Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Essay Example Decision Tech’s employs too could not work together efficiently, they could not create their own magnetism because ‘†¦ few key employees below the executive level unexpectedly left the company. Morale deteriorated†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ if this technological company had learnt the attributes of team work, they needed not to have depended on Jeff Shanley leadership ‘.. Someone had to be accountable for the mess, and Jeff was the man at the top.’ The big attribute of team work revolves around cheering and bolstering their leader, this lacked in this firm instead Decision Tech developed a reputation within the valley for being one of the most political and unpleasant places to work. Question two: Review the information on the establishment of team â€Å"Norms† during the forming and norming stages of team development in your text on pages 498 -501. What behavioral norms had been established by the executive team at Decision Tech before Kathryn took over? How did these norms help or hurt the company’s performance? Dependence and superficiality: There was little interaction which was formal or guarded, in establishing clarity of purpose, norms, procedures and expectations thus cohesive unit could not be created. The more employees interact together the more they develop a common behavior. This lacked in Decision tech’s capacity leading to a poor performance There was a lot of cooperativeness and heightened interpersonal attraction‘†¦ it had the most experienced – and expensive- executive team imaginable†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ this helped it a lot to attract even the ‘†¦cautious venture ï ¬ rms†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ who were ‘†¦ lining up to invest, and talented engineers were submitting their rà ©sumà ©s before the company had leased even an office.’ The firms employees conformed to standards and expectations for high achievement leading to ‘†¦a seemingly indestructible business plan and more top-tier

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