting to the Internet began connecting to each other directly, forming groups and collaborating to become user-created search engineers, virtual supercomputers, and file systems. The original Internet was fundamentally designed as a peer-to-peer system. Over time it became increasingly client/server, with millions of consumer clients communicating with a relatively privileged set of servers. Current peer-to-peer applications are using the Internet much as it was originally designed: as a medium for communication for machines that share resources with each other as equals. The Internet was originally conceived in the late 1960s as a peer-to-peer system. The goal of ... ...erspace: Dealing with Law Enforcement and the Courts. November 1999 in Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM SIGUCCS conference on User services: Mile High expectations. [8] D. K. Mulligan, J. Han, A. J. Burstein: Copyrights and Access-Rights: How DRM-based Content Delivery Systems Disrupt Expectations of †Personal Use†. October 2003 in Proceedings of the 2003 ACM workshop on Digital rights management. [9] D. Clark: Future of intellectual property: How Copyright became controversial. April 2002 in Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy. [10] N. Garnett: Digital Rights Management, Copyright, and Napster. March 2001 in ACM SIGecom Exchanges, Volume 2 Issue 2. [11] J. Evers: File Swapping Fight Goes Global: Recording industry says P-to-P users in Canada and Europe could face legal action. March 30, 2004 in IDG News Service.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Borders and Walls in Humanity :: History Barriers Society Philosophy Essays

Borders and Walls in Humanity When a wall is encountered literally and physically, there are many different ways in which a person can react to the situation. One group of people would generally just find a way over or around the obstacle. While some other people might pursue a way directly through the wall. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but they both exist as outcomes to the same dilemma. The basic wall has been around with humans for as long as the discovery of masonry has been around. Robert Frost’s poem Mending Wall is one such example of how a wall can have conflicting properties of human interaction. The neighbor in the poem says that â€Å"fences make good neighbors† and that the two neighbors involved with the wall rebuild it each spring and they enjoy fixing the wall with each other. The poem just helps illustrate that walls are an important factor in human activities. Walls are not limited to any specific culture or region and still they continue to be built over t ime. Yet the general application of the wall has been used primarily to either wall something out, or to keep something walled in. The earliest walls were made with a human skill called stone masonry which is the skilled stacking of stones to form a cohesive structure. Walls as just a singular structure and not to be considered as part of an enclosed building with a roof, is a general subject that changes details from area to area. Walls the keep things in have generally been used as a way to border up local activities within a certain amount of space. Some more obvious examples of walls as barriers to keep things within the walls include; prisons, walled-in private communities, farm fences, and other examples where people want to maintain their own private space. Walls that can do the exact opposite of keeping substance inside are meant to be obstructions that keep other things outside from a space. National and private borders are an example of walling out unwanted factors . Security fences, walls as defensive locations, and walls simply placed for the sole purpose of obstruction are effective obstacles that humans have been building for centuries. Early building materials for a wall would be limited to the natural resources in the local area that the builders would want to build the wall in.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Rosetta Stone

Over a course of time, these forms of art have been shifted or been ejected from their countries of origin due to colonialism, theft, diplomacy etc. The point of conflict arises when governments claim their artifacts and the host countries refuse to give them back. Major debates and disagreements have aroused over this topic amongst countries. The local party view states that since the art piece Is a part of their origin, they should have complete rights over owning It.The host party that Is on the other hand that is generally wealthier refutes these ideas by citing that these artifacts have now come an integral part of their own culture. The vigorously try to dominate these artifacts and their possession, by doing whatever they can. Legal cases for these countries have a â€Å"finders, keepers† theory. Critiques and experts have voiced out their opinions regarding this concern that has revolved the historic museums or countries all over. Who gets to decide where the artifact stays? What factors decide the exchange or return of these artifacts?If the country captured these arts, shouldn't they be allowed to keep them? But shouldn't these be restored to where hey generated from? The answers to these questions are still to be discovered, but these issues are continuously trying to be resolved in a fair manner. The priceless and exquisite art of Egypt has been admired since as long as people can remember. Their extraordinary knack for detail and precision was how the techniques and rules for creating art were developed. The Rosetta stone is the most anxiously awaited artifact, whose return is being awaited for by the Egyptians.The true worth of this stone can be understood, after knowing that the Egyptians had en using hieroglyphics for thousands of years. â€Å"Hieroglyphs dominated the landscape of the Egyptian civilization. † said an article on BBC. These were symbols used to represent some form of language, before the alphabets and letters replac ed them. The Rosetta stone was the key to unlock and translate these unfamiliar signs. It has a decree written on the stone which was in three languages including ancient Egyptian, Demotic and Greek.During that time, many Greeks still living in Egypt was unable to read the hieroglyphs and this is what lead to it being written in the third engage to be easily read by everyone. Jean-Franà §ois Champion, a French scholar was the first to realize that the hieroglyphs on this stone recorded the sound of Egyptian language. For many years, deciphering of the stone took place until completion learned Tanat ten twenty Tour snatchers represented ten alphabet. I n Napoleon army was the one to dig up the Rosetta stone in 1799.Since him and his army were defeated by the British, the stone and many other antiquities became England's property. These were put on display at the British Museum from 1802. There was a brief period where the English â€Å"guarded† the stone, to ensure its safety during the First World War. This stone broke through barriers and gave way to language being born. Because of this creation, we can make sense of the world around us with easily understood letters rather than pictures. The Rosetta stone marks the Egyptian culture and its contribution towards the rest of the world.The first request to restore the stone back was placed only in July 2003 by Aziza Haws, the chief of Egypt Supreme Council of Antiquities. As this stone is a part of the ‘cultural heritage', Mr.. Haws said â€Å"If the British want to be remembered, if they want to restore their reputation, they should volunteer to return the Rosetta Stone because it is the icon of our Egyptian identity†. Further accusations that have been made by the Egyptians is that the stone is not given the spotlight it needs at the museum in England, somehow making it seem inferior.When asked about the facilities that Cairo can provide, Dry. Haws said that the main museum there will be à ¢â‚¬Ëœone of the best in the world'. He has a long list of items that he thinks should return back to Egypt. The reason why the British Museum is hesitant is because they feel that Egypt is not capable enough to maintain the stone's true value. Being the opponent, it is attempting to underplay Egypt every chance to get the Rosetta stone back. The British Museum is one of the strongest in terms of historic relevance and displays.It is only natural that they are threatened by this request of the stone being back to Cairo, as it poses to be a problem for the museum to lose its tourists. It has remained to be one of the most visited attractions in the I-J three years in a row (The Review). Furthermore, their response is that these artifacts that are showcased do not necessarily have to be in the country of their birth in this new era of multi-cultures. They further go on to state that the museums do not serve to Just one group of citizens but to the mass-population.An article named â₠¬ËœDo Ancient Treasures Belong to Egypt? Contains views of various youngsters. Their reason for keeping the Rosetta stone in London is that those who do not have the opportunity to travel all the way, can Just explore and learn more about Egypt culture by visiting this museum. Another youngster reasons for the other side and explains how stealing is wrong, and things should be returned to whoever they belong to originally, especially those with such importance to Egypt and its economy.A rational outlook to the entire situation is that the host country should only own the artifact, in this case the Rosetta stone, if it can look after it in a more orderly fashion compared to Egypt. A neutral regulatory body can keep checks or conduct studies on whether the stone is better off kept in Egypt or in England, and external factors such s political influences, availability of capital and the required audience should be checked. England should not use their advantage at disposal, and Egypt sh ould prove that they are capable enough to get back their belongings.As mentioned above, these artifacts are what draw the people to come to museums and get more educated. The government's Job in any country would be to carefully weigh the positives from the negatives. Another fear that England has is that if it agrees to return ten Rosetta stone, ten toner countries around ten world will mean t artifacts back as well, minimizing the British Museum's merit. Lengthy legal procedures and continuous research into the matter need to take place to ensure that the most valid decision for the stone is taking place.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Christian vocation coursework Essay

Describe how a Christian may follow the call to discipleship through daily life and work Vocation is the idea that people get a call from god to do a certain job this can also be said about being called into Christianity by god, it may not be an actual call or a big flash of light but just s feeling that you have created by god. ‘Vocation’ comes from the Latin word meaning ‘to be called’. Some Christians may say that they were called to Christianity and so were all Christians. For example Jesus was called by god, he heard his voice when he was baptised by John. Discipleship is another term used my Christians used to mean following Jesus like his disciples did, living a Christian lifestyle and helping others also apply to discipleship. Christians follow Jesus by following his examples like his love, service and compassion towards others. Someone who has chosen to follow Jesus should be living a caring helpful life, possibly in a caring profession such as a doctor, nurse or teacher. Any job can be a vocation, some Christians say god has a plan for everyone and he may call you to a job that isn’t related to Christianity at all. St. Paul said in Colossians 3:23 â€Å"whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the lord, not for men.† Possibly meaning that god has called everyone to their jobs because he knows its right for them so work for him and do the job well. A Christian may choose his or her job just simply because they want to do the job although this want or urge to do a job could be put down to god. I don’t think there are any jobs unsuitable for Christians, Jesus loved everyone anyway even if they were a sinner he did not commend what they did but he still loved them. I do not think your religion should constrain your job opportunities. A Christian may serve god in an ordinary job by obeying the 10 commandments in their job and generally being caring and helpful. Christians can put Christian teachings into their family lives by following Paul’s teachings and the 10 commandments. Paul’s teachings say, â€Å"A wife, must put her husband first. This is her duty as a follower of the lord. A husband must love his wife and not abuse her. Children must always obey their parents. This pleases the lord. Parents, don’t be hard on your children. If you are, they might give up. (a)(ii) Explain why some Christians join communities and take vows or poverty, chastity and obedience. Christian communities are a group of Christians who live together. A convent is where a group of female Christians would live also known as nuns and male Christians or monks would live in a monastery. A contemplative order is focusing your life on god, in prayer and everyday life. An example of a contemplative community is the poor clares. The normal day in the poor clares community may consist of many things, gardening, housework, cooking, cleaning, helping the elderly and sick, praying or working in the shop; making candles, encaustic wax cards, as well as cards created and printed on a computer, turning wood and knitting garment on their knitting machine. The nuns do this type of work involving their hands because it leaves their minds free to focus on god and pray. Jesus says in Matthew 6:24 how â€Å"no one can serve two masters†, â€Å"you cannot serve both god any money† so the nuns in the poor clare community decide to â€Å"serve god† and his people and help them rather than work for money. An active order is doing something about what you believe in, for example if you want to be one of Jesus’ disciples you would follow in his footsteps and his examples and help people maybe by helping out at a hospital or a school. People or monasteries and convents today are living like the first Christians as recorded in the book of acts because the first Christians lived out alone in the desert, Christians live in s slightly similar way today. They have no possessions, they cannot have sex and they dedicate their time to thinking if they are contemplative, as you would alone in a desert, or doing things to help others. Living in a Christian community would help a Christian to follow their call to discipleship because of the vows they take when they join, they have to do things in a similar way to Jesus therefore helping to follow their call to discipleship. Some Christians may say joining a Christian community is a vocation because whatever they do as a job or joining a community is a vocation. God has a plan for them and they follow it via vocation. Some Christians believe that god want them to live in a religious community rather than an ordinary one because its better for them and other who they would be helping. A vow is an oath or promise you make. Nuns and monks take vows when they join a religious community; they take a vow of poverty so they are not tied down by possessions and money and can focus on god. Christ was poor to make us rich so they follow in his footsteps and enforce discipleship. They also take a vow of chastity, which means they must remain celibate so they can devote themselves to god as Jesus did. Also a relationship with someone from the opposite sex will get in the way of god and praying; St. Paul advises Christians to be celibate so they can â€Å"be devoted to the lord†. Obedience is the third vow they take, by this vow they give to God their freewill. They must be obedient to their abbot or abbess. Again showing their discipleship, because Jesus was obedient until the point of death on the cross for god. It is important for Christians to make these vows in front of a community because then there is witnesses so you cant get out of the commitment and also if you are doubtful they can remind you about them. (a)(iii) Explain the purpose and practice of one particular religious community. The poor Clares are a religious community for women who want to dedicate their lives to god. They originated in 1212 by St Francis and St Clare in Assisi in Italy. The poor clares are a contemplative community. The contemplative community of nuns started as a way of being united with god and to follow Jesus. The aims of the poor Clare community are mostly â€Å"to pray for the world and the Church†, to live a life through their prayers, dedicated to god and â€Å"to live out the Gospel command of love† which means to live their lives as god wanted helping others and loving them. The normal day in the poor clares community may consist of many things, gardening, housework, cooking, cleaning, helping the elderly and sick, praying or working in the shop; making candles, encaustic wax cards, as well as cards created and printed on a computer, turning wood and knitting garment on their knitting machine. The nuns do this type of work involving their hands because it leaves their minds free to focus on god and pray. Jesus says in Matthew 6:24 how â€Å"no one can serve two masters†, â€Å"you cannot serve both god any money† so the nuns in the poor clare community decide to â€Å"serve god† and his people and help them rather than work for money. Their timetable is shown below 5.00 Rise 5.45 Readings – a morning invitation to prayer composed of some psalms and two readings, one from Scripture and one from a Christian teacher or saint. These nourish our spirits for the day ahead. A quick breakfast followed by time for personal prayer, reading, study until 7.30 7.30 Morning Prayer, the Prayer of Praise to God followed by Spiritual reading 8.30 Holy Mass followed by a short Office and then work until 11.50 11.50 A short Prayer written by Francis of Assisi and Scripture reading 12.30 Dinner; some free time until 2.15 2.15 back to work with a tea break at 3.30 and a short prayer together in the refectory at 4.00 to sanctify our work 5.50 Evening prayer 6.30 Supper followed by an hour of personal prayer time until 8.15 8.15 Compline or Night Prayer, which closes the day. The poor clares take three vows as a sign of their commitment and consecration to God. The vow of chastity allows the nuns to focus their love on god, they give god their bodies and souls and their right to marry. They also take the vow of poverty so they are not tied down by possessions and money and can focus on god. Christ was poor to make us rich so they follow in his footsteps and enforce discipleship. Obedience is the third vow they take, by this vow they give to God their freewill. Again showing their discipleship, because Jesus was obedient until the point of death on the cross for god. (b) â€Å"Christians should lead active rather than contemplative lives.† Contemplative means to life your life dedicated to god through prayer, to live a contemplative life. An example of a contemplative community is the poor clares. a day in the poor clares community may consist of things such as , gardening, housework, cooking, cleaning, helping the elderly and sick, praying or working in the shop; making candles, encaustic wax cards, as well as cards created and printed on a computer, turning wood and knitting garment on their knitting machine. The nuns do this type of work involving their hands because it leaves their minds free to focus on god and pray. Jesus says in Matthew 6:24 how â€Å"no one can serve two masters†, â€Å"you cannot serve both god any money† so the nuns in the poor clare community decide to â€Å"serve god† and his people and help them rather than work for money. Thomas Merton was a Trappist monk; he took a vow of silence amongst other vows his writings have had a big influence on many Christians. He took part in many social protests even though he had to be silent; he took part in such protests as the struggle for racial equality in the USA and the struggle against nuclear weapons in the Vietnam War. An active life for a Christian is doing something about what you believe in, for example a Christian can help follow their path to discipleship by following Jesus and helping others by helping people at hospitals, nursing homes, schools etc. ‘ordinary’ Christians can lead active lives by living in a Christian lifestyle and helping others also apply to discipleship. Christians follow Jesus by following his examples like his love, service and compassion towards others so do this in your everyday life and work and you will be living an active life. ‘Extra-ordinary’ Christian could do many great things for example Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was one of the main leaders of the American civil rights movement he was a Baptist minister, and had a huge impact on the people of America. his most influential and well-known speech is the â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech. In 1964, he became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. he spoke out against injustices against black people of america, they were not allowed to vote, not allowed in the same places as white people and got half the pay. Martin luther king changed this Another example of a ‘extra-ordinary’ active christian was Mother Teresa (August 26, 1910 – September 5, 1997), she was born a roman catholic nun, she won the nobel peace prize in 1979. she was fascinated by stories of the lives of missionaries and their service. By the early 1970s, Mother Teresa had become an international celebrity. Her fame can be partly attributed to the 1969 documentary ‘Something Beautiful for God’. In 1982, at the height of the siege in Beirut, Mother Teresa rescued 37 children trapped in a front line hospital by negotioating a temporary cease-fire between the Israeli army and Palestinian guerillas. Mother Teresa inspired a wide variety of commemorations. Besides receiving numerous honors during her lifetime, she has also been memorialized through museums, been named patroness of various churches, and had various structures and roads named after her. In conclusion living an active life is far more beneficial to others and is more noticeable, living a contemplative life is good if you believe prayers work and they really were helping. Christians serve god in many different ways some more subtle than others. However it is to be taken into consideration that active Christians do pray and contemplate and contemplative Christians do work and help others. In my opinion active Christians are making a more valuable contribution to the world because I do not believe that prayers do anything and even if god doesn’t exist active Christians are still doing something good for the world

Environmental health Essay

Environmental health is the study of how the world around us affects our health. This can be from air pollution to global warming and everything in between. The goal is to determine how the world impacts overall human health. And, the initial information is not good. In 2005, the World Helath Organization reported that each year 3 million children under the age of five die from environmental related causes (â€Å"How Healthy is Your World? † 2005). In essence all of human health, except genetics and maybe that too, is affected by the environment. It affects the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe, but too many people take it for granted, not realizing there are things that can be done to improve the environment and its impact on humanity. One of the first and most important things to improve about your personal environment is the quality of the air that you breathe. First and foremost, it is important to avoid tobacco smoke. This is one of the foremost indoor air pollutants and is easily avoidable Other toxins can build up in a well-sealed indoor environment and should be guarded against. They include chemical vapors from cleaning products, carpeting and other petro-chemical products used indoors (Landgren 2005). The problem is that in many indoor environments there is no filtration system so these pollutants build up and make people ill. Recently, scientists have found that indoor air pollution is worse than outdoor air pollution. Another important factor in environmental health is outdoor air pollution. Though some cities worldwide are particularly known for their pollution that does not mean it is not a problem elsewhere as well. In Hong Kong, for example, recent research shows that the poorest part of the city have the worst air pollution (Stern 2003). In the wake of the September 11, 2001, attack on New York City air quality tests showed heavy particulates and cancer-causing materials present in much of the air (â€Å"Potential exposure† 2003). In addition, hefty amounts of green-houses gases in the city, presumably related to the use of fossil fuels for transportation have led to increasing rates of asthma and other breathing related illnesses (Misner 2003). To combat these environmental issues, we must find ways to cut our use of individual vehicles, car pooling more, using mass transit and using other means of transportation including walking and riding bicycles. Another major issue we must address to improve the impact the environment has on our health is the availability of clean drinking water. In parts of India where sanitation is inadequate, the water is polluted and contributes to the spread of disease. In other areas, such as part of the American southwest, population centers have developed in areas with inadequate water to support the population. We must begin serious water conservation efforts and find new ways to process waste so that it does not contaminate the water supply. Another important issue to address is the use of products determined to be toxins. Though efforts have been made to stop using lead-based paint, lead levels in some areas are still too high, causing lead poisoning. In addition, a recent study shows that in areas with high lead levels, there is a corresponding rise in crime (Stretesky 2004). It is important that we enact stricter regulations to remove these known carcinogens from our environment. Lead has been removed from gas and paint but is still being used in other products and is escaping to the air we breathe. Finally, if we want to serious impact the environment around us and the impact it has on our personal health, it is important that we recycle and buy recycled products. Too many things are going to the landfill, using up previous land to fill it with trash and allowing run off from the decaying trash to endanger our water supply and food sources. We must seriously reduce our need to buy and throw things if we want to keep the land healthy and by extension keep ourselves healthy.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Why has the South Beach Diet been successful?

It is said that the success of dieters in weight loss supported by the South Beach Diet, is totally caused by the science behind the plan. If you interest in South Beach Diet, you can realize that it is a logical, and also healthy method which help you lose weight effectively. Certainly, you want to know how it works. Simply, let talk about what the basics of metabolism is. It is indicated by a series of processes when food is turned into fuel for the body. If these processes are optimzed, you are able to lose weight easily. Moreover, metabolism is affected negatively when the blood glucose levels are high.The only way to stabilize high blood glucose levels is to increase the production of insulin. If not, you are able to catch diabetes. There are three phases in The South Beach Diet. It takes two weeks for the first phase. The main task is to remove carbohydrates, level blood glucose, as well as fire up your metabolism. Time for weighting loss is down when you reduce your high sugar levels. By removing an entire food group, you’ll do this easily. However, if you use this method for long periods, you’ll probably feel unhealthy. It’s useful for short periods ( two weeks only ).The phase 2 is began with the improvement of your metabolic function evidently. At that time, you can enjoy progressively foods from all of the basic food groups came from South Beach Diet. Unless your goal weight is over, the progress will still be continued. Certainly, you need these kind of food groups to have a good health too. You also learn how to choose foods better to optimize metabolism positively ( without having high glucose levels ) . About South Beach Diet, you’ll easily recognize the the difference between †bad carbohydrates† and â€Å"good carbohydrates†.Apart from, the concepts of â€Å"good fats† and â€Å"bad fats† are also discovered by the dieter. Obviously, the foodstuffs which have lower numbers on the Glyce mic Index are good. In short, The South Beach Diet give you a chance to lose weight quicly as well as effectively. Moreover, it still helps you to maintain this for the long term. Beginning with the metabolism in Phase One and increasing foods from all of the basic food groups progressively in Phase Two, you’ll be able to recoginze the different clearly. That’s all what The South Beach Diet works for us.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Summary the video Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary the video - Essay Example The disciplines include earth science, the science of environment, physics, the science of animal behavior, biology and the science of weather. Each of the participating teachers in the process is allowed two subject areas of interest. This means that there is capacity building process that ensures the teaching and learning process is fully adhered to. After the teachers are taken through the entire process, the same is expected of them. They therefore convey the skills learnt to a classroom context. This means that each teacher at this moment is well acquitted with the basic principles of the teaching-learning process. The students can be engaged by the use of programmed learning aids that is prepared by the teacher. This makes their learning also to take a structured form. They are engaged .by this method in order to help them achieve better judgment skills, to be able to engage in the data collection methods with appropriate competencies, and even be able to analyze the provided data By the fact that each teacher is only allowed to engage in only two disciplines with the use of a single curriculum, they are able to be bonded by the common factor. The teachers learn in common experiences and acquire similar competencies. This not only governs the uniformity of singularity of the curriculum but also ensures that they understand the context of being a learner, just like their students also are. This method is different from other procedures adopted by other institutions for various learning processes. It’s unique in the sense that it harbors three achievements at the end of the process. These include: practical translation of the courses, upon learning the courses the teachers are able to reflect through the process, and finally, the teachers understand how important the courses can establish communities. The practical applications of the courses enable the teachers understand the various processes that their students also undergo in the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

American and Chinese economies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

American and Chinese economies - Research Paper Example China and the United States economies are both the strongest economies in the world and despite the major differences they have, the major economic challenges they face are actually similar. Both countries have bifurcated economies with challenges in providing middle-class employment with talent shortage at the top while middle-class workers do not have jobs. China has 40percent unemployment rate while graduates in America are facing tough job markets. Another similarity is in education reforms, in America education programs to meet the high employment rate are not well structured, and China, on the other hand, has many engineers but they lack creative thinkers. The tax reforms in both economies create an imbalance the economy. The United States economy is the best national economy in the world. The United States dollar is the most utilized cash especially for universal exchange. It has an economy that is blended and it has managed to keep the gross domestic product steady for decade s now  (Jorgenson & Wessner, 2014). China, on the other hand, has a socialist market economy and it embraces predominance of an open market economy and a state possessed area. In China, the government possesses all property while in America private individuals own property. China outpaces America in population, while America has a long way to go to the extent of the population. China has the high level of inequality but it is concerned with poverty reduction, while America has worst poverty levels.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Managing Working Capital Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing Working Capital - Research Paper Example The net working capital of Syndicate Company is similar to its working capital. To find the net working capital, Syndicate clinic, subtracts the trade accounts payable from the inventories, marketable investment, and cash. The clinic used the net working capital in estimating the growth of the company. From its records, the clinic has a cash reserve to scale up the operation of the business (Gapenski, 2012). On the other hand, the working capital cycle is the time taken to convert the current assets and liabilities of the clinic into cash In the healthcare industry of today, the leaders and executives fight the challenge of lowering costs, while maintaining a quality healthcare. To increase the profit of the company, Syndicate clinic receive cash from the insurance institutions and patients early. To achieve this objective, the revenue cycle of the clinic opens until payment reaches the clinic. The management of revenue cycle is important because it gives one knowledge to lower the potential fraud, streamline the information of the clinic, and improve the client services. Some of the challenges that Syndicate clinic during revenue cycle optimization include the deficiency of flexible workforce, high and seasonal volumes, multiple touch points, lack of transparency and individual performance, and disparate work types in the clinic. The challenges causes troubles for the providers. Additionally, collection of payments from the patients is not an easy task for the providers and the problem only increase the struggle. To offset the challenges the billing professionals of the company and the physician work as a team to make sure that the patients are charged the correct payment. To manage a working capital, Syndicate Clinic need to a cash flow schedule that will be used in showing the cash inflow, cash outflow, and the balance. When the clinic offers services to its patients, there is a possibility that the company

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Compare & Contrast essay between Malcolm X and Marthin Luther King

Compare & Contrast between Malcolm X and Marthin Luther King - Essay Example Many people contend their admiration to the way they preached about the rights of the blacks in America, and they have both preached on self-knowledge and having respect for African culture and history, since it is the basis for uniting blacks. Their beliefs were similar, and this was evident towards the end of their lives in the way they emphasized on having bride amongst the black as well as respecting us rather than hating one another. Their speeches informed the blacks that in order to attain freedom, they start by respecting one another, hence it reflected on the vision of men improving America. Malcolm X talked about Blacks hating the color of their skin, shape of their nose; overall, he talked about Blacks hating their own kind. Major points about the Blacks are that for the past four hundred years, the Blacks have been taught to hate their identity; the self-hatred resulted in a pervasive sin among many members of the Black community. He stated that one cannot hate the root o f the tree and not hate the tree itself; this made the Blacks feel inferior making them turn to other people to show them the way. Martin on the other hand talked about standing against a system that oppresses the Blacks, he emphasized that being nobody is not easy, therefore, that which was seen as black should shot be seen as ugly. Martin went ahead and talked about having a Negro freedom among all the Negros since enslaving the body involves enslaving the entire soul. Hence the Blacks should encourage themselves and not be ashamed of their past as slaves, but appreciate themselves as being black and beautiful. Both men have the same analysis that we have been taught to have ourselves, lack of belief in ourselves as Blacks, and the blacks should do something to offset this cultural homicide, as called by Martin. Both Malcolm and Martin called for the blacks to embrace the Black pride, develop self-affirmation and all the blacks to undergo education that will reflect the past histo ry of the Black people. In the larger world, they had other priorities except for internal priorities that were connected to the establishment of education, and Martin emphasized African-American unity by stating any movement present that is meant to overlook this necessity is only waiting to be buried. The work and life events of Martin Luther were stressed exclusively making the history taught in schools expressed in different ways (Weis and Fine 239). The manner in which Malcolm X and Martin spread their views was through assertiveness, powerful speeches that were hard hitting. To put it simpler, both the intentions of Martin and Malcolm were delivered in styles that were different. For example, Martin was an inspirational speaker, and he travelled all over the country motivating people to live a life full of racial harmony. Martin appeared to have idealistic mind and was rational and positive in giving his speeches and views on different things. This is evident in his speech tha t he said he had a dream of seeing his children living a life that they are not judged by their race but character. In comparison to Martin, Malcolm X was an extremist, and this is evident the time he was an Islamic Minister, X talked more about separating blacks from whites, emphasizing Black Supremacy and presence of nationalism among the Blacks. To look at this in

Monday, September 9, 2019

Investigate a given organisation to analyse its current position, Essay

Investigate a given organisation to analyse its current position, evaluate the strategic options available, and recommend the strategic route - Essay Example Besides the technology advancement, competition is rapidly increasing in almost every industry, and this could send some businesses into oblivion. In line with that, this paper seeks to analyse the current position, evaluate the strategic options and recommend the most appropriate strategic route for the Dyson Company. Founded in 1993 by James Dyson, Dyson Company is a UK-based firm, which specialises in the designing and subsequent manufacturing of heaters, bladeless fans, dryers and vacuum cleaners. Though based in the UK, the company extends it services to 80 other countries around the globe, and as of December 2013 the firm’s profit stood at a staggering  £800,000,000. It currently provides employment to over 5,000 people around the world 1.Innovation has been the key driver of this company as evidenced by the creation of Ballbarrow, an alternative wheel for wheelbarrows that James Dyson invented after finding it hard to use the then ordinary wheelbarrow. A business current position is judged through its various parameters including its values, unique selling point (USP) and market share. A business has to remain distinct among other competitors in order to remain not just afloat, but also ensure it achieves its goals. By offering a unique product, a firm sets itself above others; with values that correspond to the needs of people a firm attracts a list of clientele 2. Identifying the market where a firm belongs helps it in focusing on the same to ensure the clients are served properly. In the case of Dyson, the current position is that it is well positioned despite the presence of other players in the market. The above assertions are informed by the recent statistics, which show the firm’s growth increasing each year. For instance, in 2011 the firm’s profits increased by 8% followed by 30% in 2012 and there has no announcement of loss in the last two years either 1. Besides the profits increasing annually, the firm’s market share

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Your choice Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Your choice - Article Example Details of these Leisure Tours shall initially be consulted with the clients to ensure that they agree on their itineraries. We also offer Educational Tours to particular destinations in and out of Florida. Our target market for these packages would include International and Tourist Groups, and students from Primary to Tertiary level. Up and Go Travel and Tours shall likewise offer packages for corporate travel, family vacations, honeymoons. Our specialty includes travel packages within the state since Florida prides itself as a major tourist destination. We will also include in our menu of travel packages neighboring states. Our initial focus shall be bringing travelers to every tourist destination in the US, eventually expanding to Europe and Asia. Despite the fact that competition in Florida could be stiff due to the existence of numerous travel agencies in the state, Up and Go Travel and Tours shall rise above the rest due to its personal approach in dealing with clients. We will offer travel packages but would be open to adjust the details according to our client’s requirements. We will also assign one Travel Specialist per client to assist him during the planning stage, to be in touch with him during the travel period and to offer any after-sales service as needed. Since Tourism makes up the largest sector of the state company, a well-established client based is already present in the area. Aware of the presence of other well-established Travel Agencies in Florida, our products would be slightly different from their existing travel packages in such a way that our focus are more on Leisure and Educational Tours, with specific itineraries in mind. We do not just offer packages limited to flight and accommodation details. What we offer is a comprehensive travel package, complete with an itinerary and Travel Specialist whose services our client would have the choice of availing of. In order to instantly reach a large audience, Up and Go Travel

Saturday, September 7, 2019

U.S. TRADES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S. TRADES - Essay Example The major export categories were Machinery, Mineral Fuel and Oil, Vehicles, and Plastic. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) has promoted this link by including wide-ranged, market-opening regulations in the agreement. It is also developed a more impartial set of trade policies so the trade barriers can be decreased and removed in Mexico (BesedeÃ… ¡, 2013). Since this agreement was signed, the trade has increased sharply among the nations who are parties to it; however, this increase of trade activity has caused increasing trade deficits for the US with both Canada as well as Mexico. Japan is the third largest partner of the US with around 300 billion USD in goods and private services trading during the year 2013. In 2010, the Economic Harmonization Initiative was launched between US and Japan to boost the economic growth of both countries by promoting collaboration to harmonize policies that facilitate trade. With the four percent (around 3.00 billion USD) drop as compared to 2012, the US goods trade deficit with Japan was 73 billion USD during 2013, and accounted for 11 percent of the entire US goods trade deficit. The Asia-Pacific region is of vital significance for the US as it is the rapidly developing region as well as a key driver of international economic development. In fact, the region already formed more or less 60 percent of international gross domestic product and around 50 percent of global trade, and is likely to grow by nine percent in 2014. During 2011, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) nations had the entire GDP of 18 trillion USD, of which more or less â€Å"85 percent comprised the US economy† (Williams, 2013, p. 98). United States exports to existing TPP affiliates were around 110 billion USD during 2011 and imports were 95 billion USD, indicating that the US had a trade surplus with existing TPP economies of approximately 14 billion USD. Benefits to the US from the trade

Friday, September 6, 2019

Professional Responsibilities Legislation Essay Example for Free

Professional Responsibilities Legislation Essay â€Å"Teachers must meet their professional responsibilities consistent with the institute’s (IFL’s) professional values.† (IFL) One of the IFL’s many codes of professional practice. Upholding the code of conduct and relevant legislation is the basis for you as a teacher. Among the legislature you need to understand is the importance of the health and safety act (1974) – it says all workers are entitled to work in a safe environment where risks are properly controlled. The HSWA act is also the umbrella under which more specific regulations such as the Manual handling act 1992 (amended 2002) are made. Another fundamental element of workplace health and safety management – and also a legal requirement is RIDDOR; the reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995. Also of great importance the childcare act 2006, it stipulates every child should get the support they need to be healthy, safe, and enjoy and achieve economic wellbeing. As a teacher you also need to have your own professional values – views, beliefs that will underpin your profession. â€Å"A good teacher is more than a lecturer.† (AMEE 2000) You are no longer a dispenser of information or a walking tape recorder but instead you are a facilitator or manager of the students learning. You are there to ensure all learners have access to the same resources, the same support and you don’t differentiate instead embrace and respect people’s differences and their choices. You are there to guide them, provide information and offer suggestions. But it has to be a 2 way process, by helping them you will also develop your skills because â€Å"teaching is itself a learning process for the teacher† (Joyce, Showers 2002). Everyone is different and you need to be prepared and have contingency plans for all levels of knowledge and skill – you will find bored students make bad students. They don’t just have a variety of levels but also different learning styles, be sure to have a mix of kinaesthetic, visual and audio resources. You can use handouts with the camera instructions on, a video showing how it works, and then let them try themselves. It is your responsibility to ensure all students no matter how diverse are given equal learning opportunities – that means assuming different roles. So for Learner X (names are confidential) you need to be firm, authoritative, Learner Y asks a lot of questions – be prepared to listen and summarise, Learner Z needs more encouragement.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Epidermic cell observation Essay Example for Free

Epidermic cell observation Essay The sample of epidermal cells were taken from two onions instead of one onion (layer 6-10 from the first onion, layer 1-4 from the second onion) due to the time limit of experiment which may cause an inconsistency in raw data because the two onions are slightly different in preserved temperature, shape, and growing environment. When cell samples were taken from the second onion, some of the cells are frozen due to the preservation which causes a distortion of the shape of the cells and may result in errors of counts. Because of the time limit of this experiment, there is a limitation in the size of samples. When counting the cells, there is no strict rule on regarding or disregarding part of a cell. The researcher estimated the number and may cause an error in counting. The standard deviation is much smaller than one third of each mean, and gives the data more reliability The exponential function does not fit the means well enough that for layer 9, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1, the value according to the function is not included in the range of the mean plus or minus the standard deviation. Possible improvements Use consistently one onion for the experiment. Preserve the samples with restricted conditions. (Preserved time, temperature, moisture) Collect more samples. Restrict the proportion of length that a cell has in the range of scope to be regarded in the counting.