Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Homework Should Be Banned Essay

Homework has been given to students because teachers believe it helps them remember what they learn at school, and helps them learn the material better. â€Å"Homework is super helpful in learning and processing the material learned in class.† Said no kid ever. Too much homework is not helpful, and can be unhealthy. Excessive amounts of time spent on homework can take away from kids social lives, family time, and sports or other activities. Homework should be outlawed. Critically acclaimed author Tami Ansary says, that since 1981, the amount of homework given to sixth graders has increased by more than fifty percent. In 1957, the Russians launched Sputnik into outer space. The new competition made schools try to increase the difficulty of the curriculum. With harder classes came more homework. Homework takes away from time that kids could be spending with their families. Rather than spending time bonding and building strong family relationships, parents and children argue over homework. Time is taken away from important elements of daily life. This time is particularly precious in families with two working parents whose time with their children is limited. This time could be better spent going out to dinner, or doing other activities that most families are not able to do because the kids have too much homework. My opposition might say that lots of homework prepares them for the â€Å"real world† and lots of homework helps them learn the material better. When difficult work assignments are given frequently, it causes students to lose interest in the subject. Negative results can also occur when someone is not able to finish his homework. Usually they will resort to copying homework, having others do their assignments, or cheating on tests. Bad habits like these are likely to follow them through their lives. With no consequences to these actions students will almost always take the easy way out when it comes to homework. The use of homework is effective when used by the rule†¦

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mountain Top Removal

November 2010 Solution: Eight Letters, One word, Mountaintop Removal Mountaintop removal although only eighteen letters and a mere two words provides endless opportunities for hard working Americans. The world is now all about efficiency and convenience. Society works as a machine, and each machine needs fuel to work. For Kentuckians, the fuel is Coal. The economy of Kentucky centers around coal. It not only gives hard working Americans a safe environment to work in but provides jobs, and stable economy for our nation.When compared to the rest of the world America has always had a strong economy. However America is currently in a state of recession. Politicians, cabinet members and economists are constantly trying to bring our great nation back into a state of equilibrium concerning monetary flow. Mountaintop removal is one way to achieve this. Areas which are abundant in coal are blessed with multiple lucrative opportunities which benefit not only the communities’ economy but the Nations, as well.Mine Safety is one thing that is extremely misunderstood. There is a lot of controversy, about mine safety regulations. But, the truth is that MTR is statistically the safest form of mining. Compare MTR to underground mining. Underground Mining: deep within the earth, hollow shafts, narrow tunnels, darkness all around, the fear that the mine may collapse at any time VS. MTR: Employees are above ground, have state of the art technology to help with safety protocol, and Mine collapsing isn’t a fear employees have to worry about.Jobs, something that loyal Americans are fighting for in the savage Job market. Mountain top removal offers long term jobs which also helps the economy. A fact, most people don’t know is that for every miner employed through MTR three new jobs are created. Thus, helping employment rates go up and keeping our economy running. Americans need jobs and through MTR we can make that happen. Mountain top removal: eighteen letters, t hree words, endless opportunities. Coal: four letters, one word, keeps the lights on.Although Opponents to MTR claim that it hurts the environment, creates a fair-weather economy, and is unsafe for its’ workers the truth is, MTR creates an almost identical landscape after reclamation, it continues to provides jobs even when the coal is gone and has been proven to be statistically safer than underground mining. Although the perspectives about MTR will continue to vary it is a lifestyle millions have adapted to already. Without MTR millions would be unemployed, the oven that makes our thanksgiving turkey would not work, a child wouldn’t have the electricity to read his or her first book.MTR is a permanent way to fix our problems. Kentucky is more than just a geographic state, it’s a state of mind and a state of heart and without MTR it would wither away into a perpetual end.Works Cited The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2010. Web. Date of access. Reece Erik , . Lost Mountain . New York : Riverhead, 2006. Print. Kitts, Gene. The Charleston Gazette. Charleston: Charleston Gazette, 2008. Print. Lemon, Eric. http://www. marshall. edu/cber/media/010420-DA-mountain. pdf. Charleston: Athenaeum, 2001. Print.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Gun Accidents Among Children

â€Å"Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. † This is a phrase that has been used carelessly over the years. Gun accidents are continuously increasing, and innocent children are the ones who are suffering from this carelessness. What happens when those guns lie in the hands of our children? Parents lose children, grandparents lose grandchildren, and siblings lose a brother or a sister. Every nine hours a child, under the age of fifteen, dies from a firearm accident. What could be done to ensure that tragedies like this do not happen?Children’s television programs should stop showing violence, parents and children need to be more educated on this issue, guns should be locked up, and gun laws need to be stricter. One reason why gun accidents are occurring with children is because of the violence shown on television programs and video games. Children watch more and more television each day. Children also rely a lot on video games for entertainment. The televis ion shows children watch oftentimes show violence. Video games show people killing â€Å"monsters† with guns. The monster then gets back up and the game continues.Children are very impressionable. What do children think when they see this? The children see this happening on games and television shows and believe the gun is just a toy. They do not see how truly dangerous guns are. Then, children see a real gun and play with it. They shoot themselves or another child believing that they will be just fine. This is because that is all they have ever seen. Parents need to monitor children’s television shows and video games carefully. Another reason why gun accidents are occurring with children is because of the lack of gun safety education with parents and children.Parents do not have a full understanding of how many accidents happen due to guns. Every parent should teach their children how dangerous guns are. Telling a child to not touch a gun is not enough. Explain to chi ldren what happens when they play with a gun. There are so many programs available for parents to learn as well as to teach children gun safety. Tell them how they, themselves, could get hurt or hurt another child. Teach them to never play with a gun, to let an adult know if they see one. A child as young as three has the strength to pull the trigger. It is a parent’s right to decide hether their children play with toy guns or not. If they choose to do so, educating them on the difference of a toy gun and a real gun is very important. Also, children should not be allowed to pretend to shoot a person. Children eight years and younger cannot tell the difference in a real or pretend gun. One of the most important reasons why gun accidents are occurring with children is because of the accessibility of guns. One-third of every American family that owns a gun does not keep it locked up. Having a gun â€Å"put up† is not going to stop a child from accessing it.In 72% of gun a ccident deaths, injuries, and suicides, in children from 0-19 years old, the gun was kept in their home, a relative’s home, or a friend’s home. That is a large amount of accidents that could have been prevented. Guns and ammunition should be locked up and the keys put away. Always keep the safety on on the gun. Keeping the safety on will prevent a child from unintentional harm if a gun is found. Guns are very dangerous and safety is very important. Never assume your child or other children will know the difference in real and toy guns.Be cautions if a gun is in the home, our children’s lives depend on it. The last reason why gun accidents are occurring with children is because of the gun laws. Laws should be stricter. Firearms should be very difficult to obtain. Gun laws should include a training course for anyone who owns a gun. No one should own a gun that does not understand how it works. An average, five hundred children die every year due to gun accidents. In a survey by Josephson Institute of Ethics, â€Å"36% of teenagers aged twelve to nineteen say they could obtain a handgun if they wanted to. Children get these handguns from people selling them on the street. Not every person should be allowed to own a gun. Laws are not strict enough, making purchasing guns an easy task. Parents feel the need to have protection because of the accessibility of guns. If guns were harder to obtain, parents would not have to worry so much. Keeping guns out of the hands of â€Å"bad people† can keep them out of the hands of our children. In conclusion, gun accidents occur with children and are increasing.Monitoring television programs and video games more closely, educating parents and children on gun dangers, locking guns up, and making gun laws stricter could prevent tragedies from happening. These are simple steps that make a huge difference. Do not risk the safety of children. Take precautions on preventing accidents. A change has to be ma de. Works Cited Anderson, George M. â€Å"America. † 172. 8(2010): p. 26-28. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. U. S. National Library of Health. Medline Plus. 18 April 2012. Web. 06 Nov, 2012. Source: Nemours Foundation. KidsHealth, Gun Safety. 2012. Web.

Supply chain management at Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Supply chain management at Wal-Mart - Essay Example The paper "Supply chain management at Wal-Mart" discovers supply chain management at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart’s core strategy was to provide quality merchandise at everyday low prices which necessitated substantial cost management practices which would make the strategy sustainable. This was attained primarily through having effective innovations for purchase, distribution and retail management strategies. The purchasing strategy operated through Wal-Mart’s gradual development of an exclusive group of suppliers which partially if not wholly was devoted entirely to supplying to Wal-Mart. The central strategy in its purchasing behavior was to eradicate the middlemen from the transactions and establish direct relations with the producers. Wal-Mart’s largest suppliers began to devote entire offices to handling supplying to Wal-Mart stores in bulk. The scale economies reaped thus allowed a significant lowering of purchase prices. Additionally, through sourcing products glob ally and directly from producers, Wal-Mart was able to become the sole buyer which therefore had huge control over prices. This led to development of private label, low priced alternatives to various branded merchandise which appealed to people and contributed significantly to enhanced sales. Wal-Mart’s distribution strategy has also been one of the core areas that have contributed substantially to its competitive advantage. The location of new stores has strategically been chosen so that each distribution centre can cater to a clout of outlets.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, Georges de la Tour Essay

Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, Georges de la Tour - Essay Example The essay "Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, Georges de la Tour" examines the history of art and focuses on such important artists as Georges de la Tour, Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso and Matisse. The paintings of La Tour's maturity are marked by a startling geometric simplification of the human form and by the depiction of interior scenes lit only by the glare of candles or torches. His religious paintings done in this manner have a monumental simplicity and a stillness that expresses both contemplative quiet and wonder. The chronology and authenticity of some works attributed to him are still debated. Georges de la Tour used two kinds of lighting in his pictures. One was natural lighting, where people were illuminated from above with cool white light--like the painting reproduced with this article. The other kind of lighting he used was for nighttime pictures. They were called "nocturnes." The light for these pictures came from a single source, such as a fire or a candle. Georges de la Tour is considered to be a follower of Caravaggio due to his dependency on specific elements of the Caravaggesque style. Most notably the use of chiaroscuro and tenebristic techniques. In his interpretation of those certain stylistic qualties, however, Georges was unique in his design and composition, and presented an entirely new way of looking at common realistic works of art. Georges de la Tour is classed as a realist. Realist he is in that his subjects, predominantly if not exclusively religious. , are represented in terms of "real" life, often the life of his own country-town and surroundings in Lorraine. But he avoided naturalism; rather, he chose to simplify, modelling his forms by marked contrasts of light and shade, and using large volumes and severe lines, with great selective economy of detail" (Furness 70, 1996). 2 George de la Tour's attention to mood is a predominant quality that pervades his works. The paintings, especially the night scenes, have an almost meditative or pensive quality about them. Though the subject matter may, at times, be rather ambiguous, the spirituality communicated through the mood diminishes the importance of deciphering what scene we're looking at. Rather, the focus is on the way the painting makes us, as the viewer, feel through simple observation. A visual element that helps the viewer to focus on the scene before them is achieved through the absence of a background in the scenes. George De La Tour's sparsely populated pictures almost always represent scenes that take place nowhere, if they are judged by the almost complete absence of scenery. The boundaries of the settings are, nevertheless, delineated. There appear to be walls, but they have no texture and the colour is not descriptive. Georges de la Tour's works can be distinguished most especially through the unique use of lighting in his nocturnal scenes. The paintings are lit with a candle, a nightlight, or a torch, which are sometimes visible or are, at other times, hidden behind a figure's hand or another object. As for his less numerous and less popular daylight scenes, the figures are rendered with an acute eye to detail and a simplicity within the scene that is not found in the works of any other artist at the time. In examining various

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Identifying the actors in the courthouse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Identifying the actors in the courthouse - Essay Example Prosecutors. The best to describe the role of the Prosecutor in the Courthouse is through the given definition of Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct in Rule 3. (a). It states that, â€Å"The duty of a public prosecutor or other government lawyer is to seek justice, not merely to convict.† To clear from common misconception, prosecutors are not performing the tasks of lawyers. In Berger vs. United States (1935), it was implied that United States Attorney is the one that is regarded as the prosecutor. His sovereignty is to govern impartially. Their main interest is not about winning but to serve justice in the case particularly a criminal case. Defense Lawyers. Defense Lawyers’ specialization is criminal defense. They are the lawyers who are hired to defend the defendants in criminal cases. The necessity of the Defense Lawyer is one of the approaches in order to put balance in the trial system so that sides of both defendant and victim will be served in the court by legal procedure. They are often maligned particularly in prominent criminal cases for defending criminals. (Pollack, 2009) Judges. Judges during court trial interpret the law, and assess the evidence being presented. Judges also have the control on how the court trial will be executed. Most importantly, they are the decision-maker to serve justice in the case. (CSCJA, 2006) Defendants. Defendant is a party who is obliged to answer the complaint of the claimant. Defendants are the ones who are accused of the crime or civil lawsuit before the court. Defendants are the one being tried for a crime that they are accused of. Victims. Victims are the complainant in a case court trial. They are the ones whose rights had violated by certain criminal acts courtesy of the defendants or by the suspect in criminal case. They are the ones who are seeking justice in a case or lawsuit by filing charges against the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Child pschyology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Child pschyology - Research Paper Example d psychology mainly studies the mental and cognitive processes and other factors that combine to give meaning to how a child reacts and use that information to improve parenting, health, education, mental hygiene and other areas devoted to child benefits. Child psychology thus enables us to understand the behavior of children. To understand the child behavior we, therefore, need to consider the child and his or her environment as an arrangement of correlating variables. Viewing behavior, or in fact any set of data in its entirety, in context has been labeled by many analysts as a field (Einstein, 1933; Kohler, 1925; Lewin, 1954). Context is generally defined as the circumstances that surround a particular situation. A child’s growth and development depends on the environmental as well as personal variables that make up the context. For example, the personal variables for a class of kindergarten children may include their genders, age, nature and upbringing; whereas the environmental variables may include the aspects of the surrounding in which the adult and children interact, such as the physical characteristics of the classroom (Parke & Gauvain, 2009; Fishbein, 1984). At later stages in a child’s life these environmental factors have a much larger scope and include factors such as social interactions, gatherings and the culture in which (s)he lives. All these factors eventually have a great influence on how a child grows. The culture in which a child lives shapes up the values and beliefs which give a special meaning to the observable elements of behavior, customs and artifacts. Beneath these values and beliefs lie the foundational idea that are called shared assumptions. These assumptions influence the behavior of children and play a great role in developing their perception. The socioeconomic level of people is influenced by many factors including their family background, education, job status, and their nationality. Children rose in families with a high

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Essay Example Decision Tech’s employs too could not work together efficiently, they could not create their own magnetism because ‘†¦ few key employees below the executive level unexpectedly left the company. Morale deteriorated†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ if this technological company had learnt the attributes of team work, they needed not to have depended on Jeff Shanley leadership ‘.. Someone had to be accountable for the mess, and Jeff was the man at the top.’ The big attribute of team work revolves around cheering and bolstering their leader, this lacked in this firm instead Decision Tech developed a reputation within the valley for being one of the most political and unpleasant places to work. Question two: Review the information on the establishment of team â€Å"Norms† during the forming and norming stages of team development in your text on pages 498 -501. What behavioral norms had been established by the executive team at Decision Tech before Kathryn took over? How did these norms help or hurt the company’s performance? Dependence and superficiality: There was little interaction which was formal or guarded, in establishing clarity of purpose, norms, procedures and expectations thus cohesive unit could not be created. The more employees interact together the more they develop a common behavior. This lacked in Decision tech’s capacity leading to a poor performance There was a lot of cooperativeness and heightened interpersonal attraction‘†¦ it had the most experienced – and expensive- executive team imaginable†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ this helped it a lot to attract even the ‘†¦cautious venture ï ¬ rms†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ who were ‘†¦ lining up to invest, and talented engineers were submitting their rà ©sumà ©s before the company had leased even an office.’ The firms employees conformed to standards and expectations for high achievement leading to ‘†¦a seemingly indestructible business plan and more top-tier

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A literature review. The purpose of such a characterization is to set Essay

A literature review. The purpose of such a characterization is to set up the need for your contribution. Summaries of a - Essay Example Amitai Etzioni asserts that regulations are the way to prevent an economic decline brought about by businesses. In terms of the consumer consumption, a culture change supersedes regulations, but it seems too difficult to develop such a change. Many Americans have continued to work hard to sustain their livelihoods in terms of reaching their wants. As he notes â€Å"what needs to be eradicated†¦ the obsession with acquisition that has become the organizing principle of American life† (Etzioni, 2012). People get to great length for the sole purpose of maximizing their earnings in an effort to meeting their physiological-motivated needs. The society has branded more money and more things to mean ‘good life’ when in real terms the struggles are too much compared to the benefits thereof. He continues to assert that the capitalism has been the key player in facilitating the consumer trends seen. However, capitalism cannot be solely blamed on the woes, what needs to be done is creating a balance between consumption and other engagements (Etzioni, 2012). The perception that increased income relates to increased happiness is misplaced and cannot hold. This is not an advocacy for laxity in striving to be economically stable, but a call for individuals to be cognizant of the need to regulate their consumption. Because of the perception taken against consumption, the public should be made to understand that manageable consumption could not be related to failure (Etzioni, 2013). On the other hand, Juliet Schor presents a view that consumption should be individualized and not be presented as a public affair. She talks about the misplaced thinking that prompts individuals to keep on spending. Her suggestions clearly depict a systematic approach to consumption. She notes that a decent living should be a factor of satisfying the needs and not the wants. In addition, she advocates that the focus should be to improve the quality of life and not a desire t o see the massive items all around them, pushing hard to belong to a consumption class is an irrelevant and displaced move. The consumption levels ought to be in a way that it encourages conservation of the ecology. Consumption also should be made to be free will without having influences from the producers and retailers (Schor, 1999). The two authors establish a common ground of argument. From their views, ‘political’ aspects in the consumption chain have hampered freedom of consumption. They strongly advocate for a change in consumption culture in an attempt to vary the current spending dynamics. Quality of life has also been emphasized; individuals should not only focus on earning and being reduced to shoppers who do not have even the time to do it. The little time available is fixed with one activity after the other. They also call for regulations through the government and the relevant stakeholders in order to create a need-related consumption. Revitalization of co nsumer and labor movements to focus on this hidden yet dangerous trend is an urgent need in an attempt to protect the consumers. At the end of their arguments, the suggestions provided are biased on cultural change among the consumers in order to prevent unnecessary hard work whose products are miserable spent in making acquisitions.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Contaminants in Recycled Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contaminants in Recycled Paper - Essay Example Grades A and B represent the virtually 100 percent of paper mill waste that is recycled a back into the milling process. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies mill broke (Grade A) as the scraps that are recovered during the paper-making process. (Conservatree 2007, Environmental Definitions) The mills can recycle this at almost zero cost. It is also in the mills' best interest to recycle and re-pulp the unprinted waste (Grade B), as it costs about half of what it costs to recycle post-consumer waste. These two highest grades of recycled paper are both cost-effective and free of contaminants, as it is waste created only by the product production. (Conservatree 2007, Making Paper) Post-consumer waste is where we find both a greater need for recycling and a high risk of contaminants. Depending on their use, these consumer-used products come back to the recycling plants in various forms, such as envelopes, office paper, newspaper, and magazines, and these forms are often full of contaminants. From address labels and no-lick stamps on envelopes, to colored laser printer paper, to self-stick notes, today's recycled raw materials need a lot of work to go through the system and get back into re-usable paper. (Glass 2000, p. 1) And with the demand for recycled raw materials at an all-time high with the environmental concerns of our modern world, we cannot ask the consumers to remove these hindrances before recycling. The industry must make the consumer want to recycle, and consumers will recycle more the easier it is for them to do so. This puts the removal of contaminants squarely on the paper recycling plants. The contaminants that cause the most trouble for the plants are the ones that come from adhesive-based materials. These are referred to as "stickies," as they tend to make their way through the filtering process and form into particles that can gum up machines and lower the quality of the pulp. (Glass 2000, p. 1) This is a big problem with the Grade C paper, of which a large amount comes from offices. Having workers sort through this high volume of paper is not cost-effective, so having equipment that is technologically advanced enough to weed out these contaminants is vital. Fortunately, there is technology available to help alleviate this problem. Older methods of recycling paper into pulp involved using machines that pulverize the raw material with aggressive motion. Often the stickies would disintegrate quickly and make their way through filtering attempts. Today, high consistency batch pulpers and continuous drum pulpers are available, which provide a gentler method of pulping the recycled raw materials. This, in turn, keeps the contaminants from becoming too small and getting lost in

Ethic case 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethic case 2 - Essay Example Socrates’ statement that â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living,† summarizes his idea of good life. The examined life reveals that human lives and ways of living are unequal. Life appears on a hierarchical order. However, Socrates fail to clarify the precise ranking of life and does not provide where any given kind of life belong in the hierarchy. From his interaction with different people, Socrates gets first-hand information, which makes him to conclude that â€Å"unexamined life is not worth living.† He believes that Athens does not persevere to obtain what is good. About good life, Socrates exemplifies the enlightenment stance. His notion is that ethical virtue defines a good life, which entails the practice of specific proficiency or wisdom concerning ethical issues. According to Socrates, pragmatic wisdom about ethical issues entails knowing the meaning of virtues, which involves the riddance of irregularity in belief concerning the meaning of virtues. In his pursuit of true knowledge, he comments, "Certainly I would pride and preen myself if I had this knowledge, but I do not have it, gentlemen." As it appears, Socrates believes in true wisdom founded on

Monday, July 22, 2019

Slavery Abolitionist vs. Slave Holders Essay Example for Free

Slavery Abolitionist vs. Slave Holders Essay Slavery. This was the cause of major debates in American history that contributed greatly to the differences developing between the northern and southern states of America during the 1800s. These differences would eventually lead to the Civil War, which would cause the still newly formed America to diverge. During the debates over slavery, both the abolitionist and the slave holders fought diligently to protect what they thought to be the best intentions for America and for themselves, but because these two sides were so conflicting in their arguments, it was inevitable that the debate over slavery would eventually end in drastic measures. Although the two sides disagreed on ideas, each had valid points to contribute to their cases. The Abolitionist, or those who wanted to abolish slavery, believed that slavery violated many rights and beliefs held by the American nation. They argued that capturing others and forcing them into labor was a direct violation of the constitutions inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Even though at the time we were plagued with extreme racism against blacks (some to the extent of believing that blacks were of a sub-human species), the abolitionist argued that everyone should be given the opportunity to have these rights, regardless of race. They strengthened this point by using scriptures directly taken from the Christian bible. Scriptures such as Matt 7:12 do to others what you would have them do to you,backed up their point that capturing others for forced labor was morally wrong. Other scripture such as Col 4:1 Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a Master in heaven, aided their next major argument against slavery; the treatment of slaves. Many slave holders, or to the slaves, masters, were brutal in the treatment of their laborers. Cruel forms of punishment were used against those slaves who were rebellious or did not work to their masters standards, but rarely did a slave holder kill their slaves. At up to $2000, the were much too valuable property to simply kill. This treatment outraged the abolitionist, and the debate raged on. The slave holders of the south presented many valid arguments. The southern states stated that abolishing slavery would be devastating to the economy of  America. Three of the nations largest crops, cotton, tobacco, and rice, were profitable only because of slave labor. Such a large amount of workers were needed, that slavery was one of their only options that would not cost more than the money they made from their cash crops themselves. Slavery was cheaper because the slaves worked consistently, as opposed to laborers of the north who were in constant competion of each other, and in and out of work. If slavery were to be outlawed, these crops would eventually fail, causing an economic turmoil in the nation. Profits made from trading with other counties would plummet and, the north would also be greatly affected because the only way many of the industrial workers in the north could afford clothing was to wear those made of the cotton imported from the south. This led to their next point against abolitionist. Wage Slavery. Although abolitionist believed the north was giving their civilians their freedom rights, the only choice for most of the northern laborers was to work or starve. Many parents were forced to sell their children into contracts with companies as soon as they were old enough to work (5-6 yrs. old by northern standards), just so they could help their families survive. The south argued that working conditions for children laborers in the north were worse than their slaves of the south, and at wages of just cents a day, and no guarantee of food, shelter, or clothes, the slaves were virtually living in a paradise. The slave holders also used the bible to their advantage, much like the north. Verses such as Col 3:22 Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely please men, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord., not only strengthened the souths case morally but it was also useful in keeping their slaves in line during sermons when they were christianizing them. The most prominent point though, was that slavery, was legal. Both the north and the south contributed many viable points, but in the end, slavery was abolished. Its final days ended when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all of the enslaved blacks of the south. Even though the north won, I believe the answer to this debate over slavery lays somewhere between both arguments. All great societies throughout  history have been built largely on slavery, but the oppressing of a people for racial reasons is what I believe to be morally wrong. Whether strong-willed opinions or compromise wins out is always up to us as a democratic nation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Human Resources Planning Exemple Business Essay

Human Resources Planning Exemple Business Essay Since individuals are requested to work together within organisations and corporations, the needs for organisations to create a human resources management department to manage their human capital became ineluctably necessary. From the past until nowadays, human resources management use its classical administrative function which is human resources planning to achieve its goal. Various authors and schools have different definitions of human resource planning. Vetter (1967) defined human resource planning as a process by which management determines how the organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired position. Through planning, managers strive to have the right number and the right kind of people, at the right places, at the right time, doing things which results in both the organization and the individual receiving maximum long-run benefits. (p.15). More recently, Shaun Tyson (2006) agreed that in practice, HR planning is concerned with the demand and supply of labour and problems arising from the process of reconciling these factors. Any system has to be based on analyses of demand and supply and the plans and decisions which follow these analyses (p.110). In fact, employees are companies essential asset, so the changes in the global economy, the changes in social, political, technological as well as environmental factors requ ired human resource planning to be dealt carefully in organisations or companies if they want to ensure their business competitive advantage as well as if they want to achieve their organisations goals. Human resource management thus plays an important role within each business to achieve its goals, straightforward, its clear that it is necessary for small or large companies to have a strong and clear understanding of what is human resource planning and how does it contribute in achieving an organisations goals? About IBM International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) also known as big blue is a multinational computer technology and consulting corporation based in New York, USA. The company founded in 1911 manufactures and sells computer hardware, software, infrastructure services, hosting services and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. IBM offers a broad range of middleware for collaboration, predictive analytics, software development and the worlds most advanced servers and supercomputers. Utilizing its business consulting, technology and RD expertise, IB helps clients around the world become smarter as the planet becomes more digitally interconnected. That includes working with organizations and governments to build systems that improve traffic congestion, food safety, the availability of clean water, and health and safety populations. IBM has pioneered the corporate operating model for 21st century changing from a classic multinational to a global i ntegrated company with a highly skilled global workforce managed by a common set of values. (LinkedIn 2011) IBM is the world largest information technology employer with more than 400000 employees including engineers and consultants serving about 170 countries in the world. Since 2003, IBM corporation main values are: dedication to every clients success, innovation that matters, for our company and for the world, trust and personal responsibility in all relationships In our work, we will underline how IBM Corporation define human resource planning and how does it helps the company to meet its strategic goals. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PLANNING As recruitment and selection planning of employees are highly correlated with each organisations human resource planning, it is relevant to know that human resource managers are those who organise and are responsible for the work of employees and thus set up the relationships between employees within their organisations key of their performance. Managers use human resource planning to fulfil their obligations within their organisation. In the next paragraph, we will underline the importance of human resource planning before getting in the recruitment and selection step, to better understand how IBM Corporation proceeds for its recruitment strategies. Human resource planning, essential function of human resource management is not always implemented by many organisations, because critics believe that is mostly a matter of common sense than a complex equation to deal with by organisations planners. It shows that, the main purpose of human resource planning is not totally understood. Its known that companies are using their material, financial and human resources to generate revenues or profits. We also know that investing in a business is always attached with a risk; therefore planning the use of resources is how managers target to reduce this risk, achieve their goals and make profit for the company survival. But all the companies will always plan for their financial and material resources either long or short term plans because of the uncertainty environment of each business. Why planning for the most essential resource (human resource) still a matter of discussion? IBM Corporation leader in innovation invest huge amount of money more than $6 billion a year in its RD unit to improve companys performance. The companys RD department is associated with some universities in USA and Europe. Therefore, IBM using the results of many studies and research improve its core management and corporates goals. Today with changing nature of public sector workforce, IBM emphasise its workforce planning to meet the companys human capital requirement. Workforce planning tells an organization what types of skills are needed to get the job done. In doing so, workforce planning should drive all human capital strategies. Workforce planning is about aligning an organizations human capital-its people-with its business plan to achieve its mission. It helps ensure that the organization has the right people with the right skills in the right job at the right time. Workforce planning tells an organization what types of skills are needed to get the job done. In doing so, wor kforce planning should drive all human capital strategies. Workforce planning is about aligning an organizations human capital-its people-with its business plan to achieve its mission. It helps ensure that the organization has the right people with the right skills in the right job at the right time. (Ann Cotten, 2007. P4) Therefore, IBM uses the seven-step workforce planning model as a framework. The seven-step workforce planning has been set-up mainly by public sector organisations particularly in USA. The Seven-Step workforce planning is to: 1- Define the organisations strategic direction 2- Scan the internal and external environments 3- Model the current workforce 4- Assess future workforce needs and project future workforce supply 5- Identify gaps and develop gap-closing strategies 6- Implement gap-closing strategies 7- Evaluate the effectiveness of gap-closing strategies and revise strategies as needed In fact human resource planning should be a process and also and outcome, because of the unpredictable changes in both external and internal environment. It is not have to be a fixed system, it has to remain dynamic. Each company should adapt the component of human resource planning model according to its one circumstance, there is not a model of human resource planning enable to fit all companies at the same times. From these definitions one might get the impression that workforce planning is a rigid system that must be implemented agency-wide in order to do it right and reap the benefits. While many organizations follow a systematic approach, there is no one size- fits-all workforce planning program. (Ann. Cotton, 2007, p13). A good human resource planning allows managers to measure recruitment and selection, employees retention, training and development and manage employees performance. Recruitment and selection planning Recruitment can be defined as a process of identifying and hiring the best qualified individual ( from within or outside of an organisation) for a given vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner. Experts believe that recruitment is a very sensitive and important part of human resource management function within an organisation because its business survival relies on its employees. Organizations recruit their triumphs and disasters, their creativity, sustainability, and growth. (Shaun Tyson, 2006) Recruitment main stages can be shaped as: Identify and define the requirements for organisation Main tools used here are Job descriptions and job specifications. Two important models are mostly used by companies or organisations. The seven point plan and the fivefold grading system. The seven-point plan (Rodger, 1973) Physical health Attainments: skills knowledge Intelligence: specifics abilities Special aptitudes Interests: personal interests Disposition: self-reliance, drive, initiative Circumstances: personal circumstances as commitment, mobility. The seven-point plan model underlines both emotional intelligence as well as Intellectual quotient (IQ). The Fivefold grading system (Munro Fraser, 1966) Can be described by: Impact on others: appearance Qualification: work experience Innate abilities: aptitude to learn Motivation Adjustment: relationships with others The Fivefold grading system underlines Intellectual quotient (IQ) Attract potential employees Select and employ the appropriate people from the job applicants These are the main stages involved in the recruitment and selection procedures which is a continuous process, as internal or external factors can affect the business at any time, managers should be able to take and appropriate decision to tackle issues or opportunities occurring like: staff resignation or retirement, changes in business itself (market penetration or new market entrance), changes in business location or promotion. Therefore, recruitment is a dynamic process. Main factors describing recruitment and selection procedures can be summarise as follow: Characteristic of the job, Characteristics of applicants Characteristics of recruiters Recruiting policies. Let us focus in recruiting policies that creates an environment in which each business will operate. Organisations policies lead the business direction and main vision. All corporations should comply with laws regulations and procedures. Legal rules and requirements can be different from one country to another, but the market globalisation tends to promotes similar rules for each corporation all over the world. The laws relating to discrimination in employment are generally accepted worldwide. Shaun Tyson, 2006 clarify the importance of laws in recruitment policies: The legal framework covers racial, gender, religious, age and disability discrimination, as well as rules regarding ex-offenders, and references among other areas. This affects choices of recruitment methods, advertisements and the processes used. IBM recruitment policies are well known, since its creation, the company underlines is willing to promote respect for individual. The managers give more importance to their peop le than to companys products. Tom Watson IBMs founder said in 1957 there are many things I would like IBM to be known for, but no matter how big we become, I want this company to be known as the company which has the greatest respect for the individual. The value place on IBM employees was codified in one of their three fundamental principles (mentioned in our introduction). In 1926, IBMs founder, Thomas J. Watson, told employees that: They say a man is known for the company he keeps. We say in our business that a company is known by he men it keeps. IBM corporate implemented also implemented programs policies and practices to respect its employees. For example its open door policy, the Speak! up program, comprehensive employees opinions surveys and so one. By doing that, IBM acquires and retains quality people need for its businesss success. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT POLICIES In todays increasing competition in the market, companies are looking to increase their benefits, their productivity and also to boost their employees performance. Training and development programs are tools use by most of the companies to reach their target and enhance their corporates culture. Although some companies dont give such importance to training and development matter because for them it is better to invest to acquire material asset than to improve their workforce skill. IBM always focus on its employees improvement even its recruitment policy focus on qualified workforce, they still need to implement its training programs. IBM founder Thomas J. Watson, said there is no saturation point in education. The benefits of training programs can be resuming as: Increased productivity and performance improvement Reduced server loads and bandwidth costs Stricter adherence to corporate policies Improved customer satisfaction Increased employee morale and retention Increased revenue The reason why most of companies dont apply training and development program is that they assume that the cost of this function doesnt worth enough to be taken on board within their organisation. In the opposite way, Gartner, 2007 said Untrained or poorly trained users will cost significantly more to support than well-trained workers. Untrained traveling workers who spend a significant portion of their time away from the office, and who often have networking questions from multiple remote locations, are generally more expensive to support, regardless of the types of devices theyre using. But in fact, the last changes operate among workforce shows that training can affects employees retention in a company. American Society for Training Development demonstrates in 2003 that 41% of employees at companies with inadequate training programs plan to leave within a year versus 12% of employees at companies who provide excellent training and professional development programs. The main value of training and development planning can also be defines as follow: Revenues generation. The more a company invest in its training programs, the higher its revenues are. Productivity and performance improvement. Skills and knowledge are ineluctably the essential keys factors in business survival. Cost reduction. Companies can save huge amount of money in labour cost just by improving their employees skills. Collateral saving. Companies that employ training programs would have a benefits form their product, but they may also see a unintended savings. It is now sure that training and development programs and companies success is highly correlated. By providing more tools to its employees and using also training and development as a factor of decision-making can lead a company to achieve easily its corporates goals, retains its employees and maintains its competitive advantage among its competitors. STAFF MOTIVATION AND APPRAISAL PLAN The possibility for a business to growth depends on the quality human resources within the organisation. How a company can rewards its employees after their performance. First of all, we know that to reward employees most of the organisation use money as a value for their rewarding system. To set up a reward system, managers always evaluate their employees. Job as reward system should be clear and fair for each employee. Talking about job evaluation, Shaun Tyson, 2006 said Job evaluation is a term used in a general way for a number of techniques that are in different forms. These techniques entail analysing and assessing the content of jobs so that they may be classified in an order relating to one another and to the marketplace. To have a fairly base, job evaluation need to have common features as far as possible to avoid inequalities among rewarding systems, it is necessary to set up at least general framework that fits in these different evaluation techniques. Common features of evaluation techniques are the following: Job evaluation is concerned with differences in the work itself, not in differences that are found between people. Reference is made to the content of the job, i.e. what the work consists of, what is being done, what skills are deployed and the actions that are performed. This is normally discovered by job analysis. There are predetermined criteria, or factors, against which each job is measured. These may be descriptions of the whole job, or of its component parts. The practice of involving those who are to be subject to the job evaluation at an early stage helps to ensure both accuracy in job analysis and a commitment to the job evaluation scheme. The outcome of a job evaluation should be wage and salary scales covering the range of evaluated jobs. All systems need regular review and updating, and have to be flexible enough to be of use for different kinds of work, so that new jobs can be accommodated. In fact many purposes are use to estimate employees salaries. It also correlated with government regulation laws and rules. We are not going to dig deeper in that area. One of the most important that companies need to take on board is looking their employees as individuals. The social aspect of each individual is dominated by its own expectations and needs. Ignoring this aspect of human, could leads sometimes in a failure of rewarding employees within a company. Wage and promotion are not the only ways to reward employees, many organisations as IBM introduce in their corporate goals a strong culture of rewarding that make employees feel safe and secure and then improve their performance, their commitment and a strong willing to stay in the company as employees. IBM chairman Thomas J. Watson, Jr. 1970 said Money and title alone are not enough to satisfy the kinds of people that make IBM great. What counts most of all is knowledge that individual contributions are recognized and valued. We all want to receive that sort of recognition and we must all be quick to give it, too. I believe youll find, in most cases that you give thoughtful care to your people, they can take care of the problems. That is the perfect illustration of what sort of organisation is IBM. They put individuals first and then the success comes easily after making IBM the most successful IT Company in which every scientist or employee would like to work and perform well since the last decade. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS In our work, weve tried to demonstrate the importance of recruitment and selection, training and development policies, motivation and appraisal of labour in the achievement of corporates goals. Human resource capital is obviously the main important asset of each organisation. Although experts believe that managing human resource is mostly a matter of common sense, the changing environment, the actual need of economic market trend, the increasing competition among businesses might lead each organisation to think efficiently to find how to use this asset to achieve its corporates goals and make profit from its business. Managing wisely its human capital is the key success of many corporations as IBM. In 1969, IBM chairman Thomas J. Watson, Jr. wrote to his management team: Our basic belief is respect for the individual, for his rights and dignity. It follows from this principle that IBM should: help each employee to develop his potential and make the best use of his abilities; pay and promote on merit; and maintain two-way communications between manager and employee, with an opportunity for a fair hearing and equitable settlement of disagreements. Human resource planning is therefore a powerful tool for each organisation to create a useful link between its labour and its corporates goals, without this link, a company can easily runs out of its business. The main recommendation to all the companies willing to improve their performance is to use IBM corporate as a model if the want to survive in the present market that is highly competitive.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Introduction To The United States Beer Industry

Introduction To The United States Beer Industry Beer in the United States has had a long and profitable history. Today it is the largest segment of Alcoholic beverages and accounts for millions of dollars in sales every year. Although there have been periods of less demand, the popularity and wealth of the industry has grown significantly. The industry has had to address many challenges and adapt to continuously changing environments which translated into many consolidations and the reduced number of regional brewers. Todays market is heavily controlled by three main players, In Bev Anheuser-Busch, Miller Coors. In the late 19th century, most beer was being brewed by groups or individuals in their respective homes, however with the industrial revolution and the advancements of new technologies in automation, commercial brewers began to enter the market and transform the way beer is made, sold, and marketed as it never had been before. Some of these large national brewers were Anheuser-Busch and Miller as mentioned before. Other large domestic brewers include Pabst, and Schlitz. All of these companies have played a part in shaping the growth, structure and development of the industry over time. Due in part to these large commercial entities, the United States now has the largest number of breweries in the world. Although it is necessary to grasp the industries performance as a whole, it is even more vital that the performance and structure of the industries particular segments. At one point, two types of beers controlled the majority of the market; popular beer which was made and sold inexpensively, and Premium beers which were produced for a similar price yet sold at a higher cost solely for their brand recognition and popularity. Throughout history, as the brewing industry matured, the addition of different kinds of beer multiplied. Today, the types of beer which account for the majority of sales are classified as Light, Domestic Premium, and Imports. This paper will be divided into three parts. In the first section I will take an in-depth look at the Beer Industry as a whole through the use of Porters Five Forces analysis. In the second part I will be focusing on Molson-Coors and its relationship to the industry, its segments, and opportunities for growth and continued success. I will wrap up my paper by comparing and contrasting Molson-Coors position and strategy in the Beer industry to Harley-Davidson in the recreational vehicle industry. Socio-Economic When addressing any industry, it is important to analyze the various external macro-environmental factors which contribute to a companys operations. Through a PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological) Analysis, one can better understand the risks associated with growth and decline, as well as its industry position currently and in the future. Politically, the beer industry is dependent on the decisions and regulations of the US Government. One of the most obvious examples of the governments role came in the form of prohibition during the early 20th century. Today, the beer industry is still heavily monitored by the government. One of the most noteworthy controls is that the system requires a middle-man. This limits the power of large corporations to control every aspect of the business chain, and reduces the risk of a monopoly. When it comes to the retail of alcohol, state and municipality governments decide on the type of off-premise vendors that are allowed to sell the alcohol, and how they go about selling in order to raise funds for fighting the abuse and addiction of the product. Currently the state of the United States economy is not helping to provide increased wealth to the industry. With the economic downturn and lower discretionary spending, consumers are spending less on alcohol, beer included. Socially, there are signs within the industry that suggest an increasing demand for alcoholic beverages besides beer. However, within the beer industry itself, Light brands are experiencing increasing popularity due to the heightened importance of consuming fewer calories as well as the risks/consequences of drunk driving. The level of technology change in this industry is low. That said, there are a variety of technological advancements in the industry which are affecting operations. Many of these innovations are changes within the brewing of the beer itself. As efficiency in production was the drive post World-War 2, technological changes which improve quality, lower health risks, and increase the use of sustainable energy are beginning to gain more significance. Porters 5 Forces Threat of New Entrants In the early days of this industry, an individual or family could start up their own brewery with relative ease in comparison to todays standards. The increase in production techniques, beginning post World-War 2 played a large part in creating a high barrier to entry as the working capital requirements increased from several billion to hundreds of millions of dollars. Even greater barriers to entry are created through large brewers control of distribution channels as well as the different state governments regulations and laws attributed to those channels. As production innovation created a barrier to entry in the mid 20th century, marketing and advertising expenditures from large companies in this industry have increased brand loyalty and recognition, creating another high barrier to entry. Amongst these barriers, there exists the possibility of new entrants achieving economies of scale, for example, the Boston Beer Company has taken a relatively foreign approach to the industry as they have focused their attention on its recipes while outsourcing the majority of the other business activities. Although larger companies have also achieved economies of scale and have the ability to increase revenues without increasing input, the emergence of companies such as the Boston Beer Company and trends pointing to consumers trading-up to higher quality products, these barriers could begin to change down the road. Suppliers Suppliers in the brewing industry play a significant role. Starting with the production of the good, suppliers from agricultural industries such as corn, barley, and yeast are key in the production and pricing of the end product. Other suppliers include the glass industry and paper labeling industry. Because of the low concentration in production suppliers, more power is given to the industries main players who are able to strike larger supply contracts for a better price. Most of the key inputs of brewing are highly regulated thus keeping bulk prices steady and allow firms to purchase ingredients over a year in advance. Some differentiation exists in the inputs when it comes to the higher quality ingredients that are used in some premium beers. The effects of substitutes in this industry are dependent on industries such as the performance of wine and spirits as well as imported brands of beer. These are significant substitutes and have been experiencing a steady growth in recent yea rs. Although the brewing industry requires a substantial amount of inputs from suppliers, they do not control those industries as well. Suppliers from the corn/wheat producing industries as well as from the sugar processing industry are not dependent on the beer industry and exist in other markets. As mentioned, the brewing industry is highly regulated and runs in a three tier system which takes away the threat of vertical integration and the possibility of one player gaining the majority power. Looking at the current major players Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors, opportunities to grow exist in marketing and brand awareness, with recent struggles in the economy, access to capital is more difficult but also comes at a lower price with lower interest rates. The industry gained $3.6 billion in 2009 which is significantly better than many industries and will favor them as they seek opportunities to finance growth opportunities. The industry requires skilled workers mostly in the areas of marketing and has usually refrained from unionizing. Overall the power of suppliers is very limited among large firms and the brewing industry is not an attractive industry at this time. Buyers Wholesalers, Super markets, liquor stores, and bars/night clubs account for some of the major buyers in this industry. These buyers can be broken down into two segments, off-premise and on-premise. On-premise locations include bars and off-premise locations include warehouses and liquor stores. These industries are grateful for the position of the brewing industry however on-premise buyers are experiencing a decline in growth as disposable income decreases among consumers. Off-premise wholesalers although protected from being protected from being taken over by large breweries have experienced a loss in power due in part to the rapid consolidation of the brewing industry as well as the increase in popularity of smaller breweries. However, due to factors such as being in the mature phase of its business cycle, these industries are in a good position to grow. Beer will continue to be sold and consumed; buyers will contend with the changing environment and gain more power through diversi fying their product offerings. This may not be the case in on-premise sites as they are more easily influenced by the impact of a down economy. Overall, the power of the buyers is low as they are at this point very dependent on the fluctuations of the brewing industry. Substitute Products As mentioned previously, substitutes to the domestic brewing industry are the wine and spirits industry, as well as imported beers. In the case of this industry, the substitutes play a main role in determining current position and future growth. When looking at the main players in the US market, they may need to shift some of their focus to niches which microbreweries have begun to make popular as well as deal with the constant threat of imports and their growing popularity in the United States. As large brewing companies work to meet the needs of their enormous market, the industry is attractive to smaller breweries seeking a smaller market. Rivalry The US brewing industry has consolidated to be controlled primarily by two main players, the largest being Anheuser-Busch, and the other being MillerCoors. This represents a high concentration which boosts rivalry. In this particular competition, price is not the determining factor, rather massive marketing campaigns to increase brand value. Although there exists two main companies, they are not very balanced as Anheuser-Busch controls the majority of the market share. The diversity among competitors is greatest amongst the craft-beer breweries which focus on recipe rather than brand image. Among the major players there is little product differentiation as they sell primarily the same types of beers. Although there exists a large brand awareness in loyalty to these players, foreign competition such as Heineken have penetrated US markets and have experienced large sales. This industry is very dependent on the segment of selling alcoholic beverages, although segments within the types o f beer can fluctuate, firms focus primarily on the selling of their product. The barriers for exiting this market are high as there are specific markets, and technologies which have been produced specifically for this industry, the best chance for converting to another product would be into the firm of a non-alcoholic malt beverage. Conclusion After looking in-depth into the brewing industry, a number of key success factors stick out. One of the most important that stood out to me is its ability to keep up with trends in domestic markets as well as increasing brand awareness through quality of beer rather than price. Another important factor for success in this industry is the ability to control debt and deal with fluctuations in the economy. Many people questioned how Budweiser could remain Americas beer by being owned by a Belgium company. Furthermore, it is necessary for these large firms to find areas of increasing beer consumption and market their product in an attractive way. Through my analysis of the brewing industry, it seems clear that although the industry has recently experienced slower growth and lower demand, companies have remained profitable and the emergence of new players (Microbreweries) prove to be a good sign for the future growth and stability of this industry. Part 2: Firm Analysis Adolph Coors based out of Golden, Colorado has been in the brewing industry since the late 19th century. It thrived on its focused market in the Western United States as well as the early brand recognition that its premium beer gained with celebrities and athletes. It also was able to differentiate itself from other competitors by focusing on being a self-sustainable company which attempted to provide as much of its own inputs as possible. In 2005 due to increased pressures to consolidate, Adolph Coors merged with Canadian brewer Molson. With this merger, Molson Coors became the fifth largest brewer. In 2008 in an effort to keep up with Anheuser-Buschs recent merger with InBev, Molson Coors merged another time with SAB Miller to form Miller Coors LLC. This merger, is expected to decrease production and distribution costs which will enable the company to remain profitable and able to increase its market share. This however goes hand in hand with the challenge of maintaining its market for smaller brands with more specific niches. External Environment In order to analyze Coors position in the industry it is important to look at the external environment which will affect the way Coors does business. As stated previously there are a number of different factors which are influencing the brew industry at this time. One of the major external threats to Coors and the industry as a whole is in the form of Government regulation. With a variety of different state laws effecting the sales and distributions of beer, this poses as a threat as it could consume an unnecessary amount of time in daily operations and market analysis. With more focus on broader, international markets, the increasing trend of regional microbreweries are also a threat on the domestic market as they could better handle the state laws and their performance within those standards. Technologically, Coors has the opportunity to become an industry leader in this category. Although technologies primarily are focusing on the quality of the beer, Coors could look to expand it s technologies with respect to environmental awareness. Presently, Coors is being most affected by the rivalry within its industry. Once an industry with hundreds of breweries, the US market has consolidated down to two main players. This is forcing Coors into becoming a hybrid international/domestic company at a rapid pace. I think one of the biggest threats that could affect Coors is the difference of the current market in comparison to the original focus and market of their beers. Internal Environment For many years, Coors was a family run business; this was extremely positive for its initial growth and sustained spot as one of the top players in the brewing industry. Another key strength of Coors is its ownership in its own machinery and its obsessed nature on remaining a company which is homegrown. Coors has throughout its history maintained an ability to adapt to current markets and trends as well as foreseeing areas of growth an opportunity. Early on, a weakness of Coors was its inability to attract minority markets and by some cases, they still struggle at this. Another weakness that could affect Coors performance is its history of avoiding debt spending. I believe this to be a weakness even though it could just as easily be a strength of the firm. Coors limits itself in research development as well as other possible market risks by not opening itself up to debt-spending. Another weakness of Coors, in line with the previous idea of debt-spending is that its a company which i s slower to find niche markets and better products in comparison to Goliath InBev/Anheuser-Busch. Marketing In comparison to Anheuser-Busch, Coors has presently and throughout history, struggled at finding a niche market and in turn has had to give up substantial ground to its main competitor in the form of Domestic Sales as well as having strong brand recognition. Anheuser-Busch in its merger with InBev is focusing its advertisement on marketing its large brands such as Budweiser. Coors has experienced a positive trend in its sales of Blue Moon which has been a hit, especially among fans of smaller, quality beers. It has outperformed a similar beer by Anheuser-Busch, Bud Light Lime. Coors, although struggling in some sense to gain market share back from Anheuser-Busch has a better positioning in terms of its distribution and production systems which are the one of the key strengths and highlights of its company, and one of its main areas of focus. Operations/Production Coors has a history of innovation and capital expenditures which have proved equitable to its operations and overall production efficiency. Coors has focused product innovation in the form of technologies which inhibit freshness and quality in its product. To this extent, it seems as though the two competitors are beginning to shift focuses, as InBev tries to beef up product, brand awareness, and market share, while Coors is insistent on being the industry leader for the best beer in America. As Coors focuses its attention on operations domestically, they are able to create a cost advantage between themselves and other main competitors, they will have better control over what they produce and how they go about producing it which in the long run may open up many areas of growth. Finance In the merger of MillerCoors, the company experienced a rapid decline in growth and sales. The positive side of this down-sizing is that they will have better control of their finances and although they still control thousands of employees, the ability to focus on cost cuts will in turn maximize shareholder wealth. In focusing on the quality and production of its beers, Coors has begun to outsource many of its financing and accounting to third party sources. In the upcoming years due to its merger, Coors will be refinancing its debt and looking to use cash from its operations as a way of approaching other strategic investments. It also hopes that refinancing its debt will lead to pension plans for its employees as well as better return to it its owners. Critical Success Factors It is imperative for Coors to become the leader in premium beers produced in the United States. With Anheuser-Busch selling out to Belgium, a great opportunity for Coors to utilize its domestic brewing facilities and resources exists and should be approached. Another factor that is necessary for Coors is to become an industry leader in innovation and social/environmental responsibility. They need to diversify their products to attract a wide variety of people and work hard not to segregate their marketing to specific niches which leave minorities out of the picture. Strategic Problem Management has failed to ensure the long-term survival of Coors because it expanded too quickly and had too ambitious of hopes in competing on a global scale with Anheuser-Busch. With that in mind, Coors with its merger with Miller has the opportunity to regain the domestic strength that it once prided itself on. My recommendation for Coors would be to continue its pursuit of quality within the domestic United States market. It can work to regain capital to spend on future strategic investments such as popular microbreweries with a high-quality, popular taste. The United States although a major player in the production of beers, still lacks the reputation for having a quality product which is globally recognized. Some could argue that Budweiser is this, however others would say that Budweiser lived in the realm of being an inexpensive beer too long before committing itself to the more trendy Lager. Implementation Coors can implement this strategy easily if it can regain its focus on its core mission from its history, the emphasis of self-sustainability as well as product quality. By outsourcing parts of its business to other parties, Coors has removed responsibilities which could have weighed the company down in making strategic and financial decisions. Part 3 Firm-Firm While working on the analysis for this case-study, thoughts of Harley-Davidson continuously entered my mind. Harley-Davidson is a company that thrives itself on its proud history as well as its quality and brand recognition, very much of what Coors itself does. One area in which Coors could mimic HD in terms of its business model is its focus on being the best US American brand available. HD faces similar competition and rivalry as Coors does; only HDs exists in the form of mostly Japanese and Korean companies while Coors deals with primarily European competition. Coors and HD also face similar problems in terms of attracting niche markets. For HD, they have primarily been seen as a white, male, tough-guy brand, while losing out on markets which include women and younger riders. In a similar way Coors needs to be able to attract consumers who prefer a high quality local brew in the United States rather than a watered down beverage from an aluminum can. In closing, Adolph Coors has existed through an array of market changes, downturns, and booms. In a mature industry, they represent the epitome of maturity and market knowledge. If Coors can maintain its mission of becoming US Americas best beer maker, it will have many profitable years to come in the future.

Platos Symposium Essay -- Socrates Love Symposium Essays Plato

Plato's Symposium   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is the meaning of love? What does love feel like? How does love come about? No one can truly explain it, yet somehow it's understood. In Plato's Symposium, a dinner party was held with the discussion of love as the main topic. Everyone was required to make a speech, an ode to Love, the spirit. The philosopher, Socrates gave his speech last, claiming that his speech was merely a repetition of what a wise woman named Diotima once told him. The speech was a powerful one, but before the night was over, a drunk Alcibiades entered. He was asked to make a eulogy for Love as well, but instead, talked about the nature of Socrates. The nature of Love and the nature of Socrates turned out to be extremely similar. In the Symposium, Socrates can be seen as the embodiment of Love itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The notion of love that was understood at the end of the Symposium came about gradually. It transformed from speaker to speaker over the course of the party, and could be compared to the whole process of understanding love that Socrates tried to explain in his own speech.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Its complexity was attained by taking small steps in a larger direction. Diotima explained to Socrates, that to attain the deepest love, he had to follow a certain order.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Much like stepping up on the "rungs in a ladder"(211c), love's nature started small, with Phaedrus and Pausinas merely stating that there was good love and bad love. This was the first step, starting with "beautiful things"(211c) and making those things "reason for... ascent"(211c) up the proverbial ladder. Next Eryximachus' speech compared love's importance to that of medicine's. He used the "things of this world as rungs in a ladder"(211c). Aristophanes then gives love a comedic approach, breaking up the adulation. Agathon was next, and his speech showed how love affected people's minds. It created great poets, and spawned the practices of "hedonism, luxury, and sensualism"(197d). Agathon was last before Socrates, and the closest to Socrates' view. He was at the final steps of the deepest love, seeing the "beauty of people's activities"(211c) and of "intellectual endeavors"(211c).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Love, the spirit, was said to be the son of "Plenty and Poverty"(203c). One parent a polar opposite of the other, coming together to form the middle path named Love. The spirit Love was full of self-conflic... ...lings were not a eulogy for Love, they were personal opinions of his experiences with Socrates, and bluntly stated it. Although it must be taken into consideration that he was characterized as drunk while giving his speech, he reminded the party that the "truth comes from wine"(217e). Essentially, reassuring the reader that he is not in a condition to be making up lies. His description of Socrates' nature was similar to that of Socrates' own description of love's nature. However, Alcibiades was not at the party when Socrates made his speech, so there was no way could have used it to fashion a similar story of his own.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Socrates was regarded as the wisest man at the party. He could have given a "second-rate report"(215d) on love, as Alcibiades would have said, and "woman, man, or child"(215d) would have been "overwhelmed and spellbound"(215d). It was the effect Socrates had on people. Perhaps he was the embodiment of love? Even if his speech was fictional, he held a captivated audience of men who would have reveled in the chance to "lay"(219b) with the Socrates. Works Cited: Plato, and Robin Waterfield, trans. Symposium. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 Essay -- Essays Papers

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The theme of â€Å"autonomy and responsibility† is prevalent in many major wars of revolution throughout the history of the world and especially in the events that occurred in England during the seventeenth century. Autonomy is defined as self-government and existing or functioning independently. Responsibility is having obligations or duties to something and being able to distinguish between right and wrong. In England, the political leaders drove King James II out of the country in order to end his oppressive rule as an absolute monarch. The Dutch Prince William of Orange, James’ son-in-law, invaded England to rule. Parliament gave the throne to William and his wife Mary but placed restrictions on their sovereignty with the Bill of Rights. This declaration gave more power to the people and made them more responsible in government. The Glorious Revolution resulted in the Parliament and the common people of England having more autonomy and responsibility in the g overnment. James II The people of England and the members of Parliament wanted to be free of the rule of King James II. James sought religious toleration for Catholics and he â€Å"repeatedly stated that he wanted to establish the Catholic religion.†1 The people of England feared that James II would pass on a Catholic dynasty. He was married to a Catholic wife who bore a male heir in June of 1688. He continually ignored public opinion during the last months of his reign and believed that God favored his actions.2 The two big political parties in Parliament, the Whigs and the Tories, joined together in opposition to James. The people of England elected these men to their positions, so they represented the majority opinion. ... ...Press, 1991), 87. 5 â€Å"The Glorious Revolution.† (October 22, 2000). 6 Morrill, 84. 7 Morrill, 84. 8 Morrill, 88-89. 9 Speck, 147. 10 Speck, 141, 145-7. 11 â€Å"The Bill of Rights,† in The Revolution of 1688 and the Birth of the English Political Nation, 2nd ed., ed. Gerald M. Straka (Lexington: D.C. Heath and Company, 1973), 63. 12 â€Å"The Bill of Rights,† 63. 13 David Ogg, â€Å"The Revolution as a Reinforcement of English Institutions,† in The Revolution of 1688 and the Birth of the English Political Nation, 2nd ed., ed. Gerald M. Straka (Lexington: D.C. Heath and Company, 1973), 105. 14 Ogg, 105. 15 Jack P. Greene, Negotiated Authorities (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1994), 81. 16 Greene, 81. 17 Greene, 82-83.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu Essay

John Locke- 1. John Locke was one of the greatest philosophers in Europe at the end of the seventeenth century. Locke grew up and lived through one of the most extraordinary centuries of English political and intellectual history. The collapse of the Protectorate after the death of Cromwell was followed by the Restoration of Charles II — the return of the monarchy, the House of Lords and the Anglican Church. 2. Born 1632, died 1704. Locke’s chief work while living at Lord Ashley’s residence, Exeter House, in 1668 was his work as secretary of the Board of Trade and Plantations and Secretary to the Lords Proprietors of the Carolinas. 3. John Locke is known for the â€Å"Two Treatises of Government. † 4. One quote from John Locke is â€Å"To prejudge other men’s notions before we have looked into them is not to show their darkness but to put out our own eyes. † 5. During the remaining years of his life Locke oversaw four more editions of the Essay and engaged in controversies over the Essay most notably in a series of published letters with Edward Stilling fleet, Bishop of Worcester. In a similar way, Locke defended the Letter Concerning Toleration against a series of attacks. He wrote The Reasonableness of Christianity and Some Thoughts on Education during this period as well. Citation 1: Uzgalis, William, â€Å"John Locke†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed. ), URL = . Citation 2 (quote): John Locke. BrainyQuote. com, Xplore Inc, 2011. http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/quotes/j/johnlocke143294. html, accessed October 28, 2011. Baron De Montesquieu- 1. He was educated at the Oratorian College de Juilly, received a law degree from the University of Bordeaux in 1708, and went to Paris to continue his legal studies. On the death of his father in 1713 he returned to La Brede to manage the estates he inherited, and in 1715 he married Jeanne de Lartigue, a practicing Protestant, with whom he had a son and two daughters. In 1716 he inherited from his uncle the title Baron de La Brede et de Montesquieu and the office of President a Mortier in the Parlement of Bordeaux, which was at the time chiefly a judicial and administrative body. For the next eleven years he presided over the Tournelle, the Parlement’s criminal division, in which capacity he heard legal proceedings, supervised prisons, and administered various punishments including torture. 2. He was born January 19, 1689 and died in 1755 of fever. He lived in Paris for a period of time. 3. Montesquieu’s two most important works are the Persian Letters and The Spirit of the Laws. 4. One quote from Montesquieu is â€Å"A nation may lose its liberties in a day and not miss them in a century. † 5. On his return to France in 1731, troubled by failing eyesight, Montesquieu returned to La Brede and began work on his masterpiece, The Spirit of the Laws. During this time he also wrote Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and of their Decline, which he published anonymously in 1734. In this book he tried to work out the application of his views to the particular case of Rome, and in so doing to discourage the use of Rome as a model for contemporary governments Citation 1: Bok, Hilary, â€Å"Baron de Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed. ), URL = . Citation 2: Baron de Montesquieu. BrainyQuote. com, Xplore Inc, 2011. http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/b/baron_de_montesquieu. html, accessed October 28, 2011.

Dressen Case Study Essay

1)I retrieve one major(ip) factor was how appealing Dressen had become during 1995, as opposed to previous socio-economic classs. It appe ard that new guidance had turned the club around. Management verbalize Dressen was looking correct for future emersion during the end of 1995. I think taper felt it was the opportune time to distri thate. They precious to sell Dressen tour they were making specie and being successful, as opposed to hemorrhaging bullion from Westinghouse.Dressen was Westinghouses star performer in the Q3 of 1995. gross gross revenue cast upd 10% oer the form-prior quarter. EBIT reached 12% of gross sales as well. Their increment st prizegy as well as technology and work processes lead wariness to conceptualize that there was even great harvest-home potential. Dressen was now headed in the right on direction. Management was trying to strike while the iron was hot.A nonher factor was the funds acquisition of CBS in August 1995 for $5.4 billion. The striking secure bell had strained an already weakened balance sheet. in that location was alike a $2 billion yoke loan that was due in February 1996.Businesses ar meant to earn economic advantage and mitigate the firebrand up associated with them. Without effective and timely cost strategy, a business pukenot climb the steps of economic prosperity. Organizations nourish to be assured of how much cost they ar subject over a certain stream of time, as approximately of the time, ut adjoining usable costs clear devastate the completed fiscal structure of an entity.Apart from the cost, it is as well as of the essence(p) for a familiarity to be consistent in their earnings pulse because it is virtuallything that shargonholders, as well as analysts, be looking for in a companion. There are certain residuealitys that can be taken into account to analyze wherefore Westinghouse would want to sell Dressen. Mentioned down the stairs are some calculations that justify why Westinghouse was intending to sell Dressen at the end of the fiscal year 199519911992199319941995 bread gross sales671577508563621% Change-14.01-11.9610.8310.30 taxation Profit200151122153203 realize profit margin29.8126.1724.0227.1832.69Net Income-40-6029Net Profit Margin-7.87-10.664.67Dressen recorded a acquit profit of $29 in 1995, as compared to the profit loss of $60 a year before, just the electronic network profit margin of the corpo equalisern in 1995 was only 4.67%, which is still very low. The Gross Profit Margin in the kindred year was 10.30%, which shows that around 90% of the sales come below the net be clear of Goods Sold. This is a very high calculate that businesses cannot sustain for a long block of time. essence as go unders of Dressen also showed a net decrease from fiscal year 1994 to 1995 class19941995Assets $ in meg705657Proportion-6.809A decrease in the ope proportionalitynal assets would not be acceptable for the party as a w hole. Therefore, Westinghouse was willing to sell Dressen because the partnership was not doing well in its jurisdiction.2)There are a number of valuation in any casels which could be used for the purpose of analyzing the effectiveness of a play along as a whole. Warburg is considering stipendiary $585 jillion for Dressen and we must analyze if this is a fair legal injury for Warburg to pay.monetary value to salary is a proportion that is usu all in ally utilise by investors on the entire coronation in order to anticipate the evaluate dividend.Specifically, it refers to the ratio evaluation of an entitys price of percentages in relation to earnings for each share. scathe to fee ratio is by and large symbolized as an earning multiplier or enthronisation multiplier. However, there are some luck flaws in the P/E ratio, but it is still the most widely received technique to measure potential speculations. grocery store price to earnings is one of the most vital tools use d to analyze the side of investors while investing in the go with. Five-year tip synopsis has been taken into consideration for Dressen Question-219911992199319941995 overlap Price average out3232151515 allowance Per Share00.00-0.87-1.310.60 securities industry regard as to Earnings00-17.175-11.4524.88The tally of Dressens Market Price to Earnings is showing that the caller-up did a unspoiled production line in the fiscal year 1995, as its Price to Earning (P/E) or Market Value to Earning (MV/E) ratio had increased hugely to a take aim of $24.88. The high the P/E, then the high the net expense of the high society. Enterprise Value to gross revenue is a valuation method that is applied to judge the ratio of enterprise value to its commercialize share price.The Enterprise Value to Price ratio allows investors to make a end on whether the market share of the follow is expensive or cheap. The ratio has also considerable influence on the alliances sales as it is app ly by many market analysts to neutralise any manipulation over the dollar volume of an entity. The Enterprise Value to Sales digest is mentioned below19941995Market detonating deviceization $ in one million million458481 get along Debt in $ million247176 rack up value in $ gazillion705657Less Cash in $ trillion52Net worthy in $ jillion700655Annual Sales in $ gazillion563621EV/Sales124.33105.48The Enterprise Value to Sales is high in both old age 1994 and 1995. This shows me that the net worth of the company is high. EBIAT is a pecuniary appraisal technique which is used to var. out the operate performance of a company. It refers to how much resources have been utilized to collapse revenue in spite of appearance a devoted span of time. The monetary evaluators are most likely to consider this ratio as an indicator of a companys performance within a be accounting cycle. This will allow them to set a point of time within the operating cycle that they can focus on.EV/ EBIAT19941995Market Capitalization $ in one thousand thousand458481Total Debt in $ million247176Total Worth in $ trillion705657Less Cash in $ cardinal52Net Worth in $ Million700655EBIAT in $ Million-2.510.4EV/EBIAT(28,000)6,298The company recorded a net loss in the year 1994 of $-28,000, but it is a positive judge of $6,298 in the year 1995.My calculation for the Dividend displace Model is as follows P = Dividend / WACC gWACC = 12%G = Growth rate = 4%= 1.2 / 12 81.2/ 0.08P = $15The average Share Price in the year 1995 was also $15. taking all of this analysis into consideration, I consider that $585 million is a fair price to pay for Dessen. The net worth of Dressen in terms of financial value and share valuation are strong. I believe that Warburg is underpaying for Dressen. I believe Warburg got Dressen for a good price. I feel that Warburg should have gainful more for Dressen, so with a purchase price of $585 million I believe Warburg got a great value.3)Financial Forecasti ng is an important metric to use because it can evaluate the future financial outcomes of a company. Analysts have to forecast the specie menstruations and debt obligations to analyze the financial competitiveness of a company as a whole. Two different ratios could be used to analyze Dressens powerfulness to generate sufficient notes flows to do its debt. The two ratios I used for Dressen are the Cash prey to Sales ratio and Debt to impartiality.The Cash period of time to Sales ratio is an important ratio which analyzes whatpercentage of the companys sales are on credit, and how much of the sales are on cash. The computed ratio for the next five geezerhood is belowOperating Cash Flow to Sales19961997199819992000Forecasted Operational Cash Flow778399 one hundred one95Forecasted Sales in Million $658698740784804Operating Cash Flow to Sales11.7011.8913.3812.8811.82Average12.33The forecasted fancy of the cash flow to sales is showing that the company is not efficient in gett ing their cash sooner as related to sales. The center of operating cash flow to sales ranges from 11.70% to 13.38%, with an average of 12.33%. This shows that over 80% of Dressens sales are oncredit, which is not a good sign from the stall of the company. The risk in generating sufficient cash flow will remain with the company for the next five years (1996-2000) as well, because the cash generating cycle of the company is too low and it has to be increased accordingly.The Debt to Equity ratio of Dressen for the next five years is below Debt to Equity19961997199819992000Total Debt in $ Million530501455409357Equity in $ Million178208247294345Debt to Equity2.982.411.841.391.03Average1.93The Debt to Equity ratio for Dressen (Forecasted) is showing that the levelof debt is twice that of the candor. This is against the confining covenants. A high debt/equity ratio generally means that a company has been aggressive in financing its growth with debt. This can result in volatile earning s because of the additional interest expense. Average Debt to Equity of the company is showing that the proportion of debt is nearly 68%, while the proportion of equity is 32%.This is very near to the restrictive covenants, in which debt should not be higher than 70%. There is a risk that this ratio will increase in the upcoming years. 4)For the Debt military rating analysis I dogged to examine the Debt to jibe Capital and the liabilities to total assets. I valued to figure out these ratings for 1994 and 1995, before the buyout. Question-4 Debt Rating19941995AverageSubordinate Debt in $ Million165Capital458481Percentage of Debt/Capital36.0334.3035.16Total Liabilities in $ Million247176Total Assets in $ Million705657Proportion35.0426.7930.91The Total Debt to Capital of Dressen on average is 35.16%. This would represent a rating category of A. on the same lines, liabilities to assets have a figure of 30.91%. The bond rating in this incident scenario is also A.The coverage ratio i s a measure of a companys ability to meet its financial obligations. The higher the coverage ratio, the better the ability of the company to fulfill its obligations to its lenders. Analysts and investors perform coverage ratios to experience the change in a companys financial position. The findings of the coverage ratio I performed on Dressen are below19941995EBIT-2.510.4Interest Expense31Coverage Ratio-0.8310.40This analysis shows that Dressen generates affluent cash flow to pay its interest, specifically in the year 1995. Taking all of this information into account, I would assign an A rating to Dressen.5)In order to analyze the level of business risk for the buyout, I decided to use the original ratio and the geartrain ratio. The current ratio is a liquidness ratio that measures a companys ability to pay short obligations. The higher the current ratio, the more capable the company is of paying its obligations. A ratio under 1 suggests that the company would be unavailing to pay off its obligations if they came due at that point. This is an important ratio for Warburg because they need to make sure they can meet their short-term obligations after the buyout.Current Assets in Million $183Current Liabilities in Million $95Current Ratio1.926Dressen has a current ratio of 1.926. The current ratio can give a sense of the cleverness of a companys operating cycle and its ability to turn its ware into cash. This ratio shows that Dressen is doing a good job as far as merging its short-term financial obligations and promises. The gearing ratio is a financial ratio that compares some form of owners equity to borrowed funds.It is a measure of financial supplement that demonstrates the degree to which a firms activities are funded by owners funds versus creditors funds. A company with high gearing (high leverage) is more dangerous to downturns in the business cycle because the company must continue to service its debt disregardless of how bad sales are. If a company has more equity, then there would be more of a cushion, which would show financial strength. Debt420Equity160Assets705EBIT10.4Interest1Debt to Equity2.625EBIT/Interest10.4Equity/Assets22.70From this analysis, it can be determined that the Debt to Equity of the company is still high at 2.62%. Total Equity to Assets is relatively small at only 22.70%. This shows that most of the assets in Dressen have been bought using debt. From this analysis, it is found that the company is not risky when it comes to short-term financial obligations, but it will be in a dangerous situation in the long-term.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Csr Issue of Burger King Essay

Burger poove Worldwide is a Delaw are corporation that franchises and operates fast food hamburger restaurants, gener all(prenominal)y under the Burger business leader brand (also referred to as the post). Since the companys primeing as a single restaurant in Miami, Florida in 1954, we cast grown to become the worlds blurb largest fast food hamburger restaurant, or FFHR, twine as measured by the total arrive of restaurants.The board of BK sets the tone at the merry-go-round by promoting an ethical conclusion that respects and value all employees and stakeholders and encourages compliance with all laws and company policies. Their hallucination is to be the most profitable QSR seam, through a strong franchise system and great people, fate the best burgers in the world. Along with the vision, BK keep up a strong set of values that are the foundation of how they work day-to-day and help circumstance the companys future. Burger major power operated in business organizati on that is by the natural socially and environmentally sensitive.For instance, sustenance safety at BURGER fairy restaurants is non-negotiable The BURGER KING McLAMORESM root word has granted more than $17.6 million to students in the U.S., Canada and Puerto anti-racketeering law since founding the BURGER KING Scholars program in 2000 BURGER KING restaurants received PETAS Most Improved issue Food Chain award in their ordinal annual Proggy Awards, which recognize companies for their progress The A+ range by The Better military control Bureau is found on our performance related to ethical business practices.But inevitably, Burger King has gone through distinct profound issues, especially with certain pressure groups. rough of the disputes that occurred to Burger King, e.g. A trademark dispute involving the owners of the identically named Burger King in Mattoon, Illinois, led to a federal pillow slip Contr oversies and disputes have arisen with groups such as People for t he estimable Treatment of Animals (PETA), governmental and social agencies, and unions and trade groups over various topics Further controversies have occurred during the companys expansion in the Middle East.Disputes involving these many legal topics have affected almost every medical prognosis of the companys operations. The ethical policies and corporateresponsibilities practice by Burger King that appeal to various stakeholders. Depending on the ownership and executive staff at the clipping of these incidents, the companys responses to these challenges have ranged from a conciliatory dialog with its critics and litigants, to a more aggressive confrontation with questionable tactics and negative consequences. The companys response to these various issues has drawn praise as well as accusations of political appeasement from different parties over the years. It can be clearly seen the efforts the Burger King has put into fulfilling their responsibilities towards their respecti ve stakeholders. In regard to initiatives, we found that the Burger kings CSR is focused on 4 key areas 1. committal to Food* BK provides exposit nutrition information to the guests so they can gull informed choices. * BKs HAVE IT YOUR itinerary brand promise lets the consumers customize their menu choices to acquire their individual diets and lifestyles. * Nutrition, quality, value and taste are all important attributes that can help the guests and their children make choices that force healthy living. 2. Commitment to PeopleBK continues to lie with themselves from their competitors by being an exceptional employer. One of the slipway that they accomplish this goal is by creating a culture that is Bold, Accountable, Empowered and Fun. 3. Commitment to the Environment* BK is continually researching and developing ways to make changes that will be positive on the environment without compromising available standards. * BURGER KING Green Sessions* Reduce, reuse and recycle.* P urchase quetch that has been raised in environmentally responsible ways. 4. Commitment to incarnate Governance* The core ethical and formation principles of BKC begin at the top. * As a pattern of doing business within the BURGER KING system, every pass vendor must comply with the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct for Vendors. * They partnered with, and received recognition from, a variety of organizations that share our dedication to being a good corporate citizenand improving our communities around the world. In conclusion, Burger King should focus on these initiatives that can build a long-term sustainable competitive advantage. For the problems and issues, no matter that organisation arises, but it is how an organisation track with it makes it a successful one.ReferencesRetrieved from Retrieved from Burger King Brands, Inc.. Bloomberg Businessweek. R etrieved January 18, 2011. Burger King Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved kinsfolk 8, 2013, from http// Jermaine, John (November 20, 2003). The burger king and queen of Mattoon. The Illinois Times. Retrieved kinsfolk 26, 2007. Burger King responds to trans-fat cooking oil suit. CTV. Associated Press. May 17, 2007. Retrieved September 28, 2007. Martin, Andrew (May 24, 2008). Burger King Grants Raise to Pickers. The New York Times. Retrieved May 25, 2008. Scheck v. Burger King, 756 F. Supp 543 (11th Cir. 1991) merged Responsibility Company Information BURGER KING. (n.d.). Retrieved from http// 1 . Retrieved from 2 . Burger King Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2013, from http// 3 . Corporate Responsibility Company Information BURGER KING. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//