Saturday, July 27, 2019

Identifying the actors in the courthouse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Identifying the actors in the courthouse - Essay Example Prosecutors. The best to describe the role of the Prosecutor in the Courthouse is through the given definition of Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct in Rule 3. (a). It states that, â€Å"The duty of a public prosecutor or other government lawyer is to seek justice, not merely to convict.† To clear from common misconception, prosecutors are not performing the tasks of lawyers. In Berger vs. United States (1935), it was implied that United States Attorney is the one that is regarded as the prosecutor. His sovereignty is to govern impartially. Their main interest is not about winning but to serve justice in the case particularly a criminal case. Defense Lawyers. Defense Lawyers’ specialization is criminal defense. They are the lawyers who are hired to defend the defendants in criminal cases. The necessity of the Defense Lawyer is one of the approaches in order to put balance in the trial system so that sides of both defendant and victim will be served in the court by legal procedure. They are often maligned particularly in prominent criminal cases for defending criminals. (Pollack, 2009) Judges. Judges during court trial interpret the law, and assess the evidence being presented. Judges also have the control on how the court trial will be executed. Most importantly, they are the decision-maker to serve justice in the case. (CSCJA, 2006) Defendants. Defendant is a party who is obliged to answer the complaint of the claimant. Defendants are the ones who are accused of the crime or civil lawsuit before the court. Defendants are the one being tried for a crime that they are accused of. Victims. Victims are the complainant in a case court trial. They are the ones whose rights had violated by certain criminal acts courtesy of the defendants or by the suspect in criminal case. They are the ones who are seeking justice in a case or lawsuit by filing charges against the

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