Thursday, October 31, 2019

Social Networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Networks - Essay Example The users read the profile pages of other members, share views and ideas, give comments and contact them via their profiles. In short, an SNS is a great means of bringing people of same wave length together and socializing with the outside world. People create their profiles which are in fact their identities which may be real or fake. SNSs have redefined identity development in a way that people can now make friends which are even not their type but of the type of the new identity that has been created on the SNS profile. This paper argues that it is important to keep only one identity in the online world in order to realize our inner selves and to keep our offline and online world integrated together. Everything related to our identity affects our agency in our online and offline worlds, be that something as simple as a name. As stated earlier, SNSs enable people to make their profiles with different names and identities in the online world. The connections made with this fake name and identity will be quite different from those made in the offline world. Thus, anybody making a profile in the online world with a fake name will be having two identities; one real that is in the offline world, and the other fake which is in the online world. ... If he takes this identity to the online world and makes use of the SNSs as a support to the offline connections, then he is able to keep the two worlds working in harmony with each other. However, if he creates a separate identity in the online worlds, then the connections with that identity will not correlate with those in the offline world thus keeping the two worlds segregated from each other. We should not perceive our online and offline worlds separately. We should make true profiles with our original identities on the SNSs so that we are able to perceive the two worlds as a single entity and not as two segregated entities. It is not possible in this busy world to run two separate worlds together or maintain different identities in the two worlds; however, we cannot deny the presence of scams and fraudulent activities taking place on the internet which are apt to steal away our identities from the profiles we make online. So, we should only trust authenticated SNSs and make true profiles there with the primary objective to support our offline connections and secondary objective to make new connections. Life will be much easier and sophisticated if we try to perceive the two worlds as a solo unit. Also, an identity becomes disfavored when it is not true. When it gets hacked, it loses its reliability and thus becomes disfavored. Identity thieves are common in the online worlds which steal, misuse, disclose or sell the true identities and thus cheat innocent persons. When an identity is stolen, it loses its credibility and thus is regarded as disapproved because it is not to be relied on for future connections, comments, sharing of information like pictures and files, and other activities of the sort. Disfavored identities must be deactivated from

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Social Upheaval of the 1960s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Social Upheaval of the 1960s - Essay Example However it should also be known that social upheaval was certainly not just limited to those areas, and that it also reached large scale in nations such as Japan, Mexico and Canada. "The term is used both nostalgically by those who participated in those events, and pejoratively by those who regard the time as a period whose harmful effects are still being felt today. The decade was also labeled the Swinging Sixties because of the libertine attitudes that emerged during this decade" (Wolfe, 1999). The aim of this paper is to discuss the 1960s, particularly in regards to the social upheaval which took place during this time, and this involves not only social but political and social conditions as well. By addressing and discussing this as well as any and all other key and related issues, we will be able to come to a much more informed and knowledgeable understanding on the subject matter at hand overall. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Conflicts arise for a myriad of different reasons that are often a combination of politics, economics, and differing cultural identities, and whatever the actual reasons for a conflict beginning, there are some basics which constantly remain the same. The African American Civil Rights Movement is just one of many different matters which led to the social upheaval of the 1960s, and this is in many different regards; The African American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968) refers to the different reform movements in the United States aimed specifically at abolishing both public and private acts of racial discrimination against African Americans. In the years of the 19th century, many states, most of which were located in the South, passed racially discriminatory laws. The racial violence that was aimed at African Americans greatly mushroomed at this point, and this period in time is often referred to as being 'the nadir of American race relations'. "Elected, appointed, or hired governme nt authorities began to require or permit discrimination, in the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Kansas. Required or permitted acts of discrimination against African Americans fell mainly into four categories: (1) racial segregation - upheld by the United States Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 - which was legally mandated by southern states and by many local governments outside the south; (2) voter suppression or disfranchisement in the southern states; (3) denial of economic opportunity or resources nationwide, and (4) private acts of violence and mass racial violence aimed at African Americans, which were often encouraged and seldom hindered by government authorities" (Addington, 2000). The Vietnam War was another event which led to the social upheaval of the 1960s, and the war itself, which took place from 1959 to 1975, was considered as being a successful effort by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and the indigenous National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam, to reunify Vietnam under a communist government. The United States worked in this war by first deploying large numbers of troops to South Vietnam between 1954 and 1973, and some particular U.S allies

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Main advantages of unstructured methods

Main advantages of unstructured methods Unstructured method This method makes use of a rational compilation of elements to load up the domain, because the engagements of elements have no visible pattern, the mesh is called unstructured. This type of grids in general makes use of triangles in 2D and tetrahedral in 3D. With structured method, the elements are capable of twisted and stretched to well the domain. This method has the skill to be automated to a large degree. Known good CAD model, a good meshing student or person can without human intervention place triangles on the surface and tetrahedral in the volume with very small effort from the user. The automatic meshing algorithm characteristically involves meshing the boundary and then also adding elements touching the boundary or adding points in the interior and reconnecting the Delaunay elements. Main advantage of unstructured method Advantages of unstructured method is with the aim of they are very programmed and, as a result, require small user time effort but the user no need to worry about lay out block structure or relations. In addition the unstructured methods are well suitable to inexperienced users because they require small user input and will generate a suitable mesh under most circumstances. Unstructured method and its applications Triangle mesh generator makes use of 2D problems, and it produces an unstructured triangular mesh. Tetrahedral meshing is appropriate for uses in viscous flow simulations are wished-for. The approach which is chase consists of the initial generation of a number of unstructured layers of highly rigid elements Structured method This method of mesh generation starts with basic geometry and tensor analysis previous to moving on to identify the variety of approaches that can be employed in the generation of structured meshing. In addition structured method makes use of quadrilateral elements in 2D and hexahedral elements in 3D in a computational rectangular selection. Main advantage of structured method Advantages of structured mesh method is their simplicity, ease of use code and is suitable for multi-mesh, it is very complicated to generate a structured mesh for complex construction of body, such as a complete aircraft. Structured method and its applications Structured mesh, in particular multi-block structured mesh, is one of the main productions CFD tools. Multi-block means that the block topology can be from multiply connected blocks and each block is composed of 3D hexahedral, 2D quadrilateral and 1D linear or quadratic element set up in rows and columns, but this blocks can be removed, deleted or glued to others parts and also the multi-block structured mesh gives CFD user more control over the design of their meshing and make sure that quality is maintained all the way through their design and achieves the results. Multi-block topology A multi-block topology is used to build a meshing for the same geometry and this mesh is build in 6 blocks and deleting the top 2 corner blocks to complete a meshing with right aspect ratio. Hybrid method Hybrid mesh method is designed to obtain advantage of the positive aspects of both unstructured and structured mesh. Hybrid mesh makes use of some form of structured mesh in local regions while using unstructured mesh in the size of the domain. In addition the hybrid mesh contain tetrahedral, hexahedral and pyramid elements in 3D and quadrilaterals in 2D. But hexahedral elements are excellent close to solid boundaries and can afford the user of CFD a high degree of control. Main advantage and disadvantage of hybrid method Hybrid mesh advantages method is when we can make use of the positive properties of structured mesh elements in the regions which require them the most and use automatic unstructured mesh techniques where is not much happen in the flow field. Prismatic or hexahedral layers close to wall surfaces show good clustering capability characteristic of structured meshing approaches. Another advantage is that the use of tetrahedral mesh to fill the rest of the domain permit single-block generation for particularly complex geometries since the tetrahedral is the simplex element in 3D. Hybrid mesh disadvantage method is difficult to use and involve user of CFD expertise in put out the various structured mesh properties and locations to obtain the best results. The hybrid method is less strong the unstructured mesh methods. Hybrid method and its applications Hybrid method, in particular prismatic mesh generation makes use of the visibility condition, namely, the node normal vector is able to be seen from all the triangles sharing the node. A simple and general method is included to treat walls, concaves and narrow gaps. Tetrahedral and pyramids are integrated naturally by treating them as exceptional cases of prismatic cells and the methods is successfully applied for a entire aircraft configuration and partially slotted flap. To describe key features of ALL existing meshing options in Ansys Mesh module and discuss their applications (please refer to build-in documentation in the software).

Friday, October 25, 2019

History of rock and roll music outline :: essays research papers

History of the rock music industry Introduction: I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How has an industry grown to become a 32 billion dollars a year machine? II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ill tell ou how, by scouting new talents from each and every corner of the world to bring us the music that each of us desires. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is the recording industry which even though their sales have been steadily declining due to internet piracy it is still an industry which has great importance in our lives. As college students alone spend about 450 million dollars on music, according to Harris Interactive a worldwide market research and consulting firm. Ever since the birth of recorded music, it has defined our eras and defined each and every one of us. Music has been and always will be the soundtrack of our lives. IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today I will try and familiarize you with the great changes this business has gone through. V.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To make this short I will start in the 50’s the golden age of rock and roll, continue to the 60’s with beatlemania, on to the 70’s with disco and punk rock, then the 80’s on through today. Body: I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First I will start by discussing the various genres that created rock music in the 50’s and 60’s. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rhythm and Blues 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Their influences II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Second I will tell you with more detail the numerous events of the 60’s that shaped the way the music industry was ran and the way rock music sounded. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Beatles, and other pop acts and their influence. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The shift of interest towards profits instead of creativity in the Industry. C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The emergence of counter pop movements. D.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Record labels look to capitalize on these movements. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Third I will discuss the seventies. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Folk rock and other sub-genres B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Disco C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Punk rock and its deviance from major record companies IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fourth and last I will talk about the eighties on through today, and how this industry morphed into what it is today. A. The beginnings of rap. B. â€Å"Hair Bands† C. Grunge (Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden†¦) D. Hip – Hop and music today. Conclusion: I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I now come to an end of explaining the changes the music industry has gone through from the fifties on through today. The fifties with its rhythm and blues that gave way to rock and roll, the sixties with the rise of big record labels and their attention shifting more towards pop music that would drive their profits sky high. The seventies with the advent of what we now know as rock.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Motivation for pursuing a graduate degree Essay

Instructional perspective The philosophy of education that I ascribe to has been the primary tool motivating my pursuit of a graduate degree in special education. My instructional philosophy has tended to focus mainly on hands on instruction where participants get involved directly in and take responsibility for their own learning. Much like the constructivist theorists and thinkers I believe that this active participation in learning is what makes learning more meaningful and that would produce the greatest successes in the classroom. As a general education teacher I have therefore tended to adopt instructional strategies and learning activities that are reflective of this outlook and have attempted as far as possible to ensure that the learners in my classroom are given the relevant life experiences with which they can interact and which they can utilize in constructing their own meanings and understanding of the things around them. I firmly believe that proper planning is the key to success in the classroom. Planning does not only involve preparing a lesson plan, but psychologically preparing for the learners and their needs in the classroom, understanding each learner and being willing to accommodate all, as far as possible, in the learning process. It is through such detailed planning that the correct activities will be designed for an interactive, constructive and cooperative classroom. Reflection on practice Considerable work has been done in the field of cognitive psychology by numerous theorists and researchers. Much of the research has been focused on trying to understand the characteristics of learners, the optimal age and conditions for particular types of learning, the most appropriate teaching and learning strategies and generally and understanding of how learning takes place. Several theorists have attempted to describe the characteristics of learners. Among them Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Albert Bandura and Jerome Bruner and some of the most noted forefathers of thought in this areas. Having worked as a teacher for the some years now, the theorist that has been the most influential on my practice is Jerome Bruner. Bruner’s philosophy emphasizes the concept of discovery learning and simulation. He posits that learning is most effective and meaningful when the learners actively explores issues as opposed to reading from textbooks or lectured to by the teacher (Good & Brophy, 1995). Simulation activities, Bruner suggests, are useful tools for promoting forms of discovery learning. I have found that the use of role-play and skits as simulation activities, have helped me deliver learning targets better than traditional lecture-type methods. Given the nature of the classroom and the variety of abilities and learning styles, I have found that the use of role-play and similar cooperative activities have helped me ensure that all learners are actively involved in the learning process. However, throughout my teaching character I have noticed some deficiencies in my teaching methodology, particularly as it relates to meeting the needs of all the learners in the classroom. I have noticed that while I am able to adequately motivate a portion of the class in each year, I have often been unable to fully motivate the entire class of learners or to introduce activities and strategies that are attractive to all the learners in the classroom. I believe in reflective practice so I often review my teaching methodology, with the help of relevant research and theoretical foundations. I have made whatever adjustments possible as I notice my deficiencies and have consistently been involved in improving my teaching strategies. However, despite my best efforts I have continued to face considerable obstacles in reaching out to some students in my classroom. Often these students were those who could be classified as at risk. They were sometimes from single-parent homes, students with tendencies towards delinquent behaviors and other similar students. There have also been students with noted cognitive or other physical difficulties, for whom the general education classroom, as is, was not adequate. More and more it became evident to me that within the general education classroom there is a diverse mix of students of different socioeconomic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Furthermore they had a range of abilities and performed to varying degrees of competence. I have acknowledged that, to some extent, I have contributed to the inability of some students to perform as well as others, as a result of my failure to effectively orient lessons to meet the needs of all learners. Another occurrence that has compounded this issue is the new move towards inclusion in the general education classroom. Increasingly more students with learning disabilities are being incorporated into the general education classroom. These changes in the educational framework has meant that needs have to modify their strategies to ensure that the needs of these diverse sets of learners are adequately met within their classroom and that students from all ability levels, achieve prescribed standards. Evolution With the coming on stream of the NCLB act, more attention is being placed on ensuring that classrooms are inclusive and that each learner is allowed to achieve his/her full potential based on individual abilities. The NCLB is a formidable demonstration of the particular interest that the federal government places on education. This issue presents several challenges for teachers in both the general education and the special education classrooms. Special education students are now being incorporated into the general education classroom and even where they remain in special education classrooms students are still required to demonstrate progress similar to that being achieved by the peers who do not have these special needs. Therefore teachers are required to ensure that every learner, despite their abilities or disabilities aspire to the same broad reaching goals and objectives as general education students. It is evident that the act, though it may present several benefits for special education, will also have its limitations. Educators are, however, still required to aim for the target of leaving no child behind. I firmly support the overall spirit of the NCLB act. The overriding principle of the NCLB is that each child registered within the school system must be given all opportunities to develop and to achieve and I agree with this position. To ensure the success of every child and to guarantee that no child is left behind, the act holds educators directly accountable for ensuring that each child aims for and achieves the prescribed standards. Having a particular interest in the development of students I was inspired by the newly emphasized principles of the NCLB act to obtain adequate training in special education so that I am equipped to deal with not only special education students, but the range of abilities that will come into the classroom. These broad reaching goals are of relevance to all involved in the education of children. Motivations to change I wish to develop the know-how and the skills that would help me become a dynamic teacher that is able to hone knowledge, skills and attitudes within learners from different socioeconomic backgrounds, with different cognitive capabilities, with varying physical and cognitive challenges or any multiple needs that may arise in the classroom. Teaching today is becoming more and more challenging. The influences of the teacher and what is taught in the classroom are being eroded by the mass media. The teacher has to compete with newly emerging communication technologies and the internet. The skills that were developed yesterday to tackle learner’s needs in the classroom soon become obsolete. I therefore wish to ensure that I remain on top of the game and continue to be a teaching who attempts to meet the needs of all learners. References Good, T.L.& Brophy, J.E. (1995). Contemporary Educational Psychology. (5th ed.). New York: Longman Publishers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Favourite Writer

My Favorite Writer Robert Lynn Asprin, living in New Orleans, was born in 1946. He grew up in campus Ann-Arbor, in environment of book shops, museums and libraries. Since childhood he has got used to appreciate a variety in everything, study at Michigan University and services in army during the Vietnamese war have only strengthened this habit. Definitively Asprin’s outlook as a writer was generated 12 years which he has worked in accounts department of small firm – one of the American branches of corporation â€Å"Copier†. Interests and hobbies of the author are extremely various – from fencing and music to fishing and sewing.By own recognition of the writer whom he only was not – the teacher of fencing, the Mongolian commander, the bookkeeper etc. Asprin begins from science fiction novels – more precisely, from science fiction action, sound, but quite traditional, like â€Å"Cold War of Money† (1977), his popularity was brought to hi m by cycle of novels â€Å"World of thieves†; he is till now the editor-in-chief of this cycle together with his wife Lynn Ebby. Since â€Å"the World of thieves† Asprin becomes that Asprin which is read by millions, – the magnificent master of a comic science fiction and fantasy.After â€Å"The World of thieves† have followed â€Å"Ful’s Company† and well-known â€Å"Mythical Cycle†. In my opinion â€Å"Mythical Cycle† is so good that you can read it in one breath. However if in â€Å"Myth† except humor would be nothing, he wouldn’t receive that popularity what deservedly uses. Asprin’s books are distinguished by that, that you can see our daily life. Asprin’s heroes are real as we and relations between them are not less real, that certainly is a sign of the big literature. They love each other, scoff one at another, support and reject as well as we.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Paperless System in Thailand Essays

Paperless System in Thailand Essays Paperless System in Thailand Essay Paperless System in Thailand Essay This study seeks to find out the chief barriers and give recommendations accordingly. The study also aims to identify the required steps for Thailand to take to reach the Single Window stage. The study is done by surveying people in the relevant fields using interview questionnaire. The result shows that users are more satisfied with PETS than DEED. However, a lot more can still be done to further improve PETS, for example, raise the number of trained customs officer, maintain the system and prevent errors occurred. Provide related lecture for system users. Moreover, in order to be ready for advancing to the next stage, there is a need to build the capacity of government agencies and the officers, raise Acts budget, revise laws and regulations and lastly, pursue wallpapered road-maps to SW and utilize modeling tools. As for the cross- border level, maintenance of Regional Standard Data sets in the term of human resource, revision of laws and regulations for cross-border data exchange are required to reach the goal of establishing cross-border SW. 4 Acknowledgement It is an honor for me to derive such valuable opinions from all of the interviewees who are experience in the field of my study. This thesis would not have been possible without their precious cooperation. Moreover, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Yakima Kanji, whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject. Besides my supervisor, I am heartily thankful to Miss Mack and Professor Simon Bah who gave me advices on thesis pattern as well as pointed out lots of grammatical errors. I am indented to my colleague, Kane Standardization to support me in a number of ways. He helped me look for some information I cannot reach during my stay in Japan. Furthermore, he also assisted me to appropriate the words used in my thesis. Last but not least, I offer my regards and blessings to all of those who supported me in any aspects during the completion of the project. Coordinators Sandpit 5 Chapter l: Introduction The purpose of this paper is to assess the status of Paperless Trading System (PETS) in Thailand and to study and discuss steps needed to advance to the next stage of trading system. There is a need to understand what PETS is all about. According to APACE (Wang Khan, 2005), Paperless Trading is the activity of exchanging data through electronic means. It means all parties in the chain of trade, namely, supplier, Dryers, customs, puddle Institutes, Tanks Ana logistic companies, utilize information technology and standardize business data exchange among participants, in order to accomplish the whole processes from finding a partner to the signing of a contract in trading. To better understand paperless trading, let us have a look at the broader sense of e-commerce and how it relates to paperless trading. According to the assessment reported by Wang Khan, 2005, E-commerce Demonstration Act of United Nations International Trade Committee describes the wider sense of e- amerce as business activities that utilize data information, which refers to information produced, transmitted or stored via electronic, optical or other similar ways. In other words, the broader sense of e-commerce can be regarded as e- business that consists of e-commerce and paperless trading or e-trade. The chain of International Trade starts when an order is placed, followed by transporting goods, clearing custom and paying bills. This chain involves logistics, financial process, and information circulation, and it implicates multiple parties and working sectors. The implement of International Trade is high since there are different goods, ways of delivery, processes and varieties of payment (as shown in Fig 1. . ) Figure 1 . 1: Chain of International Trade Source: Wang, J. Khan, F. (2005) From the chain process above, it is obvious that some parties, such as customs, are directly related to markets, and some others, such as the government, are not. However, this does not mean that market efficiency is affected by these non-market related parties. In fact, they play a very important role in the process because the efficiency of overspent admi nistration and legislation has a positive impact on market efficiency directly. Moreover, the non-market related parties such as the government could affect other marketplaces parties as well. For instance, governments could set up some standards, rules and regulations to coordinate for administration purposes. Therefore, without government participation in building a 6 better public service environment, the development of paperless trading will be restrained. As a result, it can be said that paperless trading is a combination of E- commerce and E-government in the field of international trade (Refer to Fig. . 2).

Monday, October 21, 2019


THE THEME OF TRAGEDY IN EDGAR ALLAN POE'S TALES OF TERROR essays Although most readers would not immediately recognize it, a number of the so-called "Tales of Terror" by American author Edgar Allan Poe, born in Boston in 1809 and the youngest son of Elizabeth and David Poe. Jr., contain central themes associated with tragedy and tragic drama. With a detailed reading of such tales as "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Black Cat," "The Cask of Amontillado" and "The Fall of the House of Usher," the dark presence of tragedy can be strongly sensed, for it not only permeates the plotlines but also the various characters that bring the tale to life as though each was experiencing the sensations and emotions that make up a true tragic figure, replete with misery, denial, fabrications, and death. Ironically, Poe's own life was based on a tragic drama, for it was influenced by many events that were beyond his control, such as the early death of his wife Virginia in 1847 from tuberculosis. In essence, it could be said that Poe had his own "fatal flaw" that finally led to his own death in October of 1849 at the age of forty. The Greek philosopher Aristotle defines tragic drama as "a power capable of raising pity and fear, or terror. . . to purge the mind of these passions. . . to temper and reduce them. . . by reading or seeing those passions imitated" (Hamilton, 56), i.e. tragedy gnaws at one's emotions, thus bringing about a release, or purgation, when the tragic figure is triumphant or victorious over his oppressors or the object of his frustrations. However, since Aristotle's time, literary purists have what constitutes tragedy, yet Poe's own interpretation of this term is "the primordial emotions that rise from the deepest recesses of the human soul" which he described as "the reproduction of what the senses perceive in nature through a veil. . . the naked senses sometimes sees too little but then they always see too muc...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

6 Tips to Get Your Resume Mobile Friendly

6 Tips to Get Your Resume Mobile Friendly Gone (or at least dwindling) are the days when your resume would be received in the mail, processed by hand, and read by someone sitting at a desk. More often than not, resumes are sent digitally these days- and even more recently, recruiters are not just poring over your accomplishments while sitting quietly at their desks. They could be reading your resume on their phone screens while they commute or multitask. That means you need to update your resume to account for those who may be reading your resume on the go- but how?Here are some ways to maximize your resume’s mobile potential in order to get it mobile friendly.1. Peek at your resume on your own phone.Before sending it out, download and read the file on your own phone. That way, you can see what recruiters and hiring managers will see. If it looks crowded or otherwise difficult to read at a quick glance, it needs some work.2. Do some research before you make any changes.Surf some websites on your phone, especially ones that are text-heavy, like news sites. What works? What doesn’t? Do you notice anything in common among sites that are easy to read.3. Simplify the design.If you’ve got text boxes, columns, or other fancypants elements, consider dropping them. You want your resume to stand out, but you also want it to be appealing to a broad range of readers. To do that, content needs to triumph over form. Your accomplishments and skills can and should speak for themselves, and while bells and whistles are nice to have, you don’t want them to get in the way of having your resume speak to the right person.4. Go short and sweet.The average recruiter spends 6-ish seconds reading a resume. That alarming tidbit means your info has to be compelling, and it has to be clear. Keep this doubly in mind for mobile resume reading. You may think you’ve edited your novel of a resume down to a lean novella, but it may need to be edited even further so that you don’t have endless b locks of text in a mobile browser.Keep focusing on the highlights, and make sure you’re conveying info as succinctly as possible. For example, if you take 15  words to say that you have 10 years of experience, that’s a prime target for further editing. Use short bullets whenever possible.5. Forgo some formatting.Like with strong visual elements like graphs and text boxes, formatting should also be reviewed closely for need. Only use bold or italics when you want to emphasize a point- don’t use italics just for the heck of it, or to create visual interest on the page. Make the formatting reflect the content, not an arbitrary form.6. Keep only the most necessary elements.Adios, â€Å"Objectives† section. Goodbye and good luck, â€Å"References available upon request.† This editing for mobile clarity is a good excuse to get rid of sections that are taking up space on your resume without adding anything particularly helpful.These edits are good for m odernizing your resume, but also for general resume housekeeping. Again, you want your resume to be a laser-focused document of your most hire-able qualities. And making it so that it can be read, understood, and appreciated in all formats is a great way to move toward that goal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Development of A HRM Strategic Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Development of A HRM Strategic Plan - Assignment Example The basic functions of HRD are attracting best candidates, reducing employee turnover, and to enhance the productivity of the employees (Taylor, 2005, p.1). It is a critical factor that contributes highly towards gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. One of the most important aspects of an HRM strategy is to determine the type of candidate required in the organization carry out organizational tasks. Also organizations arrange various kinds of programs for the purpose of satisfying their employees, and the responsibility for arranging it also falls in the shoulders of the human resource department. HRM strategy also plays a crucial role in the overall organizational culture. Furthermore training and development is also one of the most important functions of the Human resource department. In the context of the project a property management company has been chosen where the new HR strategy will be developed. The HR strategy will focus on the different aspects of managing the human resource of the organization. It will also emphasize on the recruitment strategies of some other organizations in order to formulate a competitive strategy. In order formulate a sound HRM strategy of the organization and to add more value to it, the HRM strategy of 3 other companies have been analyzed. However the names of the companies have not been disclosed due to some privacy policies. In order to get insights about the strategies of the chosen companies an interview session was held. The sample questions that were asked to the HR managers of those companies are follows:- Regarding leave policy there are a small differences among the chosen companies. Company A allows 28 leaves in a calendar year, company B allows 25 leaves while Company C allows 30 leaves in a calendar year. Also these companies allow special leave on

Friday, October 18, 2019

Inclusion in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Inclusion in Education - Essay Example This was replaced by a revised version which was issued in 2001, coming into effect in January 2002 (DFES 2001). The nature of provision for special educational needs has changed drastically over the last few years following the Warnock Report and the 1981 Education Act, with an increased awareness of educational needs and a consonant focus on improving the quality of provision for much larger numbers of children (Griffiths, 1998, 95 in Quicke, 2007, 2-15). This implies improvement of education of all and specially of those with special needs that would impart knowledge and power to all (QCA/DfEE, 2001). Department of Health has recently published a White Paper for people with learning disabilities in 2001 (Department of Health, 2001, 1-10). The United Kingdom has separate educational systems for England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. As far as education is concerned, the countries are split up into so-called local education authorities that carry a large part of the responsibility for organising education at local level. Historically, for a long time, England and Wales had separate systems for regular and special education. Since the Warnock Report in 1978, it has been assumed in the UK that about 20 per cent of school-aged children will have special educational needs requiring additional help at some point in their school careers. Furthermore, approximately 2 per cent of children will have severe physical, sensory, intellectual or emotional difficulties, some of which will remain with them throughout their lives. Historically this 2 per cent of children have been exclud ed from mainstream schools, receiving their education in special schools instead. In recent years, a growing sense of injustice regarding the idea of segregated special schooling for these pupils has led to calls for more inclusive educational opportunities as a matter of human right and equal opportunity (Amatea, 1988, 174-183). By the Education Acts 1981 and 1993, which latter consolidated into the Education Act 1996, the policy of parental choice in the field of special educational needs has in most respects been merely built on key recommendations in the Warnock Report in 1978, namely that the education system should pay heed to parental knowledge about their child's needs and respect parental wishes regarding the child's education (Farrell, 2001, 3-9). Warnock's other recommendation was to integrate the education, meaning pupils with special educational needs should, as far as possible, be educated alongside other children in mainstream schools (Lewis, 2004, 3-9). In relation to this, this process must acknowledge the diversity of needs of all students creating opportunity to support learning of all students inclusive of those who have impairments or needs for special educations. While the White Paper was explicitly a response of the authorities from the concerns to promote better life chances for people with special needs for education, it identifies the many barriers that such children and their families face in fully participating in their communities. This paper promotes the benefits to be obtained by these children through educational opportunities, good health, and social care while living with their families. It was evident later that constructive and sustainable relationships between pupils with speci

(Emergency Management) 2001 D.C.Sniper Case Study

(Emergency Management) 2001 D.C.Sniper - Case Study Example John Allen Muhammad was the man behind the sniper attacks, carrying out the shootings from his modified vehicle. Muhammad had an accomplice by the name Lee Boyd Malvo (Mehrotra, 2006). A number of preliminary shootings had taken place before the killer moved to Washington area. Several people were killed and several injured, surviving bullet wounds after being shot from a distance. A number of sniper attacks took place in Washington area, with some victims surviving while others died. These attacks followed the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York. On the second day of October, 2002, a gunshot was fired into a craft store that was owned by a man called Michael at around 5:20 pm. In this incident, fortunately, no one was injured in the incident. There had been previous attacks in Alabama, Los Angeles, Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C, but this incident was not quickly connected to them (Turvey, 2011). The Aspen Hill incident marked the beginning of a trail of incidents in the Washington D.C area. On the same day that the Aspen Hill incident occurred, James Martin was shot dead at around 6:30 pm. Martin was shot at a grocery store’s parking lot in Wheaton. James Buchanan became a victim of the shooter on the 3rd of October, 2002. The incident took place at Rockville Pike, when the victim was mowing grass. On the same day, Premkumar Walekar succumbed to gunshot wounds in Aspen Hill when he was refueling his car. The incident took place at around 8:12 am. The 3rd of October, 2002 also saw the death and injury of several people at different times of the day. Sarah Ramos died at 8: 37 am after she was shot in Rossmoor Boulevard, seated on a sidewalk bench reading a book. At 9:58 am, Lori Ann was killed at a gas station in Kensington, Maryland. This marked the end of the morning trail of killings, but the day was yet to realize more killings later. Pascal Charlot was shot later that day in Georgia Avenue at around 9:15 pm. He barely

Negative impacts of tourism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Negative impacts of tourism - Assignment Example n the oil price on the economy is not supported by economic growth contraction and this remarkable fall in the oil price has been experienced by the economy for the first time. The present decrease in the oil price on the economy is not due to the fall in demand but increase in supply of oil on the economy. The consumption of oil on the economy is directly related to the economic growth. The fall in the oil price has negative impact on the exporters of the world. The fall in the oil prices will result in the deficit budget of the government and this requires the increase in the taxes and cut in the government spending. The decrease in the oil prices will result in the situation of budget deficit on the economy and emergence of various social problems. The fall in the oil price leads to the situation of weak global demand of oil on the economy and it leads to the decrease in the investment and consumer spending and increase in the debt burden. The fall in the oil price has negatively affected the economy. The crash of oil price on the economy has an adverse affect on the global economy. The decrease in the oil prices were considered as favourable for the countries like US and Japan where the price of Gasoline was very low . On the contrary the decrease in the oil price has affected severely to the oil exporting countries like Russia and Venezuela since Venezuela may encounter unrest on the economy and increase in the debt obligation and the fall in the oil prices have adversely affected the oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia as they will face severe loss if the price of oil continued to remain low. And this fall in the oil price experienced by the economy in the year 2014 has resulted due to the fact that the price of oil has rouse significantly in the year 2000 and with the increase in the oil price many of the energy companies gained profit through the extraction of oil from the difficult oil drilling places .In U.S they adopted the technology of drilling

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysis of Human rights Act 1998 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of Human rights Act 1998 - Essay Example To abide the above said aims and to appease the people who are hankering for unity and unanimity, the Act incorporates some provisions which extends some rights to the people to enjoy these unity .These provisions give the so called conventional rights to the people from the all area includes offenders, suspects etc. But the question is how far these rights enjoyable to these offenders particularly for suspects whose status is neither in the culprit's nor in the normal persons. The question is whether their rights are being protected aptly or not is a crucial question before the Law. As said above the suspects also enjoy the benefits of the different provisions which meant for the well being of the society. Article 2 of the Act provides everyone present in UK has the right of life and no one can de be deprived of their life, including those such as suspected terrorists or violent criminals. Moreover Article 3 gives the suspects a right to freedom from torturing, inhumane or degrading treatment. It further says that even in times of war or other public emergency, a person has the right not to be treated in these ways .It is a also applicable to the suspects. By sticking to the individual fre... As said above the suspects also enjoy the benefits of the different provisions which meant for the well being of the society. Article 2 of the Act provides everyone present in UK has the right of life and no one can de be deprived of their life, including those such as suspected terrorists or violent criminals. Moreover Article 3 gives the suspects a right to freedom from torturing, inhumane or degrading treatment. It further says that even in times of war or other public emergency, a person has the right not to be treated in these ways .It is a also applicable to the suspects. By sticking to the individual freedom of living own life ,the Act empowers the persons to live in personal privacy taking into the account of rights and freedom of the others and also limits on the extent to which a public authority can do thing which invade your privacy about your body without your permission. The point is well explained in Law Vs R (2) and it was held that the principal purpose of s 8 of the charter was to protect an accused's privacy interests against unreasonable intrusion by the state. In the instant case, the mere fact that the police recovered the stolen property was insufficient to support an inference that the owners voluntarily relinquished their expectation of privacy in the item and the Court confirmed that the officer's conduct constituted an unreasonable search. It followed that there was a violation of s 8 of the charter. Moreover referring the principle 21 of the Body of the principles on detention, which envisages the well being of the suspects who is in detention by prohibiting undue advantage

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The women used their voice as power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The women used their voice as power - Essay Example The paper pursues to comprehend the power of the female voice and sexuality as demonstrated by Miranda in â€Å"The Tempest† and Cunegonde in â€Å"Candide.† Miranda and Cunegonde have demonstrated that women should not remain quiet and submissive within the background. The two personalities mirror the mentalities of the men who court them, and to a level, create them. Miranda’s marriage to Ferdinand aids Prospero to regain his dukedom in The Tempest. Throughout both works, Cunegonde and Miranda come out as markedly florid and romanticized terms that imply the women are not what the protagonists identify them to be (Nelson 2). Voice is power filled with truth and love and can be regarded as an embodiment of the women’s strong spirit within the society. In the play, â€Å"The Tempest,† Miranda is the daughter of Prospero who falls in love with the Prince of Naples, Ferdinand. Miranda comes out as gentle and compassionate, but also passive and a heroi ne. Initially, Miranda displays meek and emotional nature; however, in the play final scene, Miranda she surprisingly comes out as forthright and powerful to the extent of complicating the reader’s constructions of her as naive. In The Tempest, a father isolates his daughter with the aim of protecting her from the terrible realities the world. Miranda enjoys all the privileges of her father’s reign over the island. ... Miranda’s relationship with a shipwrecked prince contributes to the reconciliation of the exiled Duke with the Milanese court. The romantic aspect of the play highlighted by the inclusion of most of the dialogue between Miranda and Ferdinand within the play-text, especially in Act 3. Miranda delivers a powerful speech to Ferdinand in Act III, Scene I in which she declares her undying love for him. Miranda uses this speech to propose marriage, but also practically insist on it. The demonstrates the power of her voice  in which Miranda appears to break out of her predictable self as she has established under the influence of her father’s magic. The first instance features in Act I, scene 2, in which Miranda appears to arrive to a point at which she can no longer contain what she thinks. This does not arise from the fact that her desires are getting better, but rather Miranda realizes the requisite of expressing her desires. As a result, the naive girl who could hardly h old still long enough to listen to her father’s a long story in Act I, Scene 2 is replaced by an assertive, more mature woman at this moment. In the powerful speech Miranda proclaims her sexual independence by employing a metaphor that implies both a pregnancy and an erection, which appears to transform her all at once from a girl into a woman. Miranda in â€Å"The Tempest† uses her voice to carry the plot forward, whereby she pledges to be with Ferdinand regardless of the cost to herself (Shakespeare, Jonathan, and Eric 7). The power of Miranda’s voice features in Act II, Scene I, in which Miranda makes a marriage proposal to Ferdinand can be regarded Miranda’s second surprising moment. Miranda’s proposal follows her resolve to remember her

Analysis of Human rights Act 1998 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of Human rights Act 1998 - Essay Example To abide the above said aims and to appease the people who are hankering for unity and unanimity, the Act incorporates some provisions which extends some rights to the people to enjoy these unity .These provisions give the so called conventional rights to the people from the all area includes offenders, suspects etc. But the question is how far these rights enjoyable to these offenders particularly for suspects whose status is neither in the culprit's nor in the normal persons. The question is whether their rights are being protected aptly or not is a crucial question before the Law. As said above the suspects also enjoy the benefits of the different provisions which meant for the well being of the society. Article 2 of the Act provides everyone present in UK has the right of life and no one can de be deprived of their life, including those such as suspected terrorists or violent criminals. Moreover Article 3 gives the suspects a right to freedom from torturing, inhumane or degrading treatment. It further says that even in times of war or other public emergency, a person has the right not to be treated in these ways .It is a also applicable to the suspects. By sticking to the individual fre... As said above the suspects also enjoy the benefits of the different provisions which meant for the well being of the society. Article 2 of the Act provides everyone present in UK has the right of life and no one can de be deprived of their life, including those such as suspected terrorists or violent criminals. Moreover Article 3 gives the suspects a right to freedom from torturing, inhumane or degrading treatment. It further says that even in times of war or other public emergency, a person has the right not to be treated in these ways .It is a also applicable to the suspects. By sticking to the individual freedom of living own life ,the Act empowers the persons to live in personal privacy taking into the account of rights and freedom of the others and also limits on the extent to which a public authority can do thing which invade your privacy about your body without your permission. The point is well explained in Law Vs R (2) and it was held that the principal purpose of s 8 of the charter was to protect an accused's privacy interests against unreasonable intrusion by the state. In the instant case, the mere fact that the police recovered the stolen property was insufficient to support an inference that the owners voluntarily relinquished their expectation of privacy in the item and the Court confirmed that the officer's conduct constituted an unreasonable search. It followed that there was a violation of s 8 of the charter. Moreover referring the principle 21 of the Body of the principles on detention, which envisages the well being of the suspects who is in detention by prohibiting undue advantage

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Challenging the Status Quo of Technology in Business Outline Essay Example for Free

Challenging the Status Quo of Technology in Business Outline Essay I. Introduction A. Getting in trouble as a teenager, led this innovative mind to reshape technological advances to better suit Business needs as society sees it today. B. Any Idea can be great; implementation of that idea takes careful planning and a smooth technological framework to seamlessly pull it off. C. Choosing to eschew the established ways most seek out their lives, Bill Gates chose to cultivate his interests, even by getting in trouble with a corporation at a young age while capitalizing on an error in a system, and pivot these ideas into a multi-billion dollar enterprise. See more: outline format for essay D. An active dedicated mind that sees inadequacies around them is the best way to fuel innovative changes to streamline a business need. Having the keen ability to identify holes in logic and process is an opportunity to identify the need for change from an improvement standpoint. E. A successful individual with a thirst for understanding of technology, and a desire to improve the ways that business can be protected, while being innovative in managing daily and long reaching business goals, has demonstrated ways to streamline efficiencies all while improving revenues, and decreasing overhead. This successful, driven and adaptable individual defined ways for businesses to thrive, all while ultimately making it less complicated for users of a product to perform certain work tasks, while staying better organized and documented. II. My program Technical Project Management A. I selected Technical Project Management, as it is Essential for Business, and is an in demand field. B. In two and a half years, I will have successfully obtained my Bachelor’s Degree, allowing me to fulfill my desire to participate in changing business climates, and help manage all aspects of project implementation with a strong understanding of all the skills required to manage projects from a technical standpoint. C. To be successful in the Technical Project Management field I will need to be able to effectively identify all aspects of a project from a management perspective, these skills are defined by Schiff (2013, January 15) as Highly Organized, and good multi-tasker, Have the ability to take charge and know how to lead, Be an effective communicator, Know How and When to Negotiate, Be Detail Oriented, Recognize and Solve Problems Quickly, Possess the necessary technical skills (Schiff, J 2013)* III. An effective leader demonstrates efficiencies of leadership by possessing core values of Honesty, Focus, Passion, and overall respect. A. An effective leader is defined by how they utilize a combination of nature and nurture is the obvious core element in the development of personality (Williams, 2005) * B. Positive leadership traits can be summarized with the following attributes: Williams (2005, June) defines positive leadership traits as: Personal consistency, Discipline and Integrity. Intolerance of mediocrity. A concern to build mutual trust. Focused passion for the business. Recognition of the critical importance of emotional intelligence in leadership. (Williams, 2005).* IV. William Henry Gates III ‘Bill Gates’ A. Wikipedia provides the following to describe Bill Gates:† William Henry Bill Gates III (born October 28, 1955) [2] is an American business magnate, investor, programmer, [3] inventor [4] and philanthropist. (Wikipedia 2013) * 1. Relevant formative details: in 1975 Gates, a sophomore attending Harvard University, had read a copy of Popular Electronics that demonstrated the Altair 8800. Gates contacted Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) the creators of the new microcomputer and informed them that he and others were working on developing software from a program BASIC which was designed for large computers, after creating the program and meeting with MITS executives resulted in a deal and this new adapted software would be included in the first microcomputers. It would be at this point that Gates would not return to Harvard to finish his degree, instead he partnered with Paul Allen and named their partnership Micro-Soft. The team would later drop the hyphen, and then three years later moved back home to Washington and established corporation paperwork in Bellevue, where Microsoft and Bill Gates would become the leader, and powerhouse of software development. Wikipedia 2013* 2. As Co- Founder, and Chairman of Microsoft, Currently Bill Gates is regarded as the single most successful business person in the PC industry for all his contributions to consumer ready personal computer products. Wikipedia documents that Time Magazine named Gates one of the 100 people who most influenced the 20th Century, as well as one of the 100 most influential people of 2004, 2005 and 2006 (Wikipedia 2013)* B. Your reasons for selecting this person 1. Bill Gates is a pioneer of technological office products which forever changes how businesses are able streamline efficient technologies. Bills quest for knowledge of how things worked, and how they could be improved started in his formative years while attending the Lakeside School in  Seattle Washington, where he took an interest in programming the new computer system the school had recently purchased. As a result of his expressed interest in this computer system he was excused from Math classes to peruse his interest. (Wikipedia 2013) * 2. I intend to utilize mainstream software as part of successful implementation for projects that I manage in technical in project management. I have a profound level of identifying things that do not work around me, and am constantly striving to question ways, and implement solutions that are going to streamline an efficiency. I Intend to utilize the products that Bill Gates has created for businesses, such as Microsoft Office Suite of Products, along with supplemental products such as Microsoft Project which are the most widely utilized programs in the currently among businesses. V. Your own leadership qualities and success traits: As a leader I am capable of showing those around me a better more efficient way to manage tasks, I intent to continue to broaden this knowledge and share with others. My success traits are that I am extremely personable, and easy to interact with. My overall personality is very outgoing and friendly making fast friends in any environment. I have strong values and morals, which are easily recognized upon meeting with me. These traits are essential when forming relationships in any structure, especially in business. A. My personal strengths that I am able to take and apply towards being a leader is having the Personality Type Assessment show me I am an ENFP The Inspirers personality. Per the assessment I am creative and industrious; I am easily able to find success in activities and projects that are of interest to myself, and I am great at motivating others as well as being organized, however I am not overly fond of routine. Additionally the MIS assessment showed me that I am stimulated in my multiple intelligences by Rhythmic, Visual, Interpersonal, Body/kinetic and Intrapersonal learning styles. (Sherfield, Moody 2011)* 1. These assessment showed me that I am a compassionate, outgoing emotionally connected, perceptive individual that works well in dynamics with others where external stimulations such as visual, rhythmic, Interpersonal, Body/kinetic, and Intrapersonal interactions suit me best. These align with my values of compassion, caring, honesty and Respect. By understanding how I work best, I am better able to be a leader by utilizing my strengths to help hone those skills. 2. I am able to be successful by focusing on my ability to be an outgoing and emotionally invested leader demonstrating that I am dynamic in how I can learn, lead and relate, therefore showing others dynamic ways of approaching related tasks, and embracing ideas. 3. I plan to employ my strengths by overall action. A person that is able to show and demonstrate excellent qualities will gain respect, and therefore earn the trust of those they are trying to lead. B. The areas of weakness that I possess are related to how I handle conflict. Per the conflict management assessment I realize that I have a very strong ability to try and resolve conflict, I do however have room for improvement. I need to work better at becoming adept at handling conflict so that I may do well with mediation, negotiation and anger management. That will in turn make me more approachable so that people may turn to me in times of need for advice about conflicts and possible resolutions. (Sherfield, Moody 2011) * 1. The positive changes you need to make in order to resolve weaknesses: I need to focus on managing spikes in my anger towards people that manage to irritate me when I am trying to help them learn something. I will undoubtedly gain a higher level of respect by treating others with respect instead of allowing myself to become agitated at the pace or aptitude of others. 2. Your plan for resolving these weaknesses: to focus on moments when I  feel myself become angered, and attempt to stop from speaking, or acting any further without first looking at the situation from a broader aspect, and seeing the potential areas for improvement. VI. Conclusion A. It is often the ones that get in trouble and challenge the status quo, that make the best innovators and leaders that shape our business to an ever growing and improving dynamic. Being a leader in this field takes courage, and a quest for the ever present Why. Those that challenge and ask why are often the ones that present new ideas to change our course as society. Strength and courage to continue challenging the status quo, and teaching others new ways is what defines a leader. B. I feel that Bill Gates is an unequivocal pioneer in the field of business technology. He challenged so much about what was out there, and had the courage in his vision to make great changes. Bill Gates created systems and programs that would further streamline how businesses are able to conduct their day to day activities by creating and packaging licensed products that are essential tools for any successful business. I look forward to learning more about these programs, and to employ them when I am working in my field of study. C. I plan to enroll in additional courses outside of the DeVry Degree Program that will provide me with additional training on Microsoft Suite of Applications specifically Microsoft SQL a server application that businesses utilize to extract data when executing systems testing requirements. References Schiff, J (2013 January 15). 7 Must-have Project Management Skills for IT Pros (1) Sherfield, M. Moody P. (2001) Cornerstone: Creating success through positive change, Sixth Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson. Williams, M. (2005, June). Leadership for leaders. London, GBR. Thorogood Publishing Wikipedia. Bill Gates Retrieved October 1, 2013 at:

Monday, October 14, 2019

Conflict Management in the Construction Industry

Conflict Management in the Construction Industry The nature of the construction industry in Hong Kong is such that there is an existing conflict between the major construction project participants, owners, design professionals and contractors. The construction industry is well-known for high levels of conflicts and disputes. Construction is construction, and no matter how complicated the technology. It is also a project-based industry with each project being unique. Within a project life cycle, a large number of separate firm are involved. Failures by one party can affect those engaged in a project and, as work often takes substantial periods during which national economic circumstances can change, it is unavoidable that dispute will arise. From the above-mentioned scenario, it should not be surprised that the techniques of conflict management and dispute resolution in construction industry are more developed, compared to the industry, one might be inclined to ask the questions as to whether there is any hope for the industry in attempting to reduce the serious and extent of conflicts and disputes? According to Fenn et al(1997), conflict can be managed, possibly to point of preventing it from leading to dispute whereas, dispute require resolution and , therefore, are associated with distinct justifiable issue. The purpose of this paper will firstly describe the definition of conflict management and dispute resolution. And also identify the causes of the conflicts and disputes in Hong Kong construction industry. Finally, this study will also identify the way of formal conflict management and the dispute resolution methods to be used. 2. Conflict Management in Construction Industry: 2.1 The definition of conflict management: Conflict may be defined as a contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values or goal. Conflict on team is unavoidable; however, the results of conflict are not predetermined. Conflict might increase and lead to non-productive results or conflict can be beneficially resolved and lead to quality final products. Therefore, learning to manage conflict is essential to a high-performance team. Though very few people go looking for conflict, more often than not. Conflict results because of lacking communication between people with regard to their needs, ideas, beliefs, goals, or values. Conflict management is the principle that all conflicts cannot consequentially be resolved, but learning how to manage conflicts can decrease the odds of non-productive escalation. According to Algert, N.E., and Watson, K. (2002), Conflict management involves obtaining skills related to conflict resolution, self-awareness about conflict modes, conflict communication skills, and establishing a structure for management of conflict in your environment. 2.2 The causes of conflict in construction: Construction is significantly different from manufacturing, in which the same goods are produced a thousand times. Also, construction does not allow for the change of variable while holding the rest fixed in order to study its effects. The nature of the construction referred to earlier so conflicts among owners, design professionals and contractors are general. To suggest that these parties are prone to confrontational interaction and conflict would be a major statement in the construction industry. Owners are even arguing with their design professionals over design service explain of errors and neglect in design services rendered, aesthetic considerations and budget overruns. (p.4-white) Accordingly, Howell (1998, cited by Vorster 1993) proposed a nomenclature of elements that summarize four causes behind conflict in the construction environment: Incomplete scope definition: The design professionals responsibility to define and design the project scope so as to meet the owners functional, budgetary, time and environmental project criteria. When the design professional fails to meet their responsibility, the owner is almost always dissatisfied with the result, with the effect that strict correspondence soon ensues between the parties. Also, when the scope of the work is unclear, this presents an unhappy relation for future between the owner and the contractor, arguing about the scope and quality of the work, and whether in fact the work is properly defined by the contract documents prepared by the design professional. Inappropriate contract type: Contracts are endemic as causes of conflict within the construction industry; almost every stage of the construction process is regulated by an agreement of some sort. Some of the areas of contract dispute are breach of contract in contract clause interpretation, inspection of work clauses, indemnity clauses, payment of supplies, and liability to third parties, just to name a few possible areas of contract dispute. Poor communication: Infrastructures are unique products with more complex production process than other and most of building products are a combined effort of several peoples or organization. So many professionals have contribution to do a building in various capacities. Among construction team members, each may have different aim in relation to their profession, but their main aim should be to complete the project within a given plan. Conflict between team members may arise when their objectives are inconsistent. Also, their interpretations of contract documents, terms, and conditions can diverge, leading to discrepancies and conflict. In short, all causes of conflict within an area are interrelated. Uncertainty: For external: a) Environmental concerns; b) Social impacts; c) Economics; d) Political risks; e) Weather; f) Regulation; g) Unforeseen site condition. For internal: a) Error in design; b) Construction methods and workmanship In figure 10.3 which is one example of what the owner should consider when identifying potential conflicts. We can identify which of them may be realized at the interfaces among the multiple participants in an agency construction management delivery system. Certain conflicts in the relationship among the owner, designer, CM and trade contractor can be eliminated in various situations if a different delivery system is selected. (P.205-White) 2.3 Methods of conflict management used in construction industry in HK: In the construction industry, ask anyone if they completed a construction project without any conflict. The answer 100% of the time will be NO. The successful project managers must be implement strategies to avoid or monitor conflict in their construction project. The following common steps are used by the project managers when developing a successful conflict management: Conflict identification; Conflict analysis; Design and implementation of a conflict management; Monitoring and review of the conflict management. (P.202-White) Prevention is the best method in the management of the conflict in construction industry. The methods include: Dispute review boards or advisors; Negotiation; Quality (Total quality management and quality assurance); Procurement systems which are all non-blinding process. Baden-Hellard (1988) emphasized that construction industry has a built-in potential for conflict arising from the differences always present in values, principles and interest. Thus, when differences arises from unforeseen events, no matter how well the clients, design team and contractors have managed the project, better methods of resolving the differences are needed. Dispute review boards or advisors: It is virtually impossible to complete a large construction project without having any disputes develop between the parties. The DRB is a panel of two neutral individuals who are selected by the parties to the construction contract, usually the project owner and the general contractor. The project owner will stipulate in the specifications for bidding the project. DBR provide the processes and mechanisms to not only help to settle disputes but also can provide a method to prevent the potential conflict from ever happening. The potential conflict to the DRB means that plausible argument at each construction stages and the quality of the presentation of claims. The first meeting of the DRB usually takes place well before the commencement of the construction project and will continue to meet until the DRB members are well-known all of the aspects of the project. After the project begins, each DRB will usually meet on a regularly scheduled basic such as once each month or once each quarter, etc. Besides, site visit can ne made depending on the requirements of the project. Negotiation; Negotiation needs to be carrying out to resolve the conflict before it reached a more serious stage and change into dispute. The parties are required to come together and approach an agreeable settlement through communication. The following two example shown a simple negotiation between the main contractor(MC) and a subcontractor(SC) who is unable to meet the objective in the contract. Example A: SC: I will not be able to finish this process on time. MC: You must be finish theses according the time schedule. SC: I need three extra weeks to finish it. MC:You cannot have extra three weeks. SC: If I do not get three weeks, i can not complete this process on time. MC:No, you will complete as scheduled, if you really cannot finish it, we will collect damage and replace you. The example A is a position-based type of negotiation which will go around in circle until one of parties abandons its position. It is not clear why the parties are even arguing. Example B: SUB: I will not be able to finish this process on time. MC: What are the reasons and why can you not finish as scheduled? SUB: My supplier will not able to deliver the materials until next week so I need three extra weeks to finish it. MC: You should know the schedule is very tight for this project. Are there any other suppliers who can deliver on time? SUB: Yes, but the suppliers are more expensive than the damages given by finishing late. MC: Although you are responsible for reaching the target, I also understand your predicament. Actually, I know some other suppliers that might be able to solve these problems and I will contact them as soon as possible. The example B is an interest-based type of negotiation which can be reached a mutually agreeable solution even the source of the conflict is uncovered. According to these two examples, a successful negotiation should result in a solution acceptable to both parties that will not damage their relationship and implies collaboration, trust and common objectives. Quality (Total quality management (TQM) or assurance): According to Gardiner et al (1992), the most confliction stages are identified within the organization, closely followed by the issue of quality and control. One of the most confliction stages is the quality issue so a good and suitable quality management or control system should be issued. It can reduce the frequency of conflict. TQM is an extensive management system which: Focuses on meeting owners needs by providing quality services at a cost that provides value to the owners; Is compel by the quest for continuous improvement in all operations; Understand everyone in the organization; Observe an organization as an internal system with a common objective rather than as individual parties acting to maximize their own performances; Emphasize teamwork and a high level of workers. Procurement systems: The procurement system is one of most effective methods in prevention of conflict so it should be located in the earlier stage of the project life cycle. According to Bennett et al (1990), the procurement system built up the roles and relationships, which constitute the organization. It establishes the overall management structure and systems, which helps to form the overall values and styles of the project. The Procurement System for Construction provides support for: Selection of appropriate procurement and contracting strategies, and nomination of an appropriate Principal in the contracts; Preparation of tender documents and contracts based on standard forms; Selection of contractors and consultants with proven performance records; Effective management of contracts, including clause commentaries, sample letters and checklists; Maintenance of an effective performance management system through monitoring and reporting; and Resolution of contractual claims and disputes. (NSW Government (2000), Procurement system for construction. Available from: NSW Government, NSW Government Procurement Web site: [Accessed: March 13, 2011].) 3. Dispute Resolution in Construction Industry: 3.1 The definition of Dispute Resolution: Dispute resolution is about identifying the root causes of conflict and preventing and managing conflict with the purpose of resolving disputes or conflict during the construction process in order to avoid post-construction claims, litigation, and related costs. According to Whitfield(1994), resolve disputation can use either informal resolution methods such as negotiation and alternative dispute resolution(ADR) or formal resolution methods such as litigation and arbitration. 3.2 The causes of dispute in construction: Disputes are often the outcome of ill considered procurement practices, inadequate preparatory planning and design activity, or poor project and commercial management procedures. If the conflict happened in construction site, all parties are agreed to each other. There is no further conflict because objectives of both party become same. But if one or both party becomes intransigent, then the conflict may turn to a dispute. In other word, disputes are come up when parties are unable to manage their conflicts properly. Dispute can be defined as a disagreement between parties in connection with their objectives. Construction failure may create dispute between the parties in construction sites. According to Feld and carper; Kaminetzky (1997), failure during the construction phase may include: Overloading. Improper temporary supports. Inadequate planning and execution of construction process. Lack of inspection. Insufficient safety factors. Inadequate training of construction workers. Feld, J. and Carper, K. (1997). ConstructionFailure. John Wiley Sons, New York.   Cause of client: 1) Failure to respond in timely manner. 2) Inadequate tracing mechanisms for RFI (Request for information). 3) Reluctant to check for constructability, clarity and completeness. 4) Discrepancies / ambiguities in contract documents. 5) Poor communications between and among the parties involved in theproject. 6) Failure to appoint an overall project manager. 7) Lowest price mentality in engagement of contractors and designers. The absence of team spirit among the participants. 8) Deficient management, supervision and coordination efforts on the  part of the project. Cause of designer: Failure to understand its responsibilities under design team contract. Over-design and underestimate the costs involve. Inadequate in open and factual communication. Late information issued and cumbersome approaches to RFIs Design and specification oversights and errors or omissions resulting  from uncoordinated civil, structural, architectural, mechanical and  electrical designs. Incompleteness of drawing and specifications. Cause of contractor: Inadequate contractor management, supervision and coordination. Lack of understanding and agreement in contract procurement. Failure to understand and correctly bid or price the works. Reluctance to seek clarification. Failure to plan and execute the changes of works. Inadequate CPM Scheduling and update requirements. Delay/ suspension of works. Fenn et al (1997) provides a synopsis of the findings of nine frequently cited  studies of the sources of disputes: 3.3 Methods of dispute resolution used in construction industry in HK: According to Carmichael (2002), the step approach to dispute resolution as below. An attempt is made to resolve the dispute at the level at which it occurs, in a reasonable time; If this fails, involve parties at a higher level with decision making authority, and the potential to settle in the interests of a commercial solution; If this fails, proceed to an ADR approach using and independent third party; If this fails, arbitration or litigation will be used. 3.3.1 Informal resolution methods: a) Negotiation: Negotiation is a common dispute resolution method, which we all are using in every day. There is no neutral third party for the negotiation, only the disputants. It is also defined as a means to reach mutual agreement through communication, according to Down, L.J. (2009), (p.140-white) Negotiation is considered by most appropriate way to resolve any dispute in construction industry. It was because negotiation is not expensive and can be maintained relationship with the related parties. However, there are also negative sides of negotiation. For example, if the related parties negotiated a long and protected period of discussion, the negotiation will be fail because they are not blinding. Besides, it is an informal resolution method, it can allow any surprise issue or irrelevant points rising. b) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) ADR is a collective term used to describe methods of resolving disputes which are alternatives to litigation and arbitration and which usually offer a less expensive solution. For example: Mediation: This has appeared as an increasingly used form of dispute resolution, involving a neutral third party working to facilitate effective negotiations to enable a mutually acceptable settlement. In mediation, the parties explore options, measuring the strengths and weaknesses of their respective cases. Mediation can save a great deal of time and cost in resolving a dispute and can also help the parties to re-establish trust and prevent damage to ongoing relationships. Adjudication: This is a quick and relatively inexpensive way of resolving a dispute.The adjudicators decision is normally upheld by the courts and so it is important to ensure that all the relevant facts are put in front of the adjudicator. Adjudication does not necessarily achieve final settlement of a dispute because either of the parties has the right to have the same dispute heard afresh in court. However, experience shows that the majority of adjudication decisions are accepted by the parties as the final result. (Powell, J. David. 2005. Boundary Dispute Resolution in England Wales Surveyors and Lawyers Working Together to Resolve Problems. Proceedings of Cairo: Egypt.) Because of the following potential advantages, it is worth considering using ADR early in a lawsuit or even before you files a lawsuit. Advantages of ADR: Better communication; Continued business relationship; More options for settlement; Reduced costs in achieving settlement; Confidentially Control of outcome and the process. 3.3.2 Formal resolution methods: a) Litigation On occasions, alternative dispute resolution procedures are not successful in resolving disputes, resulting with the parties resorting to formal litigation through the courts. According to Whitfield(1994), the process of litigation is from the issue of a writ to a hearing and then on to a judgment. One of the failures of the legal process has been the speed with which solicitors have been prepared to issue writ. After writ has been issue, the plaintiff cannot simply withdraw his writ and forget the matter. If he did so, the counterclaim would be found against him along with the cost. The related construction companies need to provide litigation support services for both formal litigation and alternative dispute resolution as follows: Programme delay analysis; Forensic research; Preparation of statements of claim and statements of defence; Paralegal support. b) Arbitration According to Ashworth (2005), Arbitration is a legal technique for the resolution of dispute outside the courts. The parties refer the dispute to a neutral, knowledgeable person (arbitrator or arbitral tribunal) who then gives the final decision (award) to which both the parties agree. Arbitration, in lieu of court proceedings, as the last resort to resolving disputes in construction contracts has been commonly used in Hong Kong as well as internationally. Although intended to be a less formal and more flexible alternative to litigation, arbitration can be as thorough and time-consuming as litigation, especially for construction disputes. The related companies should be employ the expertise in representing them in arbitration proceedings and handling the whole arbitration process from the appointment of arbitrators, drafting of pleadings, dealing with interlocutory proceedings through to the hearing stage and beyond. Where necessary, lawyers who experienced in construction disputes to provide the most comprehensive services to the company in arbitration. 4. Conclusion: Each construction projects are unique and complex undertakings. A unique set of drawings and specifications are used to describe each construction stages. The drawings and related documents generally performed by a general contractor and several subcontractors, many of whom have not work together previously. The unique aspects of each project and the unique constitution of each construction team are common reasons for disagreements to occur. Disputes can be generated in any environment; indeed, conflict can occur whenever two individuals try to work together. These disputes often concern topics such as changes, differing site conditions, delays, and payments. Many researchers had attempted to determine the causes of conflict and disputes within the construction industry. Besides, H. Murray Hohns (1979) leads to the conclusion that the specific causes of the conflict and dispute can be largely traced to the following five sources: Errors, defects or omissions in contract documents; Underestimation of the cost by the client, the contractor, or both; Changes in conditions, (e.g. unforeseen ground conditions); Claims from end-users (legal rights of owners and tenants); People involved in the construction process. When confliction is arise in the construction industry, the importance of proper conflict recovery method and compliance with formal procedures cannot be over-stressed. If disputes proceedings become unavoidable, it should be some comfort to know that proper alternative dispute resolution will be a favorable condition rather than a drawback.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hamlet Criticism :: Literary Analysis, Shakespeare, Classics

In “Hamlet';; Literary Remains, Samuel Taylor Coleridge describes Hamlet as an intricate planner who’s thought process is slow and methodical. He describes Hamlet as someone having “Supercilious activities…of the mind, which, unseated from its healthy relation, is constantly occupied with the world within, and abstracted from the world without…throwing a mist over all common-place actualities.'; Cooleridge is explaining the fact that Hamlet seems to always be in his own fantasy world when it comes to thinking about things that are going on in his life. Hamlet appears to be very caught up in his own thoughts that he doesn’t have the time or ability to carry out his plans efficiently and effectively. Cooleridge contrasts Shakespeare’s use of a tragedy in Hamlet to the play MacBeth. Cooleridge shows that Hamlet proceeds in his schemes with the utmost slowness, while MacBeth has a pace that is crowded and moves with breathless rapididty. These tw o plays with themes of Greed and Revenge are both rooted in the same systems of belief but are carried out in totally different directions. Cooleridge goes on to say that perfection is usually only found in one’s mind and is rare if impossible to find in reality. This is again shown through the fact that Hamlet’s planning seems to take a backseat to luck and fate as the others end up dying from the poison, which they had planned to use against Hamlet. Cooleridge also stresses the inconsistency of Hamlet and his plans for revenge throughout the play. One minute the audience believes that he cares greatly for Ophelia, and the next minute we see him showing a sort of disrespect for her at her funeral.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

john dryden :: essays research papers

John Dryden was born on August 9, 1631 in the Vicarage of Aldwinkle All Saints in Northamptonshire, England (DISCovering Authors 1). He was a cute, young boy who was described as â€Å"short, stout, and red-faced† (Britannica 8). His father was a countryman, and both his parents were very fond of Parliament siding with the Parliament Party against the King (Britannica 1). He was eleven years old when the war broke out between the royalist forces and the revolutionary forces, and that is when his life began to change. It was the start of a period of time when England became a republic ruled by Parliament. His parents were well known around the town, and had a lot of connections with wealthy people. Because of those connections, they were able to find a scholarship so that he could attend Westminster School at a very young age (DISCovering Authors 1). His Professor, Richard Busby, provided him with an education (DISCovering Authors 1). It was here that he published his first poem, Upon the Death of the Lord Hastings (DISCovering Authors 1). This poem had special meaning for him because it was about one of his good friends who died of small pox. At the age of 19, he was elected to attend Trinity College in Cambridge. Dryden graduated in 1654 while earning a Bachelor of Arts degree (Britannica 1). A few months after his graduation, he received some very bad news- his father had died suddenly. He then became in charge of his family and the small estate where he grew up (DISCovering Authors 1). In 1658, his career was revived and he began to write once again. His first work was an elegy called Heroique Stanzas, which was about the death of Cromwell, and detailed how he was such a brave English statesman (DISCovering Authors 1). He began writing poetry in 1660 in the form of Neoclassical (Wasserman 40). That same year, he was granted a couple of patents from Charles II for a theatre. However, the plays were not too successful. Two years later, the theater was closed by the Puritans (Britannica 1). Dryden published Astraea Reddux in 1660 which was the most successful and prominent of all his poems. Along with others, they wrote a poem to welcome Charles II as he was being restored to the throne. It contained more than three hundred lines in rhymed couplet (Britannica 1).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Child Labour Essay

INTRODUCTION GOD has given human beings the boon of wisdom and discreation to think upon the signs of the universe and to draw conclusions. That is the reasons why they disclose the hidden facts of it and its structure.Children are the flowers of heaven they are the most beautiful and purest creation.They are the beauty of this world.They are innocent.but there are such kind of students who cannot go to schooldue to financial problems.They only watch others go to school and can merely wish to seek is due to many difficulties,desperate conditions that they face in life DEFINATION Child labour can also be defined as the full time employment of children who are under a minimum legal age. Where does most child labour occur? OF an estimated 215 child labourers around the globe: approximately 115 million(53%) are in Asia and the pacific;14 million(7%) line in latin America; and 65 million (30%) live in Africa. Works on it. Many organizations like UNICEIF, ILO, whoes main object is to prevent child labour .These are the international organization which prevent child labour globaly. INTERVIEW I visited The Eatspot, a roadside restaurant , this weekend. No, this story is not a restaurant review about the dry biryani or hot lassi. It is not about the silly waiters dressed like nervous fresh MBA grads from a college, with white shirts and uncomfortable ties. It is about Nizamuddin. The little boy who poured water into my glass and cleared out my table. He was too small, skinny. His hairs were dry and rough and certainly would not have been oiled for months now.He was hardly four and a half feet tall, not a trace of facial hair. He couldn’t have been a day older than 12 .His shirt on his body was there for namesake and his trouser did not fit him. One of his hands used to hold it on his waist and he had the innovative technique of fastening it with a rope of brittle plastic threads. He was standing expressionless just like an old stuffed toy.He walked around nervously with a heavy jug of water. His eyes darted across the room like a scared rabbit, scanning the place for empty tumblers that needed a refill. . He caught me staring at him and looked back, wondering whether to smile, or look away. And then, with those wide innocent eyes filled with confusion, he gave me a slow, hesitant smile then he came to me started pouring water into jug. There was this c hild here pouring water and removing used plates from tables when he should have been kicking around a football on that hot Saturday afternoon. He was trying to satisfy strangers in that dark restaurant when should have been out with his friends, laughing and teasing his school teachers. The Eatspot was one of those dirty roadside eateries that gave a damn about the laws of the land, The dormant social activist in me got all fired up, and I summoned the boy and asked him What’s your age? (Twelve) he said. Then i said that you can’t work here.Because its against law listening to what I said that he cannot work any longer, tears started flowing from the young chap’s eyes. The little chap was looking at me still. (you do understand urdu, are not you?) I asked him do you have any problem. I don’t have any but the Government has Sir, it’s difficult at home. Dad committed  suicide, mom washes clothes for others, two sisters at home, I am studying by doing work at here, I get some money that is too critical for us†¦) I had no answers. Now, it was my turn to stand there blankly I understand your problem brother No!†¦) he interrupted  you wont understand my problem. I want to study, for that I am ready to work. But you force me to become a beggar. You are forcing me to beg. If your kids sing or dance in TV, they get money, fame and are appreciated in papers.. But if I wanted to work.nobody helps me How can you explain me this?) I never expected a kid t o talk like this but I realized that his experiences in life made him speak so. the restaurent owner called him so he walked away holding his trousers with both hands. All I could do is to stare at him silently, helplessly. I said to myself, â€Å"i should find out the definition for child labor. Reasons Lack of earning during learning. Unemployment. Excess population. Lack of laws against child oppression. Orphans. Drop outs of schools. Illiteracy and uneducated people. Large family size and unemployment people. Urbanization. Poverty. SUGGESTIONS Primary education. Get rid poverty. Our overseas aid. Ban the worst forms. Give the jobs of child workers to their adult relations could be build homes for those children that are living in the streets. Government should make laws to prevent child labour and find solutions. OUR POINT OF VIEW The present goverment has made elementry education compulsory along with this ,the goverment has distributed free books in primary schools so that parents,who cannot afford thier children ‘s school expenses,send their children to schools.The major point is that this decion must be acted upon at all levels.There is strict need to stop child labour in this country.Awareness must be raised and the attentionof parents ought to be diverted to the education of their children.Child labour laws should be put into practice strictly.The orphans and other deserving children must be helped financially on a prolonged basis. IF we suceed to act upon these principals,our country can easily get rid of this problem and that is child labour.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Narrative, Genre and representation of The Thomas Crown Affair

I have chosen to analyse â€Å"The Thomas Crown Affair† because the film has inspired me to indulge in life and make the most of the one life you get. For a film to inspire this it must be powerful and I want to analyse this film to really see how it can change people's lives and especially mine. As this was produced in the United States and being a popular film, I could tell this is Major. My Auntie works as an Administrator in the British Board of Film Classification, which means she sometimes gets free videos and gives some to me and that's how I found out about this film. Pierce Brosnan made it more enjoyable to watch because I've seen him act before and was impressed by his acting, but Rene Russo I had never even heard of until the film. The genre of the film is a hybrid between a comedy and crime because the absurd parts are humorous and the narrative is a detective crime. The iconography and the camera shots had a detective feel as well, for example, when it zoomed onto the bench and then panned up to where the painting was stolen. â€Å"Not quite as pleasurable, or guilt-inducing, as the first telling of the same story.† said Joe Rusly Which I think is absurd. In 1968 the film Thomas Crown Affair was made so this was the original one and then in 1999 it was remade and to me it's much better than the old one and even the rating has gone up by 7%. The narrative is basically a bored millionaire who decides to live his life on the edge and stages a multimillion dollar bank heist, but falls in love with an insurance investigator (from the victim bank) who suspects him of the crime. This narrative is obviously not a clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½; it's original with a twist to it. â€Å"Those expecting a caper flick will be bored to tears by the film's sluggish pace, and will be chilled by the icy chemistry between the stars.† according to a web site called, and I also agree myself. Nevertheless, there is a modest amount of suspense, for example, when Thomas Crown throws a painting into a bomb fire whilst the woman detective is watching and the detective and audience wonder whether that is the stolen painting. The narrative is elegant but mind twisting which is the reason I watched over and over again until I had got it, and believe me it's not sudden. The whole thing was believable but it did cross my mind that there were a lot of coincidences, for example, when the detective finds a secret painting stack the first time. The camera shots and mise-en-scene had an extensive amount of scenes and the camera shots were changing at a fast pace, in which case you could argue that it speeded up the enigma. This all made it hard to predict what was going to happen and prevents it from becoming predictable. The beginning and end were particularly entertaining with the music called Never Change and Sinnerman by Nina Simone. Combining this with the visual rhythm tic scenes is incredibly enjoyable and upbringing. The closure was closed because the woman detective went off with the so-called â€Å"Crown† in a private jet and disappeared into the horizon with the sun setting. The connotations of the horizon and sun set were that it was a contented forever-lasting relationship. The characters were believable every day people you would see if you were in New York. They were very realistic characters with authenticity. The woman was represented very stereotypically with the men complimenting her and she was always posing just so the men could talk about her behind her back. The protagonists were foreigners and they would speak in their own language and if not dreadful English. Everybody knows that all stars have make-up and special lighting to compose their look in a high-quality way. It has a big effect on the film because nobody wants to watch and old tatty film they want to see an effort has been made. The message of the film is to indulge in life and do whatever needs doing to get that thing, in this case it's the woman. If you've got the money spend, enjoy yourself, there is no point saving all that money when you only get one life, so make the most of it just like Thomas crown does. The targeted audience is middle-aged men and the odd 14-year-old boy wouldn't get hung over if he did watch it. People who believe they can get rich or even people who can be inspired would want to watch this film. The Narrative had met my expectations even if it did take three or four times to figure how his plan worked. It was surprisingly good and there was not one thing I didn't like, the music to the star appeal I got pleasure from.